[ The Capture of Blink ]

Solace walks into the Sugartail Lounge and looks around. o O (Hmmmm, Dezz was right, this place is different) trying hard to focus through the smoke.

Blink is sitting, hidden beneath a trenchcoat and hat, in a dark corner.

Solace looks around a bit then heads for a more private seat and takes a seat.

Blink gets up and walks over to Solace's table, then sits down. "This better not be a trap or ambush."

Solace pauses and looks at Blink, then nods, "It is not, though I fear I can not guarantee the actions of others." then looks around, "I have a message for you and a request for information."

Blink sighs, then coughs, "Ok. Message, and then request."

Solace nods and says, "The superheroes wish to offer you terms for your surrender to the authorities. If you turn yourself in, and offer help in assistance of the growing events of Liberty Corners, they promise to assist you and help you reform yourself."

Blink starts laughing, placing a hand over his face, "That's just great. /My/ surrender? Those Keystone Cops can't catch me on the best day of their lives. But, what a nice offer. I needed a good laugh. What's the request, then?"

Solace nods and says, "What you do and how you do it are unfortunate things I must admit. However, there are greater events occuring here in this town. You are buy a symptom of a system of wealth and power, but another seeks to change everything. I believe you know who I am referring to, El Aguila." softly spoken.

Blink nods, "Si, I know of El Aguila."

Solace nods and says, "Do you serve this El Aguila?"

Blink lets out a long sigh, "Everyone does. They just don't know it, yet."

Solace nods and says, "Not everyone. Yet, I do agree with you on that part. What does El Aguila want and why? There must be more than just domination of Liberty Corners, I feel a greater purpose."

Blink nods and tells him, "You are smarter than you look. I have good news and bad news. The good news is you are right. I do not think this is about domination. The bad news is I don't actually know what El Aguila _wants_."

Solace looks at Blink, "Indeed, I may seem just a normal doctor, but appearances can be deceiving. El Aguila seeks a new system, I ask myself why, and behind it I can only come with one answer, he seeks to destroy something." then pauses, "Yet, what fuels this attempt for destruction or revolution, anger perhaps, resentment, or envy. Perhaps all, who knows. Do you speak to this El Aguila as in can leave him a message?"

Blink shakes his head, "In a way, yes, in a way no. I don't summon him. If he happens to take me, and read me, then the message would be passed."

Solace nods and says, "Take you? As in take over your mind?"

Blink nods, "It's easy for El Aguila. And you do not recall it later. I am not sure whether this is a blessing or a curse."

Dezz slips in the door and slinks over to the bar, where he shakes the bartender's hand and takes a seat on one of the stools.

Solace pauses a moment and says, "Indeed, tell him this. His actions are known, is presence has been detected, and a war has begun. How it will end is anyones guess, but know this, he may come to rule the north of Liberty Corners, but I will him allow him to come to the south. I know what El Aguila is, and not as foolish as others to play his or her game."

Blink asks, "You know what El Aguila is? Please, tell me, then. I haven't a clue."

Solace nods and says, "El Aguila is the void of despair and it is reflected in the town of dominion. Who El Aguila is, I do not know. As for you, my recommendations is to consider the request of the superheroes or at least abandon this island in it's wholeness."

Dezz accepts a beer in a frosted glass, and turns a bit on his stool to look out over the lounge (as best he can thru the dark and the smoke).

Blink leans on the table, "Maybe. I have interests here, though. We'll see what happens. You may want to give that same recommendation to the superheroes. Leave."

Solace shrugs and says, "That is the great paradox of the whole situation, two sides in opposition." pausing for a moment, "As for your interests, I'm sure you can move your business elsewhere, perhaps back to LA."

Blink grits his teeth, "Blackmailing me?"

Solace shakes his head and says, "No, I want no money nor power. I want only peace and safety for the citizens of this town."

Blink mutters, "I'm not the one who destroyed the city jail."

Solace nods a bit and says, "A wrong doesn't make a right. As for the city jail, well, that was unfortunate."

