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Shout outs: -

Yo wussup this is my shout out section where i say a wussup? to all you peeps out there who have been down with me from the start and understand me throughout all of the shit that's happened... (These are in no particular order... So dont shout at me aiight?...)

John: Damn man, you and me, we have been through a lot of shit and now that we are apart and not chilling together no more, it sure is pretty messed up... take care alright good luck with Uni...

Bodell: FUCK MAN! we are all apart... its weird you know cuz I never thought it would happen... good luck in university and I hope to see you at the 7's

Adam: hehehe your still in HK and I see you every now and then... howz the piercings? ahaha take care

Johan: DAMN your camera is cool, Connor has the same one... but you got yours first AHAH hey man take care of yourself...

<-- I miss you guys!... You crazy fuckers!!! take care of your selves!!!

Jessica: Hey Jessica how are you? damn i haven't seen you in so long... take care of your self up there in Canada... we be best buddies aiight? and when i live there we have to meet up and catch up with everything... heh I still have your rope girl picture you gave to me... love ya from Ricky Man (Fighting crime and always being prepared... for ANYTHING LOL)


Connor: hey dude, you are a cool beeyatch you know that? hehe party dude... haha the pictures i have of you in mad dogs are definitely a keeper... oh and dude... add some new fucking pictures to your website already.

Gopal: HAHAH Preppy bitch, you iz one cool dude aiight? you continue to buff yourself up, oh I think that Connor and I are going to lose the bet after all AHAHAHA damn, you get a pint from both of us... and if not Connor, then definitely me, cuz im too lazy ahaha!

Alex B: Dude you ass! why did you have to go! damn man I miss you... hahah you are one crazy bastard... the things we/you been through! ahah take care and hope to see you soon, why don't you go and capture a dingo! ahahaha!!!!

Joel: Hey man, I haven't been out with you in ages, you take care of yourself... Seymour AHAHAHA ah the good times... see you round Joel...your a good friend

Colin or is it Colleen?: AHAHAH dude you iz my bitch and i get to slap yo ass ahahah *Slap my bitch up* you is one funky brotha and remember you iz pinoy inside ahahaha remember that ;) come out more though you foker!

Phil: Wussup Goose man?... how you doin? keep it real and try and trim the fro... its getting to... fro... ey, AAHHA 7's right? aiight we'll do something with it then... i personally think it looked beta b4... but its your hair... LOL

Groot: Wussup punk boy!!! you is one hardcore dude... heheh heh the bands you let me listen to are fucking amazing what happened to bringing some cd's in for me to listen to eh? remember the old days dude AHAH *my birthday at lower Bagiuo* Soundcheck was amazing

Carmel: Hey hey hey... you is always going to be one of the coolest people to me, you became friends with me just like that on the upper school camp, and you will always be one person I will trust always... :D luv ya dahlin ;)

Amandine: Hey dawg... hahah you have to be the funniest most giggliest person I have ever met, apart from Naomi, you just laugh at everything heheh keep smiling Ammy, you are definitely a cool gurl ahah *6 pack?? BEER, NOT STOMACH!!!* AHAHAH luv ya

Clarke: Damn man, we are like in the same boat, and I do enjoy our deep conversations on msn and it sure can help BIG time, take care of yourself dude, and remember that I am always there for you aiight? peace... let the monkeys kick some ass yeah? AHAHA

Alex D: Dude you and me? we be party animals.. and we have some hardcore pictures of each other yeah? Hell yeah ahaha I still cant get over you staying out later than me Aiiii that is so wrong! :P well see you soon ahah most likely in Lan Kwai ahaha or in school Duh! We are the hardcore shit yo! Glad to be your friend and I hope that the knowledge that i have given you has made you feel like a better person and opened your eyes to a different world...

Kevin: Wah so how badly do you love warhammer again? enough to jizz to it? is that it? ahahah dude you are one crazy fucker and I am glad your my friend ahah we have so much fun together... HAHAH your such a goat!! LOL

Steph M: Heya dawg? word to yo mother ahahaha... so I know we haven't known each other long, but I must say that we be pretty tight eh? we be hardcore... AHAHA messing with your mind on the bus... CLASSIC!! LOL love ya... you are definitely someone who I am happy to have as a friend... take care...

