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See My Parks

See My Rides

Other Stuff

Fair Tycoon


Here are all of the parks I have posted so far. If you think you have a good park, send it to If I like the park, I will post it for downloading. Remember: I don't check my E-mail all the time. Your park may not be posted right away. I may or may not post the rides from it in the rides section, unless you ask and I have time. See more in "Other Stuff".

This is a small park. It was my first attempt at the first level. And I Succeeded. I did not use a trainer to make this park. It contain two mini steel coasters, and smaller carnie rides.

Park Rating: 846

Number Of Guests: 812

How Much Money: $18,674

--Download this park!

This a park was made by a friend of mine and is called "DreamLand" and it is a coaster heaven! There are tons of great coasters here, and that is pretty much all it is...

Park Rating: 900

Number Of Guests: 56

How Much Money: $4,790,779.40

--Download this park!