Blink points at Solace, "Look, you want to talk about a war and safety of people? Look right at Gulf City. A war on metas by the politicos, and it'll be quite a tug of war."

Solace glances at Blink and says, "And I take it El Aguila has nothing to do with this?"

Shao Wong enters the Sugartail Lounge, and immidiatly cringes at the tobacco filled air as it stings his eyes and fills his nostrils. Quietly, he begins to look around for Solace. Normally, he'd just ask someone, as he had moving through Liberty Corners until pointed here-but even the monk realizes these are not friendly people.

Blink nods, "De nada. He's not involved with that."

Solace nods and says, "Indeed, though the Mayor of this town is quite interested in power and control."

Blink sighs and leans back, "I don't know. She seems okay. I don't know what the deal is, or why she's so afraid of mental powers. That's the real thing. She's going for a blanket, but hoping to cover the speck."

Solace pauses and says, "I was talking about Tanner Kassam, not her. But a good point indeed."

Blink snorts, "Kassam is in the Villilli pockets. He's easy to know."

Solace nods and says, "Ahhh yes, the Villilli indeed. Such an influential family indeed."

Dezz thinks . o O (Now what is that man doing in HERE.)

Blink asks, "Have you gone to Pirate Cove Casino, yet? It's quite nice."

Solace looks to Blink and says, "Do I look like a man who gambles on money?"

Shao Wong spots Solace with ease, after some looking-he sticks out a bit in a place like this. Stepping forwards, quietly, he clears his throat slightly. " Excuse me, gentlemen. I am sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I have a matter of some urgency I must speak with Solace about.."

Blink grins, "No. But you'd like the parrots."

Blink looks up, "Be my guest."

Solace pauses and turns towards Shao Wong and thinks o O (Oh what timing...) then nods and says, "Yes, how may I assist you?"

Dezz gets up from his stool, picks up his mug, and sidles down the bar, moving in-between the people seated at the bar and the tables crowded just behind him. He tries to keep his back to Solace, with his face turned away. Halfway down the bar, he starts trying to thread his way between the tables, looking for an open chair from which he might have a better chance of overhearing the conversation that Solace is engaged in.

Blink leans back a bit and lets Shao speak to Solace.

Shao Wong looks at Blink for a moment, and nods, " Thank you. " He had to control his instinct to go into a defensive stance-of all the people for Solace to be speaking with. " I apologize agiant for my intrusion. As you know, the mosquito problem and the plague that rises with it is pushing the breaking point. After some checking, I am sure that through an incense of catnip and pyrethrin flower petals, a repellent and insecticde with a large radius of effect, the infestation can be defeated. "

Solace pauses a bit feeling a familiar presence, then moves his eyes a bit over towards the lifeforce then turns back o O (Popular place indeed.) then looks to Shao Wong, "You wish to release incense over all of North Liberty Corners?"

Blink starts chuckling.

Shao Wong raises an eyebrow, " I would like to distribute it to the citizens as a means to protect themselves, yes. Hispanic herbal healing uses very similar practices as what I am suggesting. And, the situation being as it is, I do not plan to charge them...anything. But my supplies alone will not be sufficient, and I know you keep a private herbal garden of your own..."

Blink starts shaking with laughter and puts a hand over his face.

Shao Wong says, "Is there a problem?"

Solace nods and says, "It would require a large amount of these flowers and herbs to cover the whole of Liberty Corners, would it not?"

Blink shakes his head, "No, sorry. Doc and his private herbal garden."

Shao Wong looks at Blink, puzzled. If he only knew. " Well, it would be concentrated around the river, mostly. There it will be most effective. Once there is a massive purge, sparse, small scale censer burnings should be sufficient to keep the population of pests under control. "

Blink coughs, "The outbreak is near the west side, mountainside."

Solace looks over and says, "I hardly would call it private, it's not exactly something that is kept away from others." then looks back to Shao Wong, "An interesting idea, wouldn't it be easier to just uhmmm, yes, find the source?"

