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Dark Dimension - Vampire Savior - Character Information - J. Talbain

A Guide to Vampire Savior
Character Information
Story, move list and ending unique to each specific Darkstalker.

Jon Talbain
Howling Madness

"What is this blood-burning feeling?"
On a night of a full moon, he trembles with fear, sensing the existence of a
brutal animal within himself. "This cannot be true... the curse must have
been expelled. I must have been reborn as a human!"

Special Moves
Beast Canon : Down, Down-Forward, Forward + P (air)
Beast Canon : Forward, Down, Down-Forward + P (guard cancel only)
Climb Razor : Down, Up + K
Million Flicker : Down, Down-Back, Back + P (rapidly)

EX Moves
Dragon Cannon : Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + KK
Razor Slice : LP, MP, Forward, LK, MK

Dark Force
Mirage Body : P + K (of the same strength)

Victory Quote

"Now leave!
Before I lose my sanity!"

Special Confrontation

Final Confrontation


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