Internet Diary...
March, 2003 11:44:24 PM -0500

12/03/03 - 12:36PM
I do not know why... but I am so very very tired... I fell asleep during period 5 haha and Amandine keeps running out of the D/S room cuz her phone is ringing all the time ahah POPULAR! haha damn I am so overwhelmingly tired... shit I wanna sleep so long when I get home... HAHA yesterday I had got onto Matthew Booths MSN account and had basically abused his profile and changed all his information... DAMN! he didn't find out till quarter to nine at night haha and so basically all his friends saw it as well as a lot of my friends ahaha poor Boothy haha but hey that's what he gets setting the settings on msn to automatically log into your account! RETARD!! hahaha... Ooooh P.E. next... yay more volleyball woohoo... I wonder if I can manage to play when I am so tired... seriously I cannot move... I wanna sleep right now... :(

How I feel: Sleepy... I want to sleep...
How I did feel: Sleepy hahaha...
What am I doing: at the moment I am doing nothing... Felipe just asked me a question but that's it....
Chatting to: No one...
Music: Orgy - Stitches...
Thinking: I dont wanna do my homework when I get home... I wanna sleep for eternity...
Missing: MY BED!!!!

09/03/03 - 3:17am
HAHAH well... I have had an amazing time tonight... damn... firstly I met up with Alex Davy and the rest of the crew and go and waste time playing computer games for about 5 hours HAH I kick ass at Battlefield 1942... especially if I am in a tank MUAHAHA the Omaha beach map was fucking soo much fun! ahahah *big guns* THEN afterwards we had a conference outside seven eleven where Alex was trying to persuade me and Frank to go to the Chillax party in TST... after about 20 minutes of discussing and also shutting down David about fifty times... AHAHA we were all on our way to TST... when we got there... there were some fucking amazing bands playing... and hah one of the bands played smooth criminal... damn that was hardcore... after chillax we went to Lan Kwai Fong and after playing with a fire extinguisher *which Alex stole* and me rolling around on the MTR floor hahaha... we got into Lan Kwai and chilled out in dags until about 1:30... and then I went to the bus with Steph and Alex, and Alex was a speed demon who ran to the ferry pier which im still wondering if he made it in time... and when I got on the bus... Steph messaged me to say a woman bum had asked for 10 dollars and a KISS! ahahahahhahahahhahhahaha damn Steph... you sure do attract weird people MUAHAHA! and ahah when I got home my dad starting playing fart sounds on the computer... hahah he is so funny sometimes...

How I feel: Not so drunk... and tired...
What am I doing: Wishing I hadn't head banged so much at chillax... cuz my neck hurts...
Chatting to: No one...
Music: None...
Thinking: I have some kick ass friends... and WHY DIDN'T OUR BAND PLAY AT CHILLAX!!! STUPID ME!
Missing: The concert and being with everyone...

07/03/03 - 9:36pm
AHAHA... hey well wassup? *A message to Kevin* Cock your bishop back and unload your fury onto the world AHAHAHA yeah so Friday (today) was okay... it started off dodgy but ended up being a great time... of course as you can see I am at home on a Friday night! WOAH that's like a first in a long time oh well... heh I spose its good for me... I dont know how but I spose it is... well I dont know what to write so I am going to go and put up my pic's for this site...

How I feel: GOOD!
How I did feel: Okay...
What am I doing: Watching Scream 3
Chatting to: Nikki
Music: None...
Thinking: Am I an asshole to people or what?
Missing: Singing in the band... I wanna practice more...

06/03/03 - 9:36pm
Aiight so I feel a lot better than I did at lunch time... I watched the drama performances after school today... they were all very good and congratulations to all of you, tomorrow is my bands audition for being in the mardi gras hopefully Callum will be there to perform... I think he is coming right after athletics... so wish us luck with the auditions... anyway... not much else to say... take care... bye...