Shao Wong nods, " Well, of course. But this is an immidiate solution to the problem of the infections arising. The source itself may be much more complicated to deal with. "

Dezz finds a seat somewhat closer, and sits down, greeting the man seated next to him.

Solace nods and says, "But if you want to take care of the mosquitoes, destroy their breeding grounds, eventually they'll die out. Then the disease can be contained. I will of course help you as much I can, though I doubt I have that much in herbs and flowers, my greenhouse is yet to be built fully anyways."

Shao Wong smiles slightly, " Thank you. I need only any catnip leaves and matured pyrthrin flower petals you can spare. "

Solace pauses and says, "Catnip? Over the whole town, hmmm." then thinks a bit.

Blink shrugs at Solace, "It couldn't hurt."

Solace nods and says, "Well, at least the feline population will be happy."

Shao Wong says, "If it does not repell them, the pyrethrin will /kill/ the insects."

Solace nods and says, "Yes, a naturally occuring pesticide. Though, wouldn't it be best to have someone at the base create the chemical directly?"

Shao Wong says, "What base?"

Solace nods and says, "Oh, yes, uhmmm, I ponder, one of the chemical companies?"

Blink nods, "Eastham'll have it. Good idea, Doctor."

Shao Wong nods, " I am not familiar with the chemical process involved. Though, if it would serve to be more efficient..."

Solace nods and says, "Eastham yes..."

Blink tells Shao Wong, "I'll get some of it."

Shao Wong mentally bites his tongue, " How? "

Solace looks over and says, "How considerate of you."

Blink smirks at Solace, "I'm all about helping people."

Solace glances a bit and says, "I see. The question is does your master too."

Blink frowns, "That's a good question. But whether it's yes or no, I don't have a choice."

Solace nods a bit and says, "There is always a choice, it's just sometimes we don't want to choose it."

Blink tells Solace, "Then I guess I just don't have your strength. Because I tried. And it's no good. In any case, I need to get to work. Tell the capes I'm not going to surrender to them."

Solace head bows a bit, and says, "I shall tell them of your response then."

Shao Wong looks rather upset, " How do you plan to /get/ these chemicals? "

Solace looks over and says, "Order it?"

Blink stands and coughs, then tells Shao Wong, "Of course." He starts heading out.

Solace looks over and thinks o O (Or steal it in your case.)

Solace glances up to Shao Wong, "Eastham Chemicals, hmmm, that reminds me of something." then pauses to think about another topic.

Shao Wong rushes to intercept Blink, " Sir..." he hisses, rather urgently. " Please. There is an easier way to do this..." he says, "...without any sort of lawbreaking. "

Blink looks down at Shao, "Get out of my way, so there isn't any BONEbreaking."

Solace looks over and then shrugs and rises from h"This is so not the time..." he mumbles to himself.

Shao Wong frowns, " Please. I beg of you. I swear upon my ancestors that the substance, in one form or another, will be distributed /without cost/ to remedy the situation. Theft is not needed...and I cannot let you walk away knowing what you will do. "

Blink sighs, "Don't make me pick you up and put you somewhere you can't get back up from."

Shao Wong takes a moment to close his eyes, and breath deeply. " I'm afraid I still cannot allow this. "

People in the lounge begin to run to cover and safety.

Solace looks around and then calls out, "There shall be no violence here."

Blink nods, "Okay. If it will make you feel better, Bruce Lee, I'll shoot you. The doctor will fix you."

Dezz pushes past a few people and struggles to Solace's side. "Oh, hey, Doc, what a trip seein' you here." He looks at the semi-disguised Blink, then at Shao Wong. "What is up, my brothahs?"

Blink tells Dezz, "'Brotha', you may want to hold this man back, so he doesn't get hurt."

Solace looks over and says, "I would advise you to stay clear." then looks to Shao Wong, "As well as you, this man is not a man to be challenged so directly, especially by someone without his abilities."

