[ WOLY Bully ]

[Gulf City] 30th Street and 1st Ave

The area known as 'Radio Row' is the media center of Olympus Island. The streets are filled with the sounds of music, news, and indiscriminate sounds playing almost 24 hours a day from the various stations and electronic stores that line the avenues. The energy here during the day is high, as band members and would-be celebrities rush from recording studios to filming studios and back, stopping briefly at the few tiny cafes and coffee houses that squeeze between mixtures of brick, single-story offices and huge warehouses being used as soundstages.

Taking up a good chunk of one of the blocks are the offices and broadcasting facilities of WOLY, the island's largest media concern. The front of the building has a huge video screen, showing whatever is playing on the island's local television broadcast. Farther down the road is Orange Crate, a struggling recording studio that many of the island's bands book low-rate time in, right next door to WSUX (88.7 FM), the popular voice of non-mainstream culture on the island and alternate music station.

The music and voices that fill this area are replaced somewhat by more electronic noises as one passes the numerous electronic shops that dot the local landscape, most selling televisions, computers, and radios, but some concerning themselves with more 'specialized' items.

Darren Stelling is outside of the WOLY building, a camerman near him, "This is just amazing. The animal is making its way up the street."

Bull seems to be agitated and upset, swiping with his horns.

Dragonfist was grocery shopping. Was. That is, until a children came running through the alley ways, yelling something about a rampaging bull down by 30th and 1st. Hopefully, the milk won't spoil before he gets back to where he hid the items and changed, before leaping rooftop-to-rooftop towards the scene...

Hearing the sounds of cars piling into a single place, Phoenix takes to the sky from 70th street and makes her way as quickly as she can to the scene of the bull. Wings ablaze to announce her presence to anyone glancing skyward, she swoops down toward the rampaging animal, formulating a plan. A very simple, unmeditated plan.

Bull runs into the middle of traffic and charges a car, swiping with his horns.

The car receives a nasty dent as its shoved back a nit.

Dragonfist lands with a final leap not far from the raging animal. " Please clear the area. Animal Control will arrive shortly..." the monk says loudly, yet awfully calm. " Until then, I shall deal with the animal..."

Darren Stelling speaks into his microphone, "Dragpnfist is here, and rather calm. This reporter waits to see the results."

The people running away seem more than happy to let Dragonfist deal with the animal.

Phoenix dives, "Teamwork will accomplish what one can do in more time!" She changes course, moving down where the bull's path seems to take it, her eyes watching for people in the way.

Bull sees the flaming woman and starts zigzagging, making a wailing cry as he tries to run somewhere, and seeming to be confused.

Dragonfist dashes forwards, easily surpassing the bull without pushing his movement. Without hesitation, he attempts to place it in an intricate headlock. Apparently, he's done little more then read about bulls...

Dragonfist gets the beast by the neck, and keeps the hold. " Be calm..." he speaks softly, " You will not be harmed..."

Darren Stelling speaks, "Amazing! Dragonfist has actually grabbed onto the beast, and is holding him."

Bull snorts and makes a cry, but remains in Dragonfist's grip.

Phoenix adjusts her course to the bull's, snatching one man out of harm's way with a bit of visible effort in carrying him, landing gently nearby. "You'll be safe, sir! Just go!" Again, she goes off on crowd control. "Everyone find a place that isn't here!"

The man runs, "You don't have to tell /me/ twice!"

Bull struggles a bit, trying to get out of Dragonfist's grip, but can't.

Darren Stelling moves closer, with the cameraman, "They seem to have the animal well in hand. Where it came from is a mystery."

Dragonfist keeps his hold for now, and takes a moment to look the beast over, maybe for some sort of identying tag or mark... Dragonfist finds an ordinary, shaggy bull. " Hmmm..."

Bull seems to calm down in Dragonfist's grip, but still snorts unhappily.

Phoenix wishes she'd know whether a blinded bull likes to not go anywhere like a horse does, according to her unreliable sources. "Mister reporter, I'll need to ask you to please get back away from the area of danger!" She turns over midair, adjusting course again, her flames going out. A quick landing follows, her wings folding in. "That is not a local animal." Darren Stelling moves back a bit, "Phoenix is coming in to investigate now. The danger is over, it seems."

Dragonfist nods solemnly to Phoenix. His grip stays firm, but not harmful towards the Bull. " Do you know where it is from? I am unfamiliar with cattle..."

Animal Control arrives. A man gets out, then asks Dragonfist, "Do you think you can hold it a bit longer? The Sandovals are on their way from Green Valley."

Phoenix shakes her head. "Not even an idea, aside from that we have no wooly bullies on the island." She grins slightly, in good humor. She nods in greeting to the Animal Control people, then surveys the area for people who didn't quite make it out of the bull's way.

Darren Stelling rubs his chin in thought, "Hmm..Wooly Bully." Most of the people seem to be unharmed. A few cars are damaged, though.

Dragonfist nods to the animal control people, " I shall wait. " He says, and decides to check for any injuries...

Within a short time, a truck with a trailer pulls up, directed by police. A man in his late 40's gets out with a younger man, and walks towards

Dragonfist. "Okay, we're going to rope him and put him in the truck. You hold him until I say you no do it, si?" Dragonfist nods solemnly, and readies himself.

The two men rope the bull, and the younger backs the truck towards the animal, trailer end towards it. Between the three men, the animal is herded into the trailer and enclosed, "Si, that'll do 'er. Gracias."

Darren Stelling asks the cameraman, "Are you getting all this?"

Phoenix asks the older man, "Sir, where do these bulls come from?"

The older man looks at Phoenix, "These type of cattle, they come from Europe. I don' know what he doing here. Poor fella."

Phoenix looks thoughtful. "Odd that it should be loosed here. And most difficult. How healthy is he?"

The man shakes his head, "We won' know until we get him back to the rancho and have the doctor see him. He's looking okay to me, but he need a checkover." He nods to her, "Si, it is funny for him running through a city here."

Phoenix nods. "If he is very healthy, then whomever brought him knows how to care for animals over long trips. Thank you!"

The man bows, then moves to go back to the truck. He gets in and they drive off.

Darren Stelling tells the cameraman, "Inside! Quick! I have a great idea!!"

People begin going back to normal, now that the bull has been removed.

Dragonfist sees the Bull off, and goes to retrieve his milk...

Phoenix waves to Dragonfist. "Well done! I've not before seen such a capable bullwrestler."

Dragonfist thinks .oO(Bull...wrestler?) And returns the wave, before dissapearing...


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