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Polycon-Grinder is a solo map that has 9 units from the Polycon Tagset along with two new Polycon units.Grinder also has new scenery and retextured models. In Grinder you have to destroy a shield generator that is protecting an Eisnore military outpost.


Units that appear in Polycon Grinder




The Worker is a robot that replaces the Warrior and Archer. It comes in two flavors: the Assault Worker (equipped with a laser rifle), and the Standard Worker that is armed with a the much more inferior stun gun. Both of them can pick up weapons from dead units or supply crates.


Gunner Cyborg

The Gunner Cyborg replaces the Souless. Gunners fire a mass driver that is not very strong but can fire at a very high rate. Gunners have no armor and are highly succeptible to explosions and fire. When Gunners die they drop mass drivers that can be picked up and used by other units. Gunners can also pick up weapons and objects.


Hunter Seeker Launcher

The Hunter Seeker Launcher (HSL) replaces the Wight. The HSL fires mortars that break into individual sub-munitions that seek out nearby targets.The HSL also fires missiles that can travel a long distance and damage many units at once. HSL's come with a fixed number of missiles and can pick up more off of dead HSL's. HSL's can also pick up other weapons and items.



Pyruses are former Polycon operatives that have been forced to find other employers after the civil war broke out. Pyruses carry a flamethrower that can be fatal at close range but cannot target distant enemies. Pyruses wear athermite armor that makes them completely immune to fire but leaves to space to hold additional weapons. For this reason they cannot pickup other weapons although they can still pick up some items.



The Priest replaces the Journeyman. The Priest can heal units (big shock there) and shoot lighting bolts (an even bigger shock, literally). Priests moves very slow and doesn't have much health. They also don't show up on the overhead map. this makes them perfect for launching sneak attacks. Like most of the other units, priests can pick up weapons.



The Priestess replaces the Heron Guard. The Priestess can use mind control to brainwash other units (except for other Priestesses) into joining your side. The Priestess can also incinerate people from a good distance away. Priestess are a bit stronger than Priests; they also cost a lot more. Like most other units, priestess can pick up weapons.


Eisnore Security Robot

A military assault robot used by Eisnore Industries, Security robots have far more armor and better weapons than WEP mining robots, but lack the WEP's all terrain capability. Security robots can pick up and use weapons like most other units. It is worth noting that due to the placement of the power jack on the Security robot's mason cannon, it can not be used by other units.



The Worm replaces the netgame pig for stampede games. The worm is slow-moving and easily killed, but it does mount a small stun gun for defense. Worms can pick up items and weapons.

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