Dezz looks at Blink with an easy gaze. "Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit. You fellas don't wanna be bustin' up the club, right?" He looks at Shao Wong. "Right?"

Blink tells Shao and Dezz, "I've wiped the ground with Dasher, Lookout, and El Cid. If you don't have the ability like they do, GET OUT OF MY WAY."

Shao Wong stands firm, " I may not be any of them. But I still have principles I must adhere to, just as you have ones you do. You are not an evil person. I can see that. Please. Do not do this. "

Dezz shakes a hand in front of his chest as if he'd just burned it. "Wooo! Man is BAD."

Blink rolls his eyes, "Do you know what they call me?" He sheds the coat and hat.

Dezz blinks.

Shao Wong says, "Blink. It makes no difference."

Blink nods, "Blink. You have to ask yourself why." And with a flash of light, *bzapp* sound, and the smell of ozone, he's gone.

Solace looks around and says, "At least someone showed restraint." then walks and heads out of the lounge.

People seem relieved and go back to their chairs.

Dezz steps in close to Shao Wong, his voice lowered to a mere whisper. "Brother man, you have to learn to pick your time and place. Folks could'a got hurt. Think of that."

Shao Wong looks rather crushed-not because he was hurt. Turning his head to Dezz, " They still will, because I did /not/ deter him. "

Solace heads out and leaves the Sugartail Lounge.

Dezz continues to whisper. "He hasn't done it yet. You still have a chance." He then looks around, as if bored.

Shao Wong sighs, and heads for the door. " I hope..."

Dezz walks away, blending back into the crowd.

*At the Alliance Underground Base*

Solace wanders into the common room and looks around.

Dragonfist is franticly looking through assorted maps and guides for something.

Solace looks over and says, "Greetings, looking for something?"

Dragonfist looks up, " Uhm, yes. I recieved information rather recently that Blink would be targetting chemical plants for something...soon..."

Solace nods and says, "Really? Why would Blink want to rob a chemical company, I thought he was into jewelry and watches."

Dragonfist shrugs, " Something valuable there to him..." He mentally kicks himself for lieing, even if it's roundabout. But he must protect his identity.

Solace nods and says, "Probably, he is after that pesticide."

Dragonfist eyedarts, " What pesticide? "

Solace shrugs and says, "The pesticide that will destroy the mosquitoes around Liberty Corners." then pauses, "Though, I'm not sure how he is going to steal so much of it, unless he robs a truck full."

Solace turns and walks and picks up his watering pot and heads to the mess hall to fill it with water.

Dragonfist nods, " Do you know where he might attack for this pesticide? "

Solace looks over and says, "Eastham of course, straight from his mouth."

Solace turns and waters a few plants, "Same place that produces the chemicals the were used in the experiments on Rikki."

Dragonfist ahs, " Can you show me it's location? "

Solace nods and says, "Why they have a huge factory down on 1st and 1st Ave."

Dragonfist ahs, " We must make haste..." he says, and heads for the door...

Solace looks over and says, "Now? You think he is robbing them now?"

Dragonfist says, "Soon. I must be there waiting for him..."

Solace shudders and says, "Are you sure? That isn't something very wise to do is it?" then puts down the watering pot, "I should come with you then, in case you get, well injured."

Solace looks over a bit and says, "Should we call the police first?"

Dragonfist says, "They would be slaughtered at the hands of Blink...."

Solace nods and says, "Well, but uhmmm, we may need backup and cleanup, and well hope someone hears the public distress?"

Solace follows Dragonfist out.

Dragonfist nods, " After he attacks yes. But if they are waiting for him...."

[Gulf City] 1st St and 1st Ave

First Avenue leads through a series of gates south into the loading yards for the island's main container port. Trucks come and go carrying cargo, and rail lines head off to the north, under Route 1. To the southwest the towering, always busy container-ship cranes are visible, and beyond them the bay. Next to the entrance to the container port is a stairway down, leading to the southernmost station of the island's subway system.

