


Hitstun here. A few months ago we tried to move into a new site at http://oldskatez.3x.ro/. Well, the new site looked good, but after a couple weeks of using it, the server began to get slower and slower. Now, if you tried to go there, pages would take between 40 and 50 MINUTES to load. I wasn't going to just wait for those Romanian servers to fix the problem. For now, we're going back to the old OLd site here on Angelfire so we can regroup and decide where the web site will go.


This is hitstun again. The Videos section and all the vids hosted on my server will be down for a couple days. I get 5GB transfer per month, but I've managed to exceed it. We had 5 new vids this month, so that put a big demand on the server. It's no big deal, I only owe 10 cents right now. The video server will be back up and running soon. Sorry about the downtime.


Congratulations to ATDI for being the 1st player in THUG to earn his own vault for his parks!!! Good Job you deserve it! I'm sure we'll be soon seeing that vault filled with all his CAPs available for d/l very soon so keep an eye open for that many great CAPs to be played there.


Whoooo Hooo!!! We're one year OLd today! That's right boys and girls today's our 1st anniversary!!! So everyone raise your glass and say cheers to the first year of OLd! It's been a great one Super and my self would like to send out much <3 to those who've been there to enjoy it with us We've had a lot of fun hope you all have as well and looking forward to much more to come! To mark our anniversary here I've given the site here a little overhaul I have to finish the member pages but other than that about done so here u go enjoy!


Sup every1 Sars here just making a quick update here I'm currently making some updates to the roster pages and they should be done soon so keep an eye open for that and we also have a few other updates and new things currently in the works so stay tuned ;) laterz all


Hey, this is hitstun, making my first entry to the update page. I messed around with the video page and got it looking a more like the rest of the site. Each vid now has a picture to go with it. More things are planned, like including filesizes and maybe an embedded player, for those of you who are having trouble downloading my WMV's. I might just go and convert these all to DivX too. Anyway, if you guys have any lines to be capped, let me know. SuperNoob is still trying to get the hang of Windows Movie Maker, but I'll get him on track and soon we can both cap and upload for you.


The long awaited highly anticipated update is here!!! There are still some loose ends to tie up on the profile pages and the Created Archive is taking much longer than expected so hopefully will be up in the next few weeks but otherwise everything is up and working. In other news we here at OLd would like to welcome all the new members who've joined recently Gramps, HalloWe, D4rw1n, Fear and Loathing, Cota good to have you all with us.


So u say u like created parks?? Ohhh man r u at the right place. We'd here at (OLd) would like to welcome Hitstun to the clan! Be sure to check out all his parks available for download as well as ones from Evil-god and myself(sarsippius) some excellent CAPs there to be played.


Sup every1 for all who haven't seen TXO has done a big THUG update, lots of new interesting stuff there to check out so when u done here head over there with the quicks. In other news we'd like to welcome Slut to the ranks of (OLd) another great addition to the clan good to have ya with us.


Well apparently someone at Neversoft thought it would be cool if the Darkslide was the most popular move in the game and at that they have succeeded. Didn't any one play test the game? or did they think we all needed our own perfect balance move? Oh well in other news, we'd like to welcome Buckethead our newest member of OLd glad to have ya aboard. Keep an eye open for CAPS from Evil-God and myself (Sarsippius) Some very good stuff coming shortly.


Glad to see almost the entire clan has made the transition from THPS4 to THUG here in the first week and hopefully we’ll be seeing the rest soon. Hope your all enjoying the game and hope you enjoy our website here it’s still in it’s early stages but it is starting to take shape and as always more soon to come.

Last Update: 08 May 2004