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 Tuesday, February 19, 2002

start We Are All Muppets -- Chris || Post in the forum
Should I update this page or the other one that I'm waiting on? I'm currently waiting for the DNS information to fully update. Unless it has and I just haven't noticed, which is unlikely to happen.

If you watch R-rated movies while young, you'll grow up to be a loser. basically, that's what ABC is trying to get across to us.

Parents! Please, do not let your children watch R-rated movies till they are seventeen, keep them dumb is the important part, that way you have control over them.

Also, if your child plays the popular game "Doom" for the game consol, sleep with one eye open. He or she may want to kill you because of it, and then go around the town doing the same to other people.

I believe this ties in nicely to the Andrea Yates "oh, she didn't mean to do it, it was just some condition that all mothers get" trial that's going on right now. I don't care, it was no accident that she killed all her children.

I don't think I can keep going on about stuff like that, I do it too much I think.

William Baldwin on the O'reilly factor last night talking about how Ari Fleischer said, "Watch what you say" recently in reply to what Bill Maher commented on.

Funny how Baldwin and O'reilly are able to do what they do on TV and how I am able to do what I am doing right now.

Obviously if you say, "it's the politicians who are cowards, not the American military." like Maher did, you're going to get some people mad. Although it's not a crime of what he did, you'll get people mad at you. You can have John Walker who claimed that it may have been a good thing September 11th took place, although he cannot be throw into the slammer for it, you're bound to get some people pissed off at you given their beliefs.

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 Sunday, February 17, 2002

start New MP3s, Anyone? -- Chris || Post in the forum
I felt that the old list of mp3s to download from was a little old, therefore I decided it was time to put some new ones up.

Clutch - Open up the Border | 3.5MB
Eve6 - Here's To The Night | 3.9MB
Foo Fighters - My Hero | 4.0MB
Radiohead - Creep 3.6MB
Sprung Monkey - What's That You Say | 3.3MB

Maybe in a few days I'll update them to keep things looking alive around here.

With a collection of mp3s that's over 3000 songs strong, and well over a week in total playing time, I don't think finding other songs to put up for grabs should be too hard.

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 Saturday, February 16, 2002

start Movie Review: John Q. -- Chris || Post in the forum
Every once and a while it's good to go see a movie, right? What better than to go see a remake of the 1998 film "The Negotiator"?

That's basically what "John Q." is all about. A man gets pissed off about something that was done to him, and he decides to go into a building and keep a bunch of people hostage till he gets what he wants.

John Q(played by Denzel Washington)'s son collapsed while playing baseball due to an enlarged heart and needed to get a heart transplant - or else his son would die. Due to John Q not having enough money, he tries to raise the quarter of a million dollars that is needed to perform the heart transplant. He obviously cannot come up with the 250,000 dollars that he needed, so he takes over the hospital's emergency room and holds every one prisoner till he gets his son's name on the donor list.

Basically, if you have seen "The Negotiator", you pretty much know what to expect in terms of action. The plot is much different since in "The Negotiator" Samuel L. Jackson was framed for something that he did not do.

All-in-all "John Q." was not that bad of a movie, it's not so much of an action movie as it's shown in the commercials, but more for the plot of it all.

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 Thursday, February 14, 2002

start Someone, Somewhere, Is In Trouble -- Chris || Post in the forum
Ever since the September 11th attacks I've heard on the news how there's yet another new terror alert that we should be on the look out for. That someone somewhere is going to do something bad, but they don't know where and when it will be.

Sure. I can do that same thing. Within these next 365 days there will be an earthquake somewhere in the world, there will be a murder in New York City, and there will be a Super Bowl. Not that hard. Obviously there will be an earthquake somewhere in the world, stats are well in my favor that there will at least be one murder in New York City, and there will be a Super Bowl since that's what happens at the end of every NFL season.

This has happened on about two other occasions that I can remember. The FEDs said there's a terror threat, and they tell us about it, but they don't tell us what we want to (and should) know about it. The stuff like where, when and how. So you have the most advanced group in the world working on these things, yet they cannot deliver the things that are needed by the rest of the people.

Enough of them, on to the FAA. James Woods was on the O'Reilly Factor just a while ago, and what he said there is sure to explode tomorrow when it gets around the air waves of the rest of the media.

James Woods said something on the order of him being on a plane on August 1, and he noticed 4 men of Middle Eastern decent acting in a strange manner. He informed one of the flight attendants that they may try to hijack the plane, or do something on the plane. The FAA took care of the incident, or so they thought they did. Later they found out that at least two of the men on that flight are believed to be directly linked to the September 11th Attacks. (Note that I could not find an exact word-for-word transcript of the interview, but it's currently mentioned on the site of O'Reilly.) Update: Transcript can be found here.

The FAA didn't think of it as a major threat, in fact, they probably thought, "Who is this guy telling us what to do? We're professionals, we don't need his help." So they pretty much brushed the report off to the side and slowly forgot about it until September 11th.