First Street dead-ends to the east. To the west it heads off, between the shipping port to the south and the rows of warehouses and factory buildings to the north. Commercial aircraft from the nearby airport frequently pass low overhead, making this a place of noise, day and night.

EASTHAM CHEMICALS on Tue Jun 24 21:39:49 2003

Eastham Chemicals is a large group of buildings, including main

office, a factory and a storehouse.

Dragonfist frowns, " You are correct...are there any sources nearby? "

Solace looks around and says, "We could use a chemical in the area, but who knows what they are."

Dragonfist nods slowly.

Dragonfist says, "Water is used in creation of chemical substances, is it not?"

Solace nods and says, "It is the main ingredient in most solutions, yes."

Solace shrugs and says, "First we have to find a way to get in there." pointing towards the chemical company and it's buildings, "It's not like we have clearance."

Dragonfist nods slowly, " For now, I await when he shall no doubt trigger some sort of alarm. Until then...we can only wait..."

Solace looks around to see if any worker is next to the gates, "Perhaps we should just tell them, and they might let us in."

Dragonfist eyes Solace, " Would they? "

Phoenix soars overhead, no flames adorning her tonight as she makes her way to the scene of need. She circles once, then descends near to the gathering of heroes.

Solace looks over and says, "Oh, good to see you." then pauses, "Hmmm, fire and chemicals, dangerous."

[Inside Eastham Chemicals] Tommy looks up from his bench and at the warehouse's general direction. "Someone dropped a barrel?"

[Inside Eastham Chemicals] Julio shakes his head, "I didn't hear nuthin. Prolly the guys loadin' a truck."

Dragonfist nods, "Phoenix is public known a hero, yes? They would let him in if it was a matter of security...."

[Inside Eastham Chemicals] Tommy thinks . o O (Can't we do anything without bickering half an hour first...)

Solace looks over and says, "Why don't we just go and tell them." looking over to the night security, "We must hurry, Blink is an expert of security systems and has probably breached the systems."

Phoenix smiles as she nears the two, "Hail, fellow do-gooders." The unusual comments (to her) bring a bit of a grin to her face. "Indeed, dangerous. Fortunately, I have quite the control over the sudden bursts of fire. So let us enter and stop ... Blink? This should be most intriguing." She walks toward the security guard, keeping pace with the others.

Dragonfist nods, " It is worth a try..." he says, and exits. " He is hoping to steal chemicals, a pesticide. "

The security guard looks up as Phoenix approaches. He adjusts his 'Vegas Security' badge and asks, "Can I help you?"

[Inside Eastham Chemicals] Tommy says, "Huh. Uh, Julio, I'll be right back. Food didn't go down very well."

[Inside Eastham Chemicals] Julio nods, "Okay, man. I got it here."

Solace nods and says, "Yes, we have confirmed belief that the villain known as Blink is attempting to steal some chemicals from your factory."

The guard looks at his CCTV units. "I don't see anything. You sure?"

Solace nods and says, "I'm quite sure, and oh by the way, I'd look for a new boss soon too."

Phoenix adjusts her wings which glitter with flame momentarily, "indeed, sir. We are sure. Might we take a look around?"

The guard tells them, "I got a problem, though. I can't let you in, and I can't leave my post."

Solace looks around and says, "Well, how bout you just turning on the alarm then?"

[Inside Eastham Chemicals] Tommy goes make the trek out the lab and towards the warehouse. He peeks in.

This is a large and tall warehouse for chemicals. (17 hexes by 20 hexes and 4 hexes high). It's made out of steel and lavacrete. Inside are rows upon rows of drums and barrels, each with chemicals in it.

The guard tells Solace, "Now, see here, if I do a false alarm, I'll get in trouble with the cops."

Phoenix looks thoughtful. "and if Blink is allowed to do as he wishes, you will be in greater trouble with your superiors. Especially when three heroes showed up to tell you that this was going on."

