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Thursday, January 08, 2004
And the days go by/ like a strand in the wind/In the web that is my own/I begin again...
So it looks like I have a job. At least once I receive the offer letter, which has been drafted according to Paul S.
I am mildly happy but mostly resigned.
I'm giving up a lot of freedom to begin this new thing.
I'm looking forward to it and have plans within plans.
I made the mistake of telling Alice B. and Rodney at the 11th floor office (where I was abusing my printer privileges, but what the hell) after I saw Paul's email telling me the offer letter was being drafted at that moment (apparently he fought to get me more money but the Pres. was not going for it, which is what I figured). I even emailed Jim as he was the catalyst in the whole thing. But me being me, until I actually have the thing in my hand and all the papers are signed, I still feel like it could go south. I've managed not to talk about the process to anyone but Dad since the beginning. So I really should have waited until everything was set in stone before announcing anything.
After all the Pres. is known for taking a LOOOOOONG time to hire new people (a decision he really shouldn't have had to make since I'll be reporting and dealing directly with Paul 99% of the time, but apparently there was a problem with my predecessor). But Paul says that once the Pres. decides on someone, they are in for good.
This whole process has been going on since July. Which is nothing, considering that Jim told me that when he was there, the Pres. took a YEAR to approve someone to be hired. Of course, this person had left the country by that time, but it gives an idea of what I've had to deal with.
I did research today and have tons to read (as usual). And none of it got done tonight as I was too busy watching that new Trump show "The Apprentice" and "ER" (as usual).
Got some movies: Lantana, Why has Bodhi-Darma left for the East, and Children of Paradise which I started last year and never finished.
Listening to:Belladonna-Stevie Nicks, The Beach Boys, Manu Chao, Edu Lobo

Got some good news from Paul S. but I'm still not ready to talk about it until I know for sure.
But, of course, I discussed it with my dad and brother. Couldn't track down LaLinda, but it doesn't matter as I'm not ready to go there with him either. More later I guess.
When the rain washes you clean/ You'll know
Another slow-ish day of contemplation and some planning, though not too much as I feel slightly on hold.
But this will be resolved.
Got the James Lavelle Global Underground today in the mail. Good stuff. First Global Underground I've encountered where the 2nd cd was better than the first.
But I think all my spendthriftiness is about to end anyway. I really need to go on a strict budget this year. I mean, it already is kind of strict. But I need to really start socking it away. Between one thing and another, I owe quite a bit (from my perspective anyway). And I really need to start back on investments again. After all, it was only due to some quick footwork a few years ago that made it possible for me to survive in 2002 when I had no prospects happening.
Sometimes I feel like I'm one of those 19th century creatures whose whole life was devoted to certain academic or artistic pursuits but their feet never touched the ground financially.
I do not wish to continue that way.
I mean, I've been doing that for too many years. Last year, it was research that kept my boat afloat. In the past, it's been the meagre sales of my designs.
My romance with aristocratic poverty is over.
I blame mom and dad. A little too much Southern disdain for money mixed with a weird pragmatism and a side order of entitlement.
Oh Well.
You can go your own way/You can call it another lonely day
Listening to: Rumours-Fleetwood Mac

Tuesday, January 06, 2004
cold, cold day in chicago.
thus, i did not leave the house and instead watched TONS of t.v. and had 2 big bowls of dad's delicious wintertime-only chili.
received two new cds (that i can't afford) in the mail: Thrills n Pills and Bellyaches by Happy Mondays. I managed to avoid this when it first came out in 1990 because the whole Madchester thing was fun but I was fixated on Stone Roses and Chameleons U.K. at the time. Plus the Happy Mondays seemed like the day after the rave and at the time, that was a little too dark for me. I also got So Much for The City by The Thrills. Which is the best California band out of Ireland ever. They wear their influences on their sleeve and I'm liking it--for the moment.
Lots of stuff for the rest of the week. Calls and talks and trying to get out of this rut. Mind you, a rut for me is usually anytime that I feel unproductive. I'm getting back in gear and attempting to get this stupid-ass Protestant work ethic thing off my Catholic back.
Onwards and Upwards.

Monday, January 05, 2004
Speaking of which...
Just put on "Lust for Life" cd. One forgets how good Iggy Pop is. I adore(d) the Stooges. Iggy Pop is the boyfriend I always wanted when I was 20.
And [sarcasm]lucky me[/sarcasm], I managed to come close a couple of times.
I think I'll follow this up with some live Lou Reed to complete my set known as
The Big Faggy Glitter Triumvirate.
Can you tell I have no job right now?
I see the bright and hollow sky/ over the city's ripped backside
Thank you Iggy.

what's up Tony?
Me, Bitches!
6 inches of snow yesterday= my fat ass shoveling today. I actually enjoyed it (No, really).
Just listening to Bowie. I forgot how really, really, REALLY good "Heroes " is. I worship at Brian Eno's and Bowie's feet just for that (and so many, many other songs). Hell, I bought the Eno box years ago, so I must be a fan, no?
Listening to: Greatest Hits-Heart, Beautiful Tomorrow-Blue Six, Andy Gibb-Andy Gibb, The Original Hits-Sylvester, SoundandVision-David Bowie, Original Pirate Material-The Streets, Natural History-TalkTalk

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