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Diib's Dilemma Scoring

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There are two objectives in Diib, one is to get as far as possible (or, preferably, complete it), the other is to get as high a score as possible.

It is important to realise that these two are not mutually inclusive. You can get a high score without actually getting a long way into the game. As an example:

The scores here are roughly the same but the levels are rather different! (Plus, I was actually putting some effort into getting a good score on the left hand one!)
A strategy (written by the great Random himself) can be found elsewhere. Here I plan merely to explain the basics and give values for the various things in game.

There are 7 methods to scoring points in Diib Dilemma

1: Killing Enemies (Fairly simple!)
2: Completing Levels
3: Having lots of Blood after completing levels
4: Completing a level with one technique
5: Completing a level using only one element
6: Picking up Blue and Orange globes (after killing enemies)
7: Casting the spells "Wealth" and "Avarice"


Different enemies are worth different points (the harder the enemy, the more points for killing it), it doesn't matter how it dies, just that it does! The points for killing enemies are listed under the monsters Section. Needless to say, this is not the best way to score points!


Completing levels, like killing enemies, is a fairly standard points gainer. The points you gain go up as the levels get harder. Except certain levels, this isn't even as much as killing the enemies on the level!


At the end of every level you get a "Blood Bonus", this will be more useful later on in the game, as the points per blood and your initial blood both increase. Healing spells and red potions, along with not being hit too much, can make this a reasonable income of points. Water mages are more likely to get decent points from this, as they have all the healing spells (including Sprite).


Completing a level with only one technique (Attack, Trap or Summon) is an important way of gaining points. The bonus in later levels is fairly substantial. This bonus is also fairly easy to get early on (as there aren't that many spells to choose from anyway). Note that you can have any type of defensive spells (Shield, Wealth, Portal, Heal etc.) and still get this bonus.


This is the most important way of getting a score because the bonus is cumulative. Therefore, if you get through 20 levels with fire the bonus will be up to 6000 points per level! Obviously this is a hard strategy to use as you can only use 1/4 of the spells available. Fire has no defence or healing spells, air is dependant on summons (except for it's relatively weak traps and Curse), spirit is very dangerous to the caster (and is costly) and water only has one spell able to cause damage (as Sprite doesn't damage opponents).


After you kill an enemy they may drop a blue or orange globe, these can provide a boost to your score but it isn't necessarily worth while trying to pick them up if they are near to enemies (as opposed to the other bonuses, which are much more valuable).


The final method is using the two water spells Wealth and Avarice. Wealth gives you 100 points per casting and has a speed of 1, Avarice gives 300 points and has a speed of 2. There is a maximum limit on the number of times each level that these spells can be cast, but it is quite high (40ish), and so, with 2 slots of Avarice, you can gain almost 25,000 points! Of course, this does mean that you have less slots for important offensive or defensive spells, and the spells themselves cost spirit stones to build, and (if you want a good score) you are limited to a water mage if you want them. Also, it takes quite a while to cast 40 speed 2 spells, so you are going to be spending a long time wandering around before you can get the maximum score from this tactic (though, with stasis as the only attack spell, this is possible).

Level Level BonusBlood Bonus
(per point)
Devious Bonus
(all traps)
Intimidation Bonus
(all attack spells)
Overlord Bonus
(all summon spells)
10-1920061000300 700
20-2930091700500(?) 1200

FireSaurian Pyromancer300
WaterSea Elven Healer900
AirCleric of the Raven250
SpiritWizard of the White200