Solace nods and says, "We do have a problem, you can't let us in, and you can't leave your post." then thinks for a moment, "How do we solve this little problem?"

Dragonfist says, "And how much trouble shall you get into if Blink steals chemicals, and goes completely unnoticed. ""

The guard looks perplexed, "Geez. I..."

Solace nods and says, "How bout you like open the gate, turn around and act like you didn't really see us enter. We won't be long."

The guard frowns, "I can't do that, you know it."

Dragonfist nods, " If asked, we will say we snuck in. " One of the few lies he'll live with.

Dragonfist says, "Your superiors did not equip you to detect supers. They cannot blame you for failing to stop them."

Solace looks over and says, "I don't think his superior wants him to stop Blink anyways."

The guard thinks, "My boss said to never let supers in, even if they're heroes. Mister Vegas would be upset."

Solace nods and says, "Of course he would, considering he is Blink."

Dragonfist says, "But you wouldn't be letting us in. We'd of 'snuck' in."

The guard says, "You're asking me to lie. I could lose my job."

Phoenix looks puzzled. "Wait. Blink is this man's boss?"

The guard frowns, "Okay, you people are nuts. Scram."

Solace looks over and nods, "Unfortunately, but yes."

Phoenix shakes her head. "Then we are wasting our time here. This man is performing an unlawful act by aiding Blink." She heads for the doors inside.

[Inside Eastham Chemicals] Tommy hrms, and backs off to change identity and see if he can send a message to the heroes outside.

Solace nods and says, "Yes you can look at it that way."

The guard stands, "HEY!! You can't go in there!!"

Solace follows Phoenix and says, "Don't worry, you'll thank us later."

[Inside Eastham Chemicals] Blink stiffens and moves to hide.

Phoenix calls back, "please call the police! With luck, this will not take long!"

Tommy thinks . o O (They're coming already, good.)

Dragonfist sighs, " Well. This is is an appropriate method of entering without breaking any of my personal codes of conduct..."

Solace follows Phoenix's grand entrance into the premises, "Conduct? Conduct makes no sense when the fox is guarding the hen house."

Solace looks around a bit and says, "Where would he go, if he wanted chemicals probably the warehouse." turning and looking around, "Where do they store that stuff anyways."

Solace points and says, "That way I presume." then walks in the general direction.

Solace glances over to the office and thinks o O (Hmmm, should visit that place sometimes for some records.)

Dragonfist nods slightly, " True. " he says, following Solace. This is a structure made by Westerners for a purpose he doesn't fully understand-he has no idea how to navigate.

The door to the warehouse is slightly ajar

Solace raises a hand to signal stop, then looks inside, peeking inside the door.

Solace nods and whispers to Dragonfist, and says, "I do believe we've found him."

Lookout sneaks into the warehouse.

Dragonfist nods, " Shall we? "

Solace moves out of the way and says softly, "You are better at this sneaking stuff."

Lookout comes into the warehouse, sneaking behind crates like he was in a spy movie. Luckily Blink is looking the other way.

Dragonfist nods, and begins to slip towards the door. Opening it quietly, he then moves through an opening barely wide enough for his body...

Solace peeks in again and starts looking around a bit, o O (Hmmmm, we need water, lots of water.)

Dragonfist turns back to Phoenix and Solace. He looks confused. Apparently he sees nothing.

Lookout thinks . o O (Figures.) He points at Blink.

Blink jumps a bit, nearly knocking into a barrel. Dragonfist sees him now.

Solace looks around a bit some more.

Dragonfist moves quickly to grab hold hof him...and misses.

Phoenix keeps the flames off, not wanting to create a cataclysmic explosion. No need to give Blink more powers, after all.

Blink raises his hand at Dragonfist, "Not sure how you found me, but you're not stopping me, Dragonbreath!"

Dragonfist dodges to one side, " I beg to differ! "

The shot goes wide and hits some barrels. Something green and gassy comes out.

Blink grimaces, "Okay, that was bad."

