Martin's to-do-list
The game's story
Current projects

Chronos V

Welcome to the homesite of Chronos V's writing department!

My name is Martin Krantz, and I am one of the staff members. The last couple of days have gone into collecting our writers' works, and to create this database. I hope you will enjoy reading it!

It has been sorted into three main cathegories, "story", "terrans" and "anchients".

Much of the work under the cathegory "Terrans" was created by former Valhalla staff member KWBishop. Many thanks goes out to him for letting us use his work!

The main reason for this page is so that everyone on the Chronos team easily can see what has been done by the writing department, and to check up what the lore states about certain things, like the racism against droids.

I strongly urge you to read this, as it will make it much easier for us to create a game with the continuity that is needed, and because if other staff members go ahead working on things that don't follow the lore, we in the writing department will have to make changes in it, doublechecking it to make sure everything fits with what actually gets in the game.

Welcome, and I hope you enjoy the read.

Oh, by the way, in the beginning of each writing, the name of the author should be written. If I've missed this anywhere on the pages, then please email me at:

So I could concentrate on our writings, I simply used a template made by "Steve's free web templates". Thanks goes out to him.


Martin Krantz, Department leader.


Steves free web site templates