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Abbot- A vampire or ghoul in charge of upkeep in a communal havan

Antitribue- A Vvampire who has turned its back on its parent clan. they are generally held in low regard by parents clans. Since most Antitribue join the Sabbat this does not botyher them much.

Archbishop- The Sabbat leader of a city.

Auctoritus Ritae- A collection of 13 rituals practiced by Sabbat vampires. They are seen with the respect as the christans see the ten commandments

Bishop- An advisor to the Archbishop

Black Hand- A secret sect within the Sabbat. Little is known about them and the less a vampire knows the better. there is much argument about the true status of the Black Hand

Blood Feast- A victim or group of victims hung upside down for Sabbat to feed on at functions

Brave- A vampire in a war party

Cainite- The Sabbat equivelent of the term Kindred. Simply means vampire. The Sabbat believe to be desended from Caine while the Camarilla belive this to be a myth

Cardinal- A Sabbat who oversees sections of the country. Directly above an Archbishop

Chief- Leader of a war party

Code of Milan- See History of the Sabbat

Column- A permenant pack of nomadic Black Hand members

Communal Haven- A single haven shared by a pack

Consistory- Body of advisors to the regeant composed of Prisci and Cardinals

Coven- A Sabbat pack who stays in a city permentaly

Creation Rites- The rites a newly made vampire must go through in order to become a Sabbat. Until these rites ar givin, the vampire is not considered Sabbat. The main rite is Shoval Heading where a vampire is struck over the head and buried. They are then required to dig themselves out of thier own grave.

Daughters and Sons of Caine- All vampires

Ductus- The leader of a Sabbat pack

Esbat- A weekly meeting held by a pack. These are where straagy is discussed and rites are preformed

Festivo dello Estino- A festival of the dead held in all Sabbat cities on the second week of April. All covens must attend as well as any nomadic packs within distance

Fire Dance- A ritual and rough celebration in which Sabbat vampires prove loyalty and bravery by jumping through raging bonfires. This also serves to excite packs before battle

Founded Pack-A coven

Great Jyhad- The war for supremacy int he New World, begun in the 17th century

Hand- Black Hand

Headhunter-A Sabbat who collects heads of fallen enamies as trophies

Horseman- A nomadic Sabbat vampire

Hulul- The figurehead of the Assamite antitribue. Rumored to have been destroyed over 100 years ago

Ignoblis Ritae- The individual rites prefprmed by packs. Often unique to each.

Jyhad-The enternal conflict between vampires

Kindred-Non-Sabbat vampires. Often used to term Camarilla who are seen as vampires who cower from humankind

Loyalist- Sabbat who will not claim leadership from another vampire. Often seen as trouble makes within hte sect... loyalist are what give the Sabbat its reputation

Monomancy-A ritual duel between Sabbat to determine disputes. Often used to determine leadership. results in Final Death

Nomadic Pack- A packs that travels constinatly in its duties tot he Sabbat

Nomads- Members of a nomadic pack

Pack- A group of Sabbat who have Vaulderie to one another. A Sabbat can only claim loyalty to one pack at a time.

Paladin-A Templar

Palla Grande- A grand celebrated held on All Hallows Eve. This is when the Sabbat celebrate thier heritage

Paths of Enlightenment- The Sabbat version of Path of Humanity. They are a strict moral code to help a vampire control The Beast

Priest- The vampire in a pack who see to the rites

Prior-An Abbot

Priscus- A Sabbat vampire who adivises those in power

RecruitA vampire embraced against thier will. Usally as cannon fodder for a battle

Regeant- The leader of the Sabbat as far as the sect reconizes a leader

Sabbat-A vampiric sect opposing ht eCammarilla and the Antediluvians

True Sabbat- A sabbat who has proven themselves to the sect

Vauladerie- A rite where the blood of pack members is mixed and then drank creating a Vinculum

Vinculum- A blood Tie that creates artifical loyalty to a member of a pack. A minor blood bond
Bat- An Elder of the Sabbat

Bitch-A proabitionary pack member or one wiht lesser status than the speaker

Chica- A female Sabbat

Costello- Dismissive term for Camarilla

Counting Coup- Taking heads as trophies

Crowley- A derogetory term for those who follow the Path of Evil Revelations, also used for those who show high levels of evil. Also called Ozzies and Mansons

Did- Killed

Dog- A Lupine

Go Down- A vampire who still engages in sex when they are no lonfger able due to being dead

Headache- Accidently killing while feeding

Injun or Indian- A member of a nomadic pack

Juice- Blood

Juice Bag- A human

Keg- a member of a blood feast

Pimp- A vampire who gathers vices for other vampires.

Pipes- An exceptional failure

Poet- A member of the goth subculture. Also known as Shellys or Byrons

Shovelhead- A Sabbat made in a mass embrace. Also known as a thwack or clang

Tounge- Sabbat propaganda

V- A vampire

Vato- A male Sabbat

Witch- Irrevrent term for pack priest