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Rules Of Play            How to Begin your journey       Characters

  Timelines                  Links

Actor Site For Rose         Rose   Music Links                     




1. No killing off of other characters unless you have consent
from their writer. This also includes not changing mortals to
immortals without consulting their writer. We do need mortal
characters in the game.

2. Do not write for another character. If you reach a point where
their reply or action from them is needed. STOP and tag them! If
you will not be able to answer a post within a week, please notify
the list so that the game can continue.

3. NO GODMODING! This means no character is invincible, unable to
be hurt, wanted or desired by ALL, hated or fear by ALL, kills
viciously and no hair is out of place nor is there a speck of blood,
knows all, etc., etc....This means NO CHARACTER IS PERFECT!

4. No Flaming!

5. If you are found to be under 18 years of age, you will be banned
and your email given to egroups as a minor falsley joining adult

6. We hate being list mommies but a moderator decision is final.
We prefer that the game plays itself without our stepping in.

7. Khayman is the oldest character on this rpg at 6000 plus years.
   Unless ofcourse someone is feeling inspired enough to be Akasha...
   **** see rule 3 ;)

8. New players............once your bio has been posted to the list,
upload it to the files section in the folder for character bio's,then,
send your first in character posting to the list. As
we grow, it might take a few days for someone to pick up your thread,
please be patient. If you want to join an  ongoing thread (this will
become important as the list grows), please ask first. If you feel
the need to OOC for clarification after your first post, please
do so on the OOC list.

9. Please keep 1-3 line posts at a MINUMUM!! This slows the games
and can be frustrating to the other writers of the thread. Though,
there are times when it is appropriate.......but not as the norm.

10. If you post a thread that is not open to another player example would be a 'prologue' that takes mutiple
postings to set up.....please tag at the bottom with <closed thread>.
This avoids confusion and hurt feelings.

11. All characters and original story ideas are the property of their
players/writers (exlcuding book characters) and shall remain so.
Please do not take someone's character to another list without
permission or use their story idea. This is a form of plagiarism.

12. BDSM, light bondage and fetish play are all acceptable   here.
However, age play and bestiality are not allowed.

Thank you and let the game continue!

Your Erebus Moderators.

*This is an ADULT list. No one under the age of 18 permitted. *Also, this is a PBEM roleplaying game.. NOT a lifestyle list, trollers will be banned.


All  original storylines and characters are property of thier individual creators. Unauthorised use of these as well as game forms ,without consent is forbiddon. The use of book characters and other game system characters does not fall under this same writ. This is for the protection of those of us who do enjoy the freedom to create that which is truley our own... Without fear.. Give credit where credit is Due!



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