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Diib Enemies

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Below is a list of all the enemies who may oppose you in your quest, along with details which may aid you in defeating them.
Note that the golem is immune to physical attack (so spells that deal magical damage must be used). Similiarly the Blue Slime is immune to magical damage, but is weak to physically damaging spells. A list of which spells do which damage can be found here.

SlimeSlimes can be found in most places throughout Mythica. Usually just seen as pests or vermin.Ranged2110
GoblinQuick but fragile, the goblin homeland is the warlike land of BarantTraps3125
OrcSlow witted but tough, the orc is a common enemy to the lands of manNone62100
GolemThese rock monsters are immune to many kinds of damage making them an evil foe.Immune to Physical82200
KnightAlthough you are used to armored human foes, the decoration on this armor is unique. Lightning13?3500
Blue SlimeThe bluer slimes are more highly developed form of ooze, and are therefore more resiliant.PhysicalBLOOD2 1000
Spectre of TearsThese appear to be trapped ghosts of Clerics of Tears turned to evil. Summons6-103 2000Casts Heal Spells
Saurian PyromancerFound in the swamps of Tsen Tsee, the lizard races have mastered the use of fire.Traps9-3500Casts Flamejet and Flame
Hell OrcThis abomination appears to be an orc which has been twisted by foul demon kind!No Weakness14-154 SCORE
BobRare everywhere but the Dragon Mountains and Black lands, most travellers avoid a Bob.Ranged AttackBLOOD- SCORECasts Storm
WyvernWyverns are only found in the Dragon Mountains, so not much is known about them. NoneBLOOD5 5000Casts Flamejet
DemonThe evil mistress FlameShade rules this tower. You must defeat her utterly to escape alive!NoneBLOOD DAMAGESCORECasts Power, Meteor, Storm and Summon