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The Players
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Every campaign needs a group of dedicated and imaginative role-players to take on each character. I am blessed in that despite the small size of the town I play in, I always have a large group of people willing to play. The largest group I ever ran consisted of seventeen players, needless to say it got out of hands. At present I run eleven characters, with another eight willing to play at the drop of a hat. This page is dedicated to those gifted few who are the cream of the role-playing crop.

  • Ryan 'Thumper' Why: A veteran player, Thumper not only controls Asslar, but also the accursed half-fiend who killed my followers in another campaign.

  • Daniel Passer: A roleplayer par excellance, Passer controls the love-struck halfling Mikhala.

  • Ryan Jones: The DM of the 'power campaign' I play in, Ryan takes the reigns of the mysterious Razziel, who seeks only to further his own diabolical devices.

  • David McElroy: A long-term player in my campaigns; David has been in control of such famed characters such as Trasian and Chandler. He now takes the reins of a somewhat unusual thief named Demetrius.

  • Adam: New to roleplaying, but has taken an instant liking to his somewhat cynical and cold Drow. Actually, that's not anything unusual for a Drow...

  • Anthoni Magro: The man behind Puraj, Anthony returns to the fold after a two year hiatus from AD&D. His bard, aptly named Jonathon, has already begun to form a healthy rivallry with Shalon.

  • Christie Adcock: A new player, Christie is being given a trial run as an Elf druid. However, her love of fantasy should help her get to grips with the system.

  • Nathan Hoy: A 40K and Warhammer player, Nathan is keen to learn how to play AD&D, and may well get a start in the near future.

  • Stuart Robinson: Stuart has been playing since 1996, when he controlled a Dwarf Mercenary. Since then he has controlled the legendary Goldar and his children Hellfire and Geldar.

  • Murray Norris: Notorious for his ability to kill even the best equipped character, Murray has never progressed beyond level four. He has been playing since 1998. A severe case of bitchy mother may cause Murray to retire from the campaign.

  • Rowland Kelly: Controller of Jim the Bard and Selina, Rowland has a shoot first and ask questions later policy when it comes to adventuring. He has been playing for a year.

  • Paul Hardwick: Paul has a 'thing' for fighters and has controlled heaps of them in his last few years of gaming. His favourite character was Kane, a level 9 fighter who was unfortunately backstabbed by Chandler.

  • Guy Dicker: Guy, despite his timid appearance, has controlled two of the most dangerous beasts ever to live in Bloodfrenzy (Grimlock Fighter) and Fury (insane Barbarian). He has been playing since 1999.

  • Luke Mahr: A relatively new player, Luke had made several NPC appearances before controlling his first character, a Goblin Shaman named Tenon. This is his first real foray into the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Unfortunately, Luke has had to move to Kempsey. 

  • Jake Ieusu: Another newcomer to Dungeons and Dragons, Jake's friendly demeanour and natural role-playing ability has caused him to fit in quite well despite the death of Krusk.

  • Byron T'Velde: Byron is another of those players who never strikes you as a decent player until you least expect it. After controlling several NPCs and useless characters, Byron has come into the campaign with a very well structured character. Check his website, devoted to his characters at The Way of Ki

  • Andrew Moorhouse: The brother of fellow DM and arch-nemesis Justin, Andrew is being allowed to play on a trial basis. He is currently going quite well despite he preoccupation with sex.

  • Ben Norris: Ben has been playing Dungeons and Dragons for four years but this is the first time I've allowed him to play in one of my campaigns.

  • Zac Zantiotos- Zac has been a dedicated and likeable player since his first character (Fred Durst) was introduced to the campaign in 2000. He's played several 'off the wall' characters since including Jebus, Frank and Bob Segar.

  • Jon Clay- Needing someone to control Johann in David's absence, I talked to ever enthusiastic Jon who was desperate to give AD&D a try. He is also on a trial basis.