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Welcome to Anime Paradise, A place for otaku...

This site is run by yours truly, Keideki. Its a place for me to post things I like, and things you like as well. I will post new things about new shows and new things about old shows, and hell I will even throw in old things about old shows! As this site grows more and more, and when I get a job and money, I will move it to its own domain! So supoort it lots!

News for 04-12-06


Only a couple more days until Anizona! I just cant wait... I finally cleaned my room again and also took care of cleaning out my car and arranging things for the massive sleep over at my house... Its going to the sooooo coolie. I put up those new songs, head over to the music page to check them out!



News for 04-11-06


YAY! My ticket issue is now fully resolved and my friend Tiff is going to meet us there! For Anizona that is! LOL. Sorry about the lack of updates, I promise tomorrow to post 3 more songs to make up for it! I have been rather busy with Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion... Its consuming my SOUL. LOL... Dont worry about me though, I am fine. If your going to anizona, leave me a comment in my guest book so I can meet you there! Ja Mata!



News for 04-06-06


It looks like the issues that I had with my ticket will be resolved in a short time. I was really begining to get angry... I was not getting any response from them, I have a post on a forum claiming to have responded, but I never got an email. Maybe they have my email address wrong... I dont know. But either way, when my ticket is ready I will be happy. I just finished watching episode 3 of Kagihime Monogatari, even though its rather cliche, I do have a pencant for those magical girl series, so I do really like it, it might make a move on Mai Otome for favorite anime, only problem is, I dont think I could find enough stuff to post on it, I might have to take my own screen shots. In other news, it was my brother's birthday today, and I managed to overeat again, at Claim Jumper... where everything is bigger, it wasy tastey... but my stomach hurts... LOL... Ja mata!



News for 04-05-06


Nothing real new today, I did borrow Kingdom Hearts II today, so expect updates over th next couple of days to be kind of sparse. I will add content however, so do keep coming back!

In other interesting news, 3 seconds after 1:02 in the morning today it was 01:02:03 (Hour:Minute:Second) 04/05/06 (Month/Day/Year) This only happenes once every hundred years! Happy 01:02:03 04/05/06 everyone, look foreward to 06:06:06 06/06/06 later on this year!



News for 04-04-06


Today I posted two new song lyrics for your enjoyment, Dream Wing by Kuribayashi Minami and Shining Days by Kuribayashi Minami. I also reorganized the lyrics so its a bit easier to navigate and I put up more printer friendly pages, so you dont have to copy and paste anymore!



News for 04-02-06


I added some more anime that I am downloading right now. Even though I have only seen one episode, I am already really interested in Kagihime Monogatari. It seems like it might actually be really interesting. Another interesting thing happened as well. I downloaded GG fansub's version of Pani Poni Dash episode 15, when I tried to play the file on my Nero Showtime Player, there was no sound, and when I played it with my Window Media Player, no video or sound. I downloaded Divx, and it said I needed audio tag 255, which I had no clue what it was, but luckly I found a good site to help me out, and I wanted to post it here. Thanks to everyone at the site who helped me out!

Movie Codec Forums

After a couple hours of searching, I finally found the lyrics to Crystal Enegry by Kuribayashi Minami, so I decied to put them up on my new Music Page!



News for 04-01-06


The About Me page is finally up, what started as a small task to post a picture of myself, and write a little, turned into a large project that pretty much told my life story, well not my life story, but the story of this year, I might add more later.



News for 03-31-06


Today I added a guest book and some other interesting stuff. A page devoted to my favorite anime is now up, which by the way is Mai Otome. Some good news, Bleach will be showed on Adult Swim. I hope they dont mess it up, they do a good job with all the other things. More updates to come soon!



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Special Thanks to Nageni who designed this background and let me use it!