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"yo, so what's new?"

so here it is. my life on the web. what a scary, scary thought, considering this is all very much a voluntary thing with no self-satisfying reward or sense of accomplishment involved.

i don't even really know why i started this whole website deal. i think it was because i needed yet another excuse to put off doing the things i'm supposed to consider "important" but are just menial tasks i really have no motivation to complete. like reading a chapter about the steel mill revolution. or going to the post office for stamps to mail out my already-overdue phone bill. or explaining to him again that no, i don't think we can ever be more than just friends.

but please, don't think this is just a page for me. hopefully you'll see something on here that will strike a chord in you somewhere. maybe you'll feel compelled to download a song i personally recommend, or rent a movie i find extremely worthwhile, and then discover that hey, you too have a newfound love for it. or maybe you'll see a photograph of you that you don't even recall taking, and it'll spark a memory about that moment, and you'll remember why i took the picture in the first place.
or maybe it's none of these things, and you just enjoy seeing what kind of world i live in. whatever the case, i urge you to look around and explore.
just look at you, through me.







THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2002: oh my god. STAR WARS: EPISODE II is awesome.
despite what you think it could be from watching "phantom menace" and despite what you think it should be from watching the original trilogy, it is not that. it is much, MUCH better. george lucas did everyone proud and went back to the essence of the original trilogy, with ATTACK OF THE CLONES looking and feeling like "the empire strikes back": the darkness, the foreshadowing, the surprises, the eerie presence of evil slowly beginning to show itself. star wars fans will go nuts over the little details george lucas playfully inserts into the many beautiful moments of the film, and the giant pieces of the saga are all now starting to fall into place. we see the boy at the center of it all slowly turning into the dark lord he will eventually become, and my only qualm is having to wait three years to see it happen. people had doubts about hayden christensen as the grown anakin at first, but he fits the parts like no one else can. ewan mcgregor doesn't just look, act, and sound like obi-wan kenobi, he IS obi-wan kenobi. sam jackson stuck out like a sore thumb in "phantom", but he is much more comfortable now as mace windu, and is a bad-ass jedi. if you liked boba fett, you will LOVE his father, jango fett. yes he's a bounty hunter, yes he's a bad guy. but he and his son are just so cool. and you know lucas has returned to his senses when even the characters are taking the piss out of jar jar. there are so many things, so many moments in this movie that make the diehard fan squeal with delight, anticipation, and pure giddiness. keywords: palpatine, stormtrooper-like clones, jedis fighting with two lightsabers, coruscant nightlife, a flying r2d2, owen & beru, young boba fett, and yoda, yoda, YODA. i'm sure you've heard about this already, but to refresh your memory, yoda indeed kicks serious ass. you will discover why he has always been "master yoda", and it's not just because wise he is, or like this, he speaks. forget the overabundance of screenplay cheese during the love scenes, but behold the film's awesome glory of visual effects. heck, star wars isn't known for its great writing, so don't expect stellar dialogue. DO expect to be blown away by larger-than-life space battles, gorgeous other-world imagery, and luscious art direction.
so that's enough of my banter. you've done enough reading. go see it already. then see it again. and again. it is worth your time. it is worth your money. diehard star wars fanatic, casual fan, or mere movie-goer, you will probably like this movie, if you don't love it. these jedi could totally kick spiderman's ass.

SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2002: oh my god. spider-man rocks.
everything you thought it could be, it was. all the doubts you had about it, destroyed.
okay, so even though kirsten dunst was "ehh..." as mary-jane, tobey maguire was great as peter parker/"your friendly neighborhood spiderman." willem dafoe undoubtedly kicks ass (yet again) as norman osborn/the green goblin. and james franco as peter parker's best friend, harry osborn, MMMMM... YUM. and i haven't even MENTIONED the upside-down kiss in the rain scene... but putting my girlish fantasies aside, the movie was very, very cool. two thumbs and a toe up. *some* parts were a little bit on the cheesy side, but they were few and far-between. and besides, the rest of the movie definitely made up for it. sam raimi outdid himself here. some moments were purely bliss. and fans of the comic book loved it also. supposedly it's the best comic-book adaptation so far, but since i was never too big into comics (the tv show rocked!), i'm talking from merely a film-kid standpoint. and from here, i can say that 'spider-man' was a ride i would definitely go on again.

SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2002: re: schoolwork + laziness = no updates
dey my boyz (+girl): murdoc, 2-d, noodle, russel.yeeeeeesh! talk about outdated! i can't believe it's been a WHOLE YEAR (well, you know what i mean) since i've touched this frickin' thing. not that there's NOTHING to talk about... christmas, new year's, the philippines, band interviews, gorillaz, "new york at the movies", peter bogdanovich, published articles, christopher lloyd, red glasses, spring break, "beauty & the beast" at the imax, scandalous hook-ups, etc. i apologize a thousand times for people who actually regularly check for updates on my site (that's sad, people. find a better site to visit with a much more devoted - though nowhere near as lovely - webmaster.) i think i said "a thousand times" because candice got that piano-girl song, "a thousand miles", stuck in my head. dammit.
'turn around. look at what you seeeee-eeee-eeee-eeeee-eeee......'FILM OF THE MOMENT: The NeverEnding Story (but none of the ridiculous sequels. they don't even exist to me), directed by wolfgang peterson. i know you watched it as a kid, but watch it again. i'm serious. if you are at all intellectually-competent, even just barely, you will discover that this movie is much more profound than you ever thought it could be. and if you never saw it in your childhood, well, no WONDER you're so f**ked up.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 (2:30am, so technically SUNDAY): excuse me brett, can i please be your love slave?there is no doubt about it at all. I AM THE LUCKIEST PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. read what i said just 20 hours ago: "so life just couldn't be better." I WAS SOOO WRONG. because life is at its all-time highest right now. imagine this- you go to see your favorite band in concert. you are in the front row of your favorite band's concert. you get handed an AFTERSHOW GUEST-PASS for the aftershow party of your favorite band. you MEET your favorite band. you HUG your favorite band. you KISS the frontman of your favorite band - the man you've fantasized about for two years. and you have a lifetime of memories, and PICTURES, to take home with you.
i am battered and bruised from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. but i just met FUEL. and no amount of pinching is going to get me out of this dream.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1: okay, so life just couldn't be better. mmm... sexy rockstar...last week, i chilled backstage with sonic youth. they're really nice. kim gordon was amused that i had the same name, and thurston moore offered me free food. today, in a few short hours, i'm going to witness sex on two legs... brett scallions and the rest of fuel at hammerstein ballroom. then, as if that weren't enough, on thursday, i get to witness :tantric: sex on two legs... because I WON TICKETS TO SEE STING. yeah, f**king STING man. i never win ANYthing, and i managed to win some wplj online contest and score tickets to see the "englishman in new york". alrite, i know that was cheesy. but whatever, i can say whatever i want, because I'M GOING TO SEE STING!!!!!
obsessive 14 year-old in love
if you know who this dude, SEUNG LEE, is (also known as lee-san to some), check this page out. scroll a little past halfway down the page. HAHAHAHA.

SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2002: whew, two updates in two days! i think i'm gonna wear myself out soon. well basically i added the fuel page in the music section, chockful of pictures of me with the guys and pictures of the show. i also updated the links section, specifically the link to candice's page, because stupid candice changed her address without even telling me so for a while there was a broken link and an X for a picture. stupid candice. but it's all fixed now.
FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2002: OH MY GOD! KIM UPDATED HER SITE! yes, i am quite proud of myself. i added a whole new page to the music section called "the ultimate question." the premise of the page is basically a compilation of people's lists of the 5 songs they would choose to put on a desert-island cd. drew distracted me from writing my story today with this question and i've been preoccupied with it since, curious as to what other people would answer. so that's when i decided to just make it a part of the website. the page should continue to grow as long as people keep sending me their lists. so if YOU've got your 5-track cd in mind, send it on over to me and i'll put yours up, along with your alias or screenname.
hello, i'm psychoTUESDAY, OCTOBER 23: yes yes, FINALLY another update, albeit a small one, but one that is definitely worth looking at. i looked so innocent then...i've linked to the next page in the photo album, but because i'm being raped by midterms at the moment, i haven't had time to write descriptions for each picture just yet. not to worry - soon, soon. i know i say that a lot but... ah well, who am i kidding? wait til next month for that. but in the meantime, go look to see if your beautiful mug is up there.

travis... wet.if you still haven't read the travis diary, click their wonderful picture, there to the left. it's a complete minute-by-minute account of that night, chockful of clickable pictures.

no i'm not a citizen but i'm still pissed.i've put my thoughts and other links on the sept. 11 tragedy on a whole new page. i just recently added the pictures i took from around the city, mere days after the fateful day.
no life is complete without it!
the jukebox is up, but hasn't been updated in a while. i've done the next batch already but i'm still working on the lyrics and things for it. it will be up soon. i've taken down the albums page for now since it is far from completion. this section will start to get bigger and bigger since i'll be adding artist pages too. oh, and watch the flash intro i'm so proud of.
coming to a theatre near you...
nope, haven't really started working on this section yet. i do have a lot of nice plans for it though. you probably know i go gaga for cinema, so i'm going to make this a great section. keep an eye open for new additions in the future. but as of now, for your viewing pleasure, there are three movie posters, plus pictures of four sexy actors. oh, and of course, a flash intro.
the Bible of the technology age
haven't really started on this section either. and to be honest, this is probably gonna be one of the smaller sections. i've got some ideas in mind for it, but for now there's sneak previews of dexter's laboratory, my so-called life, and the simpsons (possibly THE greatest tv show in the history of the world).
those things... that talk, and walk, and eat...
i know most people only come to my site to see photos of themselves or other people, so i was forced to put up as many of my pictures as possible. there are more that i have yet to scan, but as soon as i make it down to the 3rd north lab, i'll upload 'em here. this section is also getting a make-over, as soon as i figure out how to categorize and/or organize all the photos. people profiles will be on here too. i've started, but have not revealed any yet. wait a little while longer.
at the moment, this is the section that's been getting the most attention - what with my fantastic summer with the boys of manchester united, the recent world cup qualifying MADNESS, the champions league games, and of course, the fully swingin' english premier league. it will be revamped shortly, but for now, enjoy my enthusiastic commentary, action photos, player photos, photos of training, and as if THAT weren't enough, check out the exclusive video interviews with the key members of the england national team.
no! don't leave me!!!
i intend to have a huge, huge list of links of this page, pertaining to each of the main sections on my site as well as those that are just downright fun. right now, there are three links to my friends' pages, so go check those out. i'll probably do this page all at once, so watch out for a drastic update in the near future.

email me!

site last updated: never