Phoenix looks back, "Are you INSANE?!"

Dragonfist says, "Oh dear..."

Lookout says, "Um, clear the area?"

Blink grumbles, "Bugs Bunny.."

Lookout hehs. "Hey, Blink. Don't you ever -buy- stuff?"

Blink frowns, "From greedy corporations who care nothing for the people? No."

Dragonfist says, "An offer was made to you for what you are after to be given away for free, I was told. You declined it in favor of theft. You have only yourself to blame."

Phoenix turns forward, "Okay, Blink. We've met before, but not on terms of 'if you use your exploding powers, something horrible might happen to you'." She flaps, taking her the distance from where she was to where Blink is in a mere moment. There, she flares, the flame which suddenly springs to life on her hands creating a blinding light, then extinguishing once done.

Phoenix calls, "Take him away from the chemicals!"

Dragonfist winces slightly, blinded from the flash. It doesn't matter-if he's blink, Blink is effected no doubt. And the monk can compensate with his other senses, " Quickly,s omeone restrain him! "

Lookout hesitates and holds his position.

Solace looks around again, pausing he concentrates a bit, suddenly surrounding himself in a protective aura. He returns to looking around, "Hmmmm, there has to be something around."

Dragonfist waits for a moment, and then randomly ducks to one side in a roll.

Blink begins to pulse and glow with energy, so much that it's palpable. A loud *bzzap* ensues as a shockwave comes out from him.

Dragonfist is still hit, and stumbles slightly. " Hmmmm. "

Dragonfist says, "Grab him before he regains his vision!"

Solace looks up and says, "Don't grab him, knock him unconcious or get him wet." then concentrates and projects a blast at Blink.

Lookout blinks. "Get him wet?"

Blink yells "You get me wet, I'll do something YOU DON'T LIKE!!!"

Lookout says, "Ooooh."

Lookout looks around for a barrel of water.

Lookout says, "Uh, we won't find water in here anyway."

Lookout says, "OK get ready."

Lookout concentrates and points at Blink.

Lookout thinks . o O (rain... rain... rain...)

Blink screams out in agony, his cry echoing through the whole warehouse.

Solace pauses and looks at Blink o O (Strange, my attacks aren't normally painful)

Lookout winces. "I almost feel sorry for him..." . o O (He knocked out your wife twice.) "Oh, yeah."

Phoenix gets hit by Blink's explosive blast, wincing in pain without her protective field to hold off the worst of it. "You've done a lot of things we don't like already, Blink. Now. Come. QUIETLY!" A hand reaches out to send blazing hot fire onto the currently blinded villain. She's got that crazed look in her eye. The kind that happens when a villain just doesn't play fair and isn't stopped quickly.

Blink reels and screams horribly, "YOU'RE ALL TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!"

Lookout says, "Do you surrender?"

Blink coughs and shakes, "..n-no...k-killers.."

Lookout says, "We don't want to kill you. If you surrender, we'll help your city."

Blink growls, " killers..and Bugs Bunny.."

Phoenix looks rather annoyed still, but hesitates to press her attack, uncertain of what just happened. He barely felt it when she did that previously.

Dragonfist says, "Quickly, hold him...Or he will teleport..."

Solace pauses a bit and shrugs, "Time to end this." then looks down and points his hands towards Blink, he streams across closer to Blink for a better shot and strikes him.

Blink sinks to his knees, then collapses to the ground. The energy surrounding him also goes off.

Lookout blinks. "He's down?"

Dragonfist glances over the man's injuries.

The sounds of sirens are approaching.

Lookout says, "Is he OK?"

Dragonfist kneels down, and attempts to place a hold on Blink. " We shall not harm you. Give yourself up. " the monk says calmly.

Solace nods and says, "He will recover quickly."

Dragonfist says, "He will be fine....mild burns, maybe."

Phoenix lays a hand on Blink as she crouches, "please come quietly? I don't want to hurt you further.." She looks a bit frightened, the anger gone from her face.

