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The Planeswalkers
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Member Profiles
Chaos Lists
Wins and Losses
Special Formats
Member Decks

Welcome to The Planeswalkers home page!

The glory that is the game Magic: The Gathering inspired 3 players to set out to form a club, where Magic players young and old, skilled and unskilled, rich and poor, living and dead....ok...maybe not that, but a club for all players to join. Taking steps toward this goal, an idea was born. Taking pen and paper in hand, a quick set of rules were created. Thus, The Planeswalkers was born!


Latest News and Developments From Warfang the Fallen

1/29/03  11:19 PM

        I just got done talking to Tovron about some things.  We decided that we should have a president and v. president since the club is starting to grow beyond four members.  For now, I will be pres and Drakor will be V. Pres by simple right that we are founding members and not out of the area.  Other issues that arose are these:  1. When I update the site, I have to duplicate the index.htm file and rename the copy index.html or the site doesn't function...if I ever forget, just drop me an IM.  2. The counter didn't reset itself like I wanted it to.  We'll just have to make do with it as is. today's site updates were this:  1) Added more categories to Profiles page.  2) Added email address to bottom of each page.  3) Tried tweaking the counter again.  4) Spell checked this page!  Let me know if any other pages have horrible spelling or grammar errors.

1/29/03  12:20 AM

        I just finished updating the following pages:  Chaos Lists, Member Profiles, Special Formats, and Wins and Losses.  The rest of the site should be up and running soon.  I also decided to knock up the hit counter, since today we had 10 hits and the old site had 70, so I'll start it at 80.  Any objections?  With none heard, said activity carries.  Possible new member Candidates are Cody, Dan, and Matt.  



Hit Counter


Last Updated:  January 29, 2003 by Warfang