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The Psychology Students Guide
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I don't like disclaimers, because I can't imagine ever suing someone for what they told me in presumably good faith. I've tried to make it obvious throughout the webpages here (the Psychology Student's Guide) that these are just some ideas that might be helpful, and that it's based on just the stuff that I know, and I may be wrong. I've also tried to emphasise that you should check it out for yourself rather than going on my say of what is and isn't correct. Further, this website is designed to help psychology students in Australia learn about options that they may not be aware of already. It's not intended to tell anyone what to do. It's not even meant to imply that some options are better than others - I personally believe that what is right for one person may be entirely different from what is right for another. Before you decide on a course or option, please check it out for yourself, don't rely on what I have said as being correct.
Unfortunately my friends and family have told me that some people will indeed sue if they follow my info page to some undesirable conclusion, so here is the official disclaimer:

This website, the Psychology Student's Guide, contains only opinions and unverified material. The author will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage arising from any use whatsoever of this material.

Return to Psychology Student's Guide Homepage.

For suggestions about this website, please email me at Created April 2001.