No other details are really important thereafter (I'm not saying nothing else matters, just they really don't matter for the point I'm trying to make). The FAA had a report about a possible threat, and they did nothing about it. They let it go right through, and now someone has about 3000 counts of Criminal Negligence on their hands for letting the events of September 11th take place.

I cannot imagine what the 3000+ families who lost loved ones will think when they hear that the FAA neglected to do anything about what they had. I cannot imagine what that one person that made the decision to stop the review of that report must feel now.

The bottom line is that we, as paying citizens of the U.S., pay these people great deals of money, and then they let something like this go by. So what are they there for then? They had evidence of the worst terrorist act ever, and they pushed it to the side as if it were someone who lost their luggage.

Something sound a little "strange" here?

Thought so.

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start Family killer commits suicide -- Jon || Post in the forum
Nikolay Soltys, man who slayed his pregnant wife, aunt, uncle, his two 9 year old cousins, and his 3 year old son, has now killed himself.

>Nikolay Soltys, the Ukrainian immigrant who killed his pregnant wife, their 3-year-old son and four other family members last August, committed suicide Wednesday by hanging himself in his jail cell.
Soltys had tried to kill himself twice before. First by stabbing himself in the chest with a pencil, and second, jumping off a balcony in the prison that he was being held.

 Monday, February 11, 2002

start Can You Say, "Lazy"? -- Chris || Post in the forum
Lazy. Very good. This is what I see a lot of the world becoming today. From 10 DVD changers to remote controlled fans, things are just becoming too easy for us to do. Think about it, 10 DVDs, each average about 2 hours long, do you really need 20 hours of just sitting down and not doing anything? if we want it, we have it, and right now. If it's not now, it's not good enough.

We don't even have to really "exercise" anymore. With the invention of such products that say that all you have to do is strap it on, press a button, and away those pounds go.

Let The Amazing Ab-Maximizer Do The Exercising For You.

Now at just a fraction of the TV price!

Imagine, getting in the best shape of your life while reading, chatting on the phone or just watching TV. Now you can-- with the remarkable Ab-Maximizer. Simply wrap the "Maximizing belts" around your body, and then relax. With the press of a button, the Ab- Maximizer' s 10-levels of intensity and pre-programmed fitness modes will begin to automatically, flatten your stomach, tighten your butt and firm flabby arms and legs. (up to 700-contractions per minute)

The Ab-Maximizer System Includes:
- Two (2) electronic exercise belts
- Ab-tightening gel
- Easy-to-follow instruction booklet & Weight Loss Guide
- Handy travel case

It’s the most amazing exercise device ever developed and can be yours now at our exclusive super-low price of only $39.99... save $100.00 off the TV price!. Don't wait order NOW.

As you can tell, that's another entry from my spam diary from just today. So now not only do they annoy me, they offend me by calling me fat.

Basically, what they're saying is, exercising without the workout. What a concept that must be! Just sit back while you slobber yourself with more fatty foods watching your favorite TV program, this all while the Ab-Maximizer is working at those abs! (Remember, this is still while your eating and practicing getting fatter.)

We're going to have devices that chew our own food soon, and then give it to us, that way we don't have to chew food and waste those valuable calories. This device, along with the new Retro-Respirator will lead you to the life of pure laziness. The Retro-Respirator will now breathe for you, no longer will you have to be a stupid idiot breathing on your own when you can let machines do all the work for you!

With the above three mentioned devices, you can be a lump of a human and live doing little to nothing for the rest of your life. By the year 2050 the new saying is going to be, "Why do the work when machines can do it for you?"

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 Saturday, February 9, 2002

start Which Shall It Be? -- Chris || Post in the forum
Not too many choices in the news today for anyone to read or talk about, perhaps this is due to the constant bragging of how tight the security at the Olympics are this time around.

Media and money are simply synonyms for each other. They are the same when you really take a look into things. The only reason why you hear about the security so much (and too much) is because it will sell more than the games themselves will, and they, the media, know it. So why not keep things normal, when you can have more people watch the broadcast and make money from them? A genius idea indeed.

They're not there this year for the games; they're there for the coverage of the security.

I don't know who has won what yet because of the media constantly covering the security instead of what they should be covering - the games. I think the FBI may have one the men's 15k cross country, but I'm just not sure.

But given that media is money, they will always go for the bargain, and that's security since they know it will sell, and everyone is interested in topics related to terrorism.

start IQ Levels Going Down At MIT
On to more stupider news. (uh... "stupider"?)

Britney Spears is planning on making a trip to MIT to lessen their brain power last year. Her quotes do not make any sense. Do her songs make sense? I don't know, I have never listened to them. (Who could be writing them then?)

Note how many times she uses the phrase, "you know" when you click on that link.

"I would like to restrict my talk only to literary issues in the art and history of music," Britney told reporters. She added, "I would like to introduce people to the Three-B model of western music history. The Three-B model states that the three greatest musical composers of all time are: Bach, Beethoven, and Britney. Other composers are just details but I would give them a few footnotes in musical history."