Steph D: Hi, you be one person I can always confide into, and I am always there to listen to your problems, you know I care about you... and your the one who keeps going offline not me... LIAR... :P hahahaha by the way? what's with the nickname 'pancake' on msn? ahahaha Love you loads... See you soon hopefully, cuz I haven't seen much of you recently and i miss you ;)

Sarah: You better come back soon cuz im seriously missing you big time... *Woo Woo* that's for you ;) OH! do you remember our handshake? I hope so cuz our handshake is dope ahaha I cant wait for more Saturdays in mad dogs... ahaha Come back already I miss you... Love you loads!!!! (I still have your key ring)

Rachel: Hey rache, sup? take care of yourself, it was fun while it lasted... see you around aiight? hah*You can hear cows!*lol ;) *hugz*

Ash G (The EYES!): Dude man you iz alright in my books, you be one cool fucker ;) and keep up the website... but in order to really achieve your goal of making it really good, you do need at least a scanner or a digital camera! aiight? peace man :)

Sammidge: Sup Beast? you are one funny dude, heheh you and Connor in registration all I can hear is you guys laughing about God knows what, AHAHA keep it real Sam...

Nick: Wussup dawg? you are such a crazy bastard... thanks for liberating me on the joys of taking the MTR ahahah *Pissing behind ticket machines in Central station* hahah what the fuck! and FREE MTR RIDES!!! hell yeah!! take it easy brotha!

Bobby: Hey dude, take care of yourself in Oz aiight? I hope to see you soon...

Dan: Dude you iz always injured ahahaha take care of yourself for fucks sake! haha you are mister accident prone LOL

Doyen: GET WELL SOON MAN!!!! I wish you all the best and good luck and hope you have a quick recovery...

Felipe: Damn man we gotta work hard, ahah you and me... Mr. Williams is gonna kill us one day LOL

Yaron!:  Oi is that your pinyot? AHAH dude I cant believe that Foxcroft bitch! man I miss you in school... you take care of yourself...

Rowan: Your always there to listen... thanx Rowan your a good guy ;) hahah *Freaking out in Leisure and Recreation* - Unforgettable ahahah STOP SHOWING ME YOUR SCABBY CUTS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Naomi (I moan): Hey hey you is one funny funny... LOUD girl ahaha the things you come up with... SOO RANDOM ahaha its weird... but weird is good which makes you cool ahaha try not to kill me in Drama okay? cuz you know i will block your kicks and punches and you will find yourself on the floor AHAHAH (yeah right...)

Naz: Your my party buddy too!!!! I always see you in Mad dogs by yourself dancing with guys AHAHAH craaaazy!!! and now you have a digital camera too... AHAH its a trend that I started you see? MWAHAHA!

Nikki: Hello... you are going to change the world... you have an opinion on everything which is what makes you unique ;) Im glad you have stuck by me throughout all the shit I have been through... Your support has not gone by unnoticed or appreciated... thank you for everything Nikki... you will always be someone i most care about... love you madly.... respect to you definitely...

Hailey: Aiiii so violent and mean to me ahahah i know you dont hate me really, you are one crazy girl! hehe its all good ;)

Dani: Down ball sucks yeah? haha weirdo's playing a kiddies game ahahah its cool chilling with you in the Art Room and to make you laugh ahaha although I think you laugh at everything i do... :S ahaha

Aline: hey hey howz you? you are one cool girl aiight? we should party more eh? ahaha

Becca: Hey I cant believe how well we just clicked eh? HAHA i haven't seen you in a while though... we should party again sometime... keep it real... probably see you in Stevens anyway... ;)

Angela: Yo sup? hahaha You were so scared in the ring ahahaha i kept breaking the tension in the movie though ahaha *WAZZAAAAAH!?!?* ahahaha

Mitchell: Wah! you are so crazy lah! ahahah stop messing with my head when im high AHAHA crazy bitch *Blair Witch... Blair Witch AHHHHH!!!*

Donald: You are my evil minion MWAHAHA you slacker, slacker, SLACKER!!!! ahahaha Done your drama yet? I haven't... AHAHA

Karen: Boolaga is SOO not cool... Gajooby is way more hardcore compared to boolaga AHAHAHA your so ticklish AHAHA take care... lets sing LALALALALALALAAAA!!

