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A blacker world

Hello, friend! Hello, fiend! Welcome one, and welcome, indeed, welcome all! From me, your host, and builder of this vey world you set your eyes and internet exploiters on. Allow me to take a bow, and present you with my name, so you may know it well. My name, as I took it, is Jack. Jack Blacker, for completion. Remember it well. Or forget all bout it. Why should you? Because...well, Jack's not REAL. Surprised? Didn't you even begin to guess that Jack is a mere collection of thought, fantasy, writing and printing? Poor soul. But, Jack is not lost. He's only incomplete. He misses one thing, the thing you, the one with eyes and fingers, do have: FLESH and of course, BLOOD. Consider it... Are you, yourself, not constructed out of thougts and fantasy in your mind, and are you not proven to be who you are by the writing in the goverments files or even your grade school diploma? Oh yes, yes, you're hardly any diffirent from Jack...

Enough with the babblings so far. I have more plans for you. That's why you're allowed to sic your mouse upon the yummy links I have put down for you, just a little below this writing...Don't scroll down just yet though. I have something to say, in all honesty. It wouldn't be proper to continue without it, because well, some people would think some strange things about me. Time for me to drop a mask...
The persona if Jack Blacker is a creation according to the guidelines given in the book of Vampire: The masquerade. Just for you out there, I am NOT as insane as a claim to be and I CERTAINLY DON'T drink blood from ANYTHING. If you think real vampires are out there, I don't mind you wasting your time but don't look to me for any answers. This page is built with ROLEPLAYING in mind.

click these!!

The story of Blacker
PEEKABOO!! it's me!
words on Noddism
Do not click!

The commendments of Blacker.