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Intelligent Health ~ Journals 

Welcome to my three journals. Here you will find my "personal" journals, my thoughts, experiences, feelings, etc., I am open about my life, I hide little, perhaps that is foolish but it comes from humility and honesty. Also you will find here my "Health" Journals, where I talk about my health progress, setbacks and course of action. You'll also find here my Health "Opinion" Journal where I talk about the things I've learned about the industry and the reactions others have when I try to teach them the truth about health.


My Story

Read about my experience with cervical cancer and my realizations about the cancer industry.



This page is an absolute must for those seeking invaluable information on natural healing for all diseases, illnesses and ailments.



Another must for those looking for information on natural healing for all diseases, illnesses and ailments.



Eye opening quotes from doctors, scientists, nutritionists and researchers on the truth about disease and their cures. I urge you to see this page!



Collected from around the web and donated most generously from writers, nutritionists, webmasters etc, these informative articles will increase your knowledge of disease, the medical practice and healing by nutrition and alternative means.


The Importance Of Oxygen

Leading oxygen researcher Ed McCabe teaches us how important oxygen really is to our bodies and how a simple drink can give us what we need.



And here it is, the amazing product that Ed McCabe talks about. It oxygenates and detoxifies our cells and opens them to receive the nutrition they crave to make us healthy, vibrant and strong.



Come and share your story, your knowledge or your questions to the Intelligent Health forum.


Rules & What To Post

This page is for those wishing to join and contribute to the message board.



New! Share your testionials about how you beat your illnesses through nutrition and alternative treatments.


Email Me

I welcome all email but due to the high number of spams I receive, I require that your subject line say "Attn; Intelligent Health" or your email may not be opened.


A New Dawn

This is the Index Page of my 3 Journals. "Personal Journals" just about life and my thoughts. "Journals Of My Health" where I talk about what I'm doing to get healthy and my progress and setbacks. "Journal Of Opinion" where I share my thoughts on the things I'm learning about our trusted health leaders and in the reactions others have when faced with these truths.


The Love Foundation

Our Mother Site, TLF is a major undertaking that contains links to thousands of sites to bring help to all in their times of need. (I regret to update that TLF is no longer)


Be Filled
Guidance for those recognizing their spiritual need. (Matt 5:1-12)


I.H. Webrings Webrings for Intelligent Health


T.L.F. Webrings Webrings for The Love Foundation


New Guestbook Let me know you were here.




Intelligent Health

Journal Index

Personal Journal;

November 2003 The Glow of a New Dawn
December 2003 Fear & Hope
January 2004 Silence, No Entries
February 04 So Far, SCREW IT!
March 04 A New Job
April 04 Renewed Hope
May 04 Goodbye Daddy
June 04 A Great Loss, A Greater Gain
July 2004 "Oh Lord, Stuck in Lodi Again..."
August 2004 Eventful Years
September 2004 Back From Idaho
October 2004 ~Open~


Other Things

My Angel

Our Photos and other Artwork

A Dream Come True...
The Road to Tennessee


Health Journal

June/July 2003 / April 04

May 04 / July 04

August 04 / Oct 04


My Health Journal of Opinion

Where I talk about the things I've learned about the industry and the reactions others have when I try to teach them the truth about health. I guess you could call these "Rants"

June 04
April 04
September 04


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