Topaz: Hey girl, your so cool to hang out with, your definitely a party animal... we have to party more aiight? haha keep it real...

Matt Booth: Ahaha you are so funny!, are you deeter? or hahnz? i cant remember AHAHAH we are hot sexy Germans AHAHAHAHAHAH (inside joke)

Carlo: Yo dude, I cant wait to come back to Canada and you can drive me around while we get high or some shit ahaha your a good friend man, AHAH we have had some good times in Kelowna AAHHA man I miss that place...

Gabbzalot: Hey hey wussup with your crush? is it driving you insane yet? ahaha take care of yourself and remember to continue annoying your brother cuz that's what he is there for AHAHAHA take care of yourself... Goth girl... AHAH

Kat: hey you, take care of yourself over in 'da Westside' ahaha try and be somewhat sensible... and the next time I go to Canada I would actually like to meet up with you :P miss ya...

Amanda: Wussup? heh I didn't get to meet up with you either when I was in Canada... but at least you called to see how im doing... and we tried to meet up... AHAHA well take care of yourself... miss you too...

Arvi: Hey wussup my pinoy brotha? are you good? we gotta stick together yo! haha take care of yourself buddy

Chase: Sup scrote? hahah joking! anyway hey, take care of yourself, your one funny beeyatch you know that? haha stressy Chase LOL your so funny in Stevens! cya round dude!

Fultonator: Wussup Fulton? how are you? damn man you are one funny beeyatch! hehe damn you were weird when I was in my media class LOL you and Arvi... sick bitches! *rubbing each other* naughty... :P take care!

Gabe: Sup yo? I cant believe you got braces now! thats so fucked up... aiight you take care of yourself and I will see ya around... like in Stevens ahahaha or on Friday nights! ;)

Glen: ASS!!!! How is my fried haired bitch doing? LOL hahah dude you are so funny when your stoned LOL hah the two of us combined when we are high... AHAHA messed up! take care!

Dizzy Izzy: Sup Izan, how is my 'athletic afghani swimmer' doing? hehehe your so dopey I swear to god you make me laugh so much! dont lose that certain *thing* about yourself* cuz whatever it is you have... it makes you fucking hilarious!

Keith: Sup little Keith! hahaha strip clubs yo, in Wan Chai ahahaha we rock! cant believe you got into Maddogs man! ahaha you rock... take care!

Maggie: Hey, how are you? your a cool friend yo! pretty funny and understandable person... your poem kicks ass yo... its so true to what relationships are all about... damn you rock! maybe you can send it to me and i can post it on my site if you want... send it to me if you want me to...take care and come out more with me and Alex cuz we can have so much fun together!!!

Matt: Wussup strip club buddy? ahahah Yo man your obsessed with those places LOL but its all good cuz we have fun together yo! haha and try not to jump road rails again aiight?? ahahah take care... see ya round!

Sammy: hey Samantha wussup? heh I wish the play wasent over cuz then I could annoy you more... or is it the other way around... you and Ana take care of yourselves aiight? it was great getting to know you... take care byeeee

Vicky E: Yo vix, sup wit you? I am so glad that we have cleared everything up now, shame it had to be in my last year... *sigh* so much time lost... oh well... you take care of yourself okay? and try to be good LOL good luck in school and maybe I will see you in the future...

Tessa: HAHA you know that if it wasent for you... I would have never had gotten to know your sister... isnt that fucking weird? ahhaha you take care of yourself and keep up the singing and the instrument playing (i 4got what the intrument you play is called... sorry) see ya around... ;)

Zara: Sorry I didnt wanna do the music festival... I hope you do well if you do it... You have an amazing voice... dont stop singing... take care and see ya around...

Eddy: Sup dawg? how's you? its been good fun hanging with you on Friday nights... hahah New Years was the best eh? LOL strip clubs and all that... did you go in? i cant remember! LOL take care see ya at school ;)

... If your not on this list, then I am sorry but there are so many people I know... inside school and outside school, Sorry if your not on this list... but if you know me and im cool towards you, then you know I love you really ;)

www.freakwreckordz.cjb.net was established on July 13th 2002 by the one and only Ricky Lousich

Tuesday, 11 March 2003 11:34:30 PM -0500