The address will be followed by a live performance of "Oops! I did it again." Britney stated that the song will be really appropriate for MIT because "you know, the music video was filmed on Mars and I'm sure MIT people are really crazy about Mars exploration." She added, "Well, you know, I could perform any one of my other songs but they all involve some degree of nudity... I understand that there will be many under-21 kiddies in the audience and I don't want to give them more than they should be handling at their young ages."

That's right, those geeks cannot handle her!

I especially like the part when she says, "you know, the music video was filmed on Mars and I'm sure MIT people are really crazy about Mars exploration." Does she have any songs that deal with math? Because, you know, they really like math, and math would be a good fitting thing for the situation, and they would really like that since they're really into math.

Also note when you read the rest of how highly she thinks of herself. That's right, she's smarter than you, stronger than you, prettier than you, faster than you, and generally, she thinks you're a piece of crap. Yes, that's right, that's pretty much what she's trying to say.

Quite ironically, I just saw A Beautiful Mind last night. Fits right into the topic, but I don't think she sees people that are really not there. Or does she?

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 Thursday, February 7, 2002

start Racial Profiling! -- Chris || Post in the forum
As you can see to the right here, you know what kind of topic is going to be discussed just by that picture.

No, it's not because he just so happens to be black. It's because he is black, and Al Sharpton just so happens to be black and I always think of him when I hear of racial profiling. Again, I don't think that because he is black, I think of that because he's always in the news regarding racial profiling.

On to the real stuff. When you call someone, or answer the phone, do you know whether they are black or white? Sure, I can take guesses about what color the person is on the other side of that phone, but am I right? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. In essence, I have a 50% chance of guessing right.

Apparently a black lady from Belleville, Ill. thinks that she could not get the right apartment because the way she sounded.

Since the owner had gone through the trouble to advertise the room in the local newspaper, thought Rice, why would she talk to a prospective renter with a bad attitude and rush her off the phone?

The answer, Rice believes, was simple. "I'm quite sure she picked up that I was black from my voice," she said.

Reading those few lines there almost literally made me go "What the hell?" out loud. I honestly think that it is just silly that she blames it on the way she sounded.

At this rate I don't think that I'm going to be too shocked when I hear about someone saying, "I'm pretty sure they picked up that I am black from the email that I sent them".

Think about it, right now are you trying to figure out if I am black or white? No. Most of the time you really do not care about the other race since most of us (blacks and whites) have come to the conclusion that both races are equal. It's even more ridiculous since the person didn't even see the black lady, which would mean that the person would have to take a guess, perhaps an educated guess, and decide from there.

Don't get me wrong, I had no idea that Bubba Sparxx was white till I saw a picture of him. Then after I saw the picture, I thought, "Isn't he black?". Not when I heard one of his songs, which aren't good in the first place if you ask me.

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 Wednesday, February 6, 2002

start Duh. -- Chris || Post in the forum
3 days without any updates makes for a boring main page. So I had to come up with something to write about or else it would be 4 days with nothing, and the possibly on to 5 days if nothing on Thursday.

Obviously by now, if you have access to the internet, you have heard about the American Taliban, John Walker. He's been back in the land that he hates so much for, oh, about 1.5 weeks now.

They finally had a hearing for him today for whether or not he can be free while he waits for his trial, or wait that time behind bars. The courts made a good decision on keeping him behind bars if you ask me.

The decision means Lindh, 20, will not be released to the custody of his father as he awaits his trial on charges of conspiring to kill his fellow Americans.

U.S. Magistrate W. Curtis Sewell ruled that, contrary to arguments by defense lawyers, Lindh "has every incentive to flee" if he were released, and if he fled he would present a threat to his community.

I see a few problems wrong with this "kid's" case claiming that he wasn't fighting with them, as well as another point that brings up the idea that being in prision is better for him.

1. The United States Government has more money than he does - Lots more.
2. The United States Government has more money than he does - Lots more.
3. The United States Government has more money than he does - Lots more.
4. He doesn't even have an attorney since he said that he didn't need one.
5. He is better off in jail because other citizens of the U.S. would be very tempted to kill, or severely hurt a former Taliban fighter that tried to kill them, and kill another 3,000 or so people on September 11th, and also because any other terrorists that maybe in the U.S. right now will try and kill him because he may talk.

Actually, isn't that what witness protection is for? But he's not the witness.

Out of all honesty, I don't know how some people here in the U.S. can say that the prisoners in Camp Mammogram aren't being treated right. Sure, what if they aren't being treated right? They are the ones that wanted to kill you, and they still do want to kill you. Some of the fighters for the Taliban over there want to go there because there's food, water, and shelter.

All-in-all, I honestly don't think you're going to see this guy walking in the streets of anywhere for at least 30 years with the crap that they hit him with, and what kind of legal staff they are going against. Sorry, Johnny.  

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