Dragonfist says, "Lookout...does he seem ill to you?"

Dragonfist says, "There is a rash..."

Dragonfist says, "And a fever..."

Lookout checks himself.

Lookout says, "I... don't know."

Solace looks around and says, "A what?" then kneels down and touches Blink, concentrating slowly. (PER for Detect Diseases)

Lookout rubs his eyes under the goggles. "We have to help Liberty Corners."

Solace nods and says, "Dengue hemorrhagic fever..."

Dragonfist says, "An herbalist by the name of Shao Wong has already comprised a plan to combat the infestation until the breeding grounds ar elocated."

Lookout blinks. "Oh, man."

The guard comes running in with the Gulf City Police, "All right, hands up or...holy cow!"

Solace nods and says, "They lie to the west, on the mountain." then turns and looks to Blink, then concentrates again, invoking his curing powers over diseases.

The Gulf City police jump right on it, "Blink!!! We've been waiting for THIS guy to get caught." They come forward, "We'll take him." The one turns to the other, "Get the special cuffs."

Solace pauses and yanks off the mask, "May I introduce, Mr. Jonas Vegas."

The security guard gasps, then breaks into tears, "No..he's not a bad man.."

Dragonfist looks to the police, " He is ill...I would recommned having him checked over by a doctor in the following days, Solace's powers may not of been enough to cure him of Dugue. "

Lookout blinks. "Well that.., is something."

The guard is in shock, "But, he gave good benefits..and ham! Christmas ham every year!"

Phoenix nods quietly. "please treat him with care. And someone contact a hazmat team IMMEDIATELY!"

Solace nods and says, "He will recover in time."

Lookout says, "... Oh yeah, the gas."

Phoenix has little patience for such dangers going unchecked.

Dragonfist looks to the guard, " He is a good man. Misguided, though. "

Solace rises up and looks around, "I fear the rest of Liberty Corners needs treating as well."

Lookout says, "Let me get the Eastham people for that."

The police nod, "Jack radioed them." The other man comes back with funny-looking cuffs. The police snap them around Blinks hands and ankles.

[To Solace] Lookout says, "Just what I was thinking today."

Dragonfist says, "Solace, see to the incense ingredients Mr. Wong asked for? It is a more immidiate solution until Lookout can get a chemical one accomplished, and the nest found."

Solace nods and says, "Yes, Pyrethrin, in aerosol form I presume for best spreading across the air."

The police and Hazmat team start herding everyone out of the warehouse. They are checked and released.

Lookout says, "Just be careful. Pyrethrin kills fishes."

Dragonfist nods, " The primary ingredient is catnip, to repell the insects.

Phoenix heads out as instructed, making sure that everyone is clear and waits patiently to be looked over by a hazardous spills analyst.

Solace shrugs and says, "Of course, you could ask one of the weather manipulators like Thunderstrike to cause a storm of freeze and kill them by cold and wind."

Lookout sneaks off to go back to work.

Solace leaves a request for the company, then heads off back to his medical work.


[Daily Olympian May 2, 1970- front page]

The elusive supervillain, Blink, was finally captured last night at Eastham Chemicals. A combined effort by Phoenix, Dragonfist, Lookout and Solace resulted in the defeat and capture of the villain known for his Robin Hood-style antics. He was unmasked and taken into police custody. Chief of Police, Marco Oldenkamp told reporters, "Blink gets the honor, should he be convicted, and we feel he will be, of becoming Dragon Island's first resident."

Mayor Vallejo seemed pleased, and was quoted as saying, "We're very grateful to the heroes who risked their lives to bring in this very dangerous criminal." The mayor, whose campaign has been one based on changes in metahuman laws and criminal justice, is ahead in the polls. Also, in a surprise to political scientists, Tanner Kassam was announced as her running mate for deputy Governor.

Blink, aka Jonas Vegas, owns Vegas Security, based in Liberty Corners. He is being held without bail in a secured cell.


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