
Feel free to worship me.

Yes, welcome my little foundlings to my "awards" page. On this page you will find the many honors which have been bestowed upon me like so many dead roses on the grave of Bela Lugosi. (yak)

Please try to contain your jealousy. Excessive jealousy smears eyeliner.

Leave it to me to find an award that deals with Naugahyde.
This award came from a school on it to see her
lovely clothing designs.

Below are even more wonderous awards that I have given myself because I'm so very worthy.
So much more than any of you. But, if you find that your inner worthiness is equal to mine, then you may
take a graphic from those below to show all your friends just how far above them you really are. The truly
worthy will link back to my page so others can also partake and shamelessly display superiority over those
who have no awards and are nothing more than amoebic rejects of the chain of evolution. I weep for them.

More awards/graphics you can get

Red: 0/100 Blue: 13/100 White: 15/100 Yellow: 17/100

Take the Color Code Test
by Dano
The above graphic came from a nifty color test thingy. While I should be disturbed that my
personality is equal to a color like yellow, I could not pass up putting a peep on my page. :)

Take the What Johnny the Homicidal Maniac character are you? quiz!

Ok, so I'm not that bitchy. But I do play one on TV.

Pet me! I'm a blob!

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