How I feel: Better
How I did feel: shite
What am I doing: Working on my site
Chatting to: Rachel and Maggie
Music: Rush - Freewill
Thinking: Why my website wont upload... :S
Missing: My friends... I hate being at home...

06/03/03 - 1:28pm
Hello all you pitiful people who try and understand me... so today is another day and I am terribly depressed and annoyed... mainly cuz people in school piss me off... hah I wasn't in such a bad mood earlier but events which have occurred has made my mood sour... so now I am listening to the band 12 Stones and I am sitting by myself in one of the sixth form classrooms... goddamn... and I have to stay after school for the fashion show thing in which I am the host? I think I am... haha I dont even know... that's how prepared I am... I cant really talk about the day so far, since the day has not finished yet... all that I can say is that I am extremely angry at the moment and I just want to be left alone... I seem to find comfort in being alone... hahaha no one can truly understand you except yourself... only I can comfort myself... and I suck at it... but at least I try LOL...
See you fuckers later...
... I need a cig...
05/03/03 - 8:00pm
Today I found out that my parents had a big fight over me, HAH well at least my dad knows how fucked up my step mum is... I cant tell you what happened exactly cuz its not for me to say, but my 'mother' is on the rampage again.... *sigh* since she knows that she is not highly liked, she is taking it out on my little sister... I feel so sorry for her, my sister deserves so much more than a screaming hell banshee for a mother... and I know how she feels cuz when my step mum was still my maid she did the same to me... I dont understand why my dad doesn't do anything about it... he seems to have almost no power in this household... Bloody hell... my step mum roams the house like she is the bloody queen of all of us... god she is so fake :P and the way she treats our amah, oh my god, she is so mean to her, every bloody day she shouts at her... for every stupid little thing... and she seems to have a new *catch* word... "Hello" whenever she puts her point across, she adds in a sarcastic HELLO!!!! oh my god, if I could, I would deck her if she says it one more time... she is so rude to her... and you would think that since she was once a maid herself she would be a lot more considerate to our amah... BUT NO! hah she is far from being considerate... she should remember where she came from and how she got here... and stop being fake... I really do not understand her... hahahah she is out to get me too... well she will never get me... she will get what's coming to her eventually... *Oh yeah* the new LP album isn't out till later on this month... for more information go to Linkin
04/03/03 - 9:02pm
I found out that the new Linkin Park CD MUST be out by now... I will remember to use my HMV voucher for that MUAHAHA so yeah, it was half day today and it was really good... I drew some satanic symbols on my arm HAH gOD I must have been bored... and then after school me and the rest of the  'crew' went to CWB to play at Challengers, we were only gonna stay for the 5 hour package but we ended up staying for 7 hours... hahahaha aw well, time well wasted I think... we were having so much fun playing battlefield 1952, me and D.Y. were kicking ass... I HAD THE HIGHEST FRAGS!!! AHAHAH  sommen like 30+ ahaha and Alex was second i think... I am a master in the tanks... Armor over flesh any day! Damn school tomorrow... it felt so good to be with my buddies after yesterday night... *sigh* needed to get out of the house... all's good then... well for the moment it is... well take care everyone and if you are reading this stuff you must be BORED! ahahah *ganging up on Kevin during Warcraft III is soo funny!!!!*
03/03/03 - 10:04pm
Okay so I am sitting in my room in the dark and had a huge fight with my 'mother' about the internet... GOD she is so stupid... Ah I hate her... and I totaled my cell fone as well... HAH how stupid am I? VERY!!! In a rage of anger I threw my fone and it bounced on some CD's and then went out the goddamn open window... the case is totaled... but it seems to be okay... gOD I hate my step mum :S I wrote a new poem tonight... it may be a bit aggressive but I was pretty angry... HAH she tried to knock on my door... what does she think I am going to do? talk to her? no fucking way! hah now my dad is going to probably kick my ass... FUCK! I hate my family sometimes... ARGH! Oh well I will survive... (They might not)...

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