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Once upon a time...

The fictional birth of Jack: His roots and origins
Just who was the model for Jack, and from which desires did he come? Well... The answer dates back to...I don't even remember when. Was it the first time I heard about Vampire: The masquerade (V:TM) ? It could very well be. I heard about the system of clans, and exactly who made up the ranks in these clans. One clan interested me the most. The Malkavians. When I got interested in roleplaying, I desperatly wanted to play one. I had a basic idea in mind. The vampire I intended to create for myself was an escaped psychopath named Lars. His name came from the drummer of the band Metallica. Don't ask me why, but that band held my interest at that time. I guess you could say, Lars was the father of modern day Jack Blacker.
Then came that fateful day... Music would again be a key in Jack's birth. The rock stars Marilyn Manson, but most importantly Alice Cooper gave Jack his shape. Thanks to Alice Cooper, my malkavian would no longer be a psychopath who inflicted wounds upon himself and abducted and tortured women for his own sick pleasure and to feed on them. (' Only women bleed' ...) Jack was good at heart, yet there was something amiss.
Jack remained in his infant stage until V:TM once again intervened. This time in the form of a computer game, it introduced to me the Malkavian Dev/Null. Finally I had a chance to hear a ' real' Malkavian talk. I started copying him, I must admit. But then...another thing happened...
My personal life. Though I was content with it, something happened. Or better to say, someone happened. A girl. A girl I grew to love, and still love very much untill this day. We happened to share one interest in particular; V:TM. After a while, with plans of playing the game together with her, the very first Jack Blacker was created. No more than a creature from cyberspace, at this time; a character in the online version of V:TM . I changed my online MSN nickname to it, as well. But now, I got interested in the REAL business of roleplaying; I had already been playing Dungeons & Dragons for about a year or so, but now V:TM had my interest. Taking a character sheet, I finally noted down Jack's statistics. Then I thought of his background story. I shaped him part like me, part like Marilyn Manson with a prevailing part of Alice Cooper. Jack Blacker was born. Time to give him a voice; and that is what this homepage is doing. But how about his background, what did Jack go through to become what he has become, in the fictional world? come closer, and listen...
It all started when Jack's parents died...
Jack and his sister Evelyn were dumped at the orphanage. No one would have them. No one really cared for them. They just had eachother. Just children by this time, they knew little of the world, but grew up learning all of the street; especially when they both escaped the orphanage and had to survive out there with no help at all.
Then came the day of Jack's 20th birthday. The day Evelyn dissapeared. Jack truly scoured every inch of the city, seizing every opportunity to gain contacts which would help to find his lost sister. In three years time, Jack ran drugs for street gangs, learned how to defend himself verbally and physically, and learned how to handle guns. All this brought him no closer to his goal, however.
It was almost 3 years to the day when Evelyn dissapeared that she suddenly contacted Jack. When they met again, he gave her a passionate hug but found she was stone cold to the touch. What had happened? Evelyn told a story that amazed Jack. 3 years ago, Evelyn had come across a vampire. He had fed off her, and she felt so attracted to him she begged him to stay. and so he did. He asked permission from his elder to make Evelyn his own childe. And so it happened. However, this meant that Evelyn had to sever all her ties to the mortal world, thus leaving her brother behind. In return, she learned the ways of the night, the way of the kindred. She did miss Jack, but remained loyal to her sire and wouldn't contact her brother in any way.
3 nights ago, it all changed. Evelyn and her sire were discovered by a sect of Vampire hunters, calling themselves the society of Leopold. They killed Evelyn's sire in his sleep, but Evelyn was fortunate enough to escape. She managed to track the gang of vampire hunters to a large appartment building in the city centre. There were too many of them for her to take them alone; she would need help, and her lost brother seemed just the person to assist her. She offered to turn Jack into a vampire, like herself; or she would leave him forever.
Jack hardly had to hesitate, and that night, his own sister delivered him into darkness. A few nights later, the pair deceided to attack the hideout of the society of leopold. They held several rooms on the top floor of the appartment. Jack and Evelyn broke in easily and proceeded to kill every member of the society. Claws ripped, guns fired, bones broke, blood spattered the walls. In the heat of battle, Jack heard a scream; He turned around to see his sister falling to the ground, impaled on a wooden stake. Panic rushed through Jack's mind; did he lose her again? Then his panic turned to rage as a frenzy got hold of him. An unstoppable force, Jack butchered everyone in his way, tearing bodies apart with his bare hands. Then, a member of the society foolishly threw a molotov cocktail at Jack. He managed to evade it, and ripped the man's throat out with his teeth. As the flames started to spread, Jack cradled te body of his sister in his arms and fled into the night.
Jack carried his sister to an abandoned industrial building. There, an a basement, he removed the stake from her heart; Yet she didn't revive. He deceided to hide her body carefully, not wanting to lose her. By this time, he felt like he had lost all he ever had. He couldn't ever really return to the normal life he had wanted. All of his emotions had shut down. He did not realize this was actually a part of the madness that the Malkavian blood inside him really brought along...
Jack now suffers from desensitalzation. He is not capable of suffering emotions in any way. Evelyn, his sister, is however not as dead as Jack thinks; she is in a deep state of hibernation called 'torpor.' She would awake if anyone would feed her blood. Jack is not aware of this, and time will tell whether he finds this out or not... Still roaming the street, Jack is good at heart but has no place to go, doesn't know where to stay or what cause to serve. He has some ties to the Brujah clan, but on the whole he is no more than an abandoned child.