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Hints & Tips

Archived News

27/9/2002: 8:47 AM
Im sorry i have not updated in a while, i have become heavily bogged down in work, however now i have a few hours spare i will get cracking on the factions. I will get them all fully done in the near future - i promise.

22/9/2002: 11:52 AM
Lack Of news.
I am aware there has been a lack of information or updates for a few days now, truth is i have been extremely busy and have not actually done anything on the web site... shadeswolf has moved his web sites adress Here but thats about all there is to report for now...

I am looking to get the rest of the factions up during the coming week - including glorious achivements and historical campaigns (i will attach Saladins to the Egyptians, Barbarosas to the HRE and so on, and the Mongols i will simply put on their own).

ALSO! In the last few days it seems the counter has tipped over a thousand - making this my most succesful web site ever!

18/9/2002: 4:24 PM
More News.
I have added some more information onto the factions page, most of it taken from DDs site or MTW Destiny (check links page), i will get up the glorious achivements tomorow.

I have also decided to have 4 sets of news on this page at one time rather than 2, to save myself having to arse about with the archives page.

16/9/2002: 5:30 PM
Not much to report, i have put all the titles up on the factions page, and their descriptions. I also have begun on the Almohad faction, if i can get some time they should be done mid week, if i cant theyll be done by the weekend.

15/9/2002: 3:20 PM
It has been ages since my last update, i have been extremely busy - work, playing the game etc. However i have now begun work on a couple of new articles for the Hints and Tips section, and the News Archive section has now been uploaded... I have also got some progress done on the Factions, and have got France up, and i have begun now on doing the Almohads.

On a minor note i have updated the Minor factions on the factions page so that the information is correct, and i have changed the Spanish flag, so that it is correct and not the aragonese one previously on.

I have also uploaded 2 New articles in the hints and tips section - one deals with how to get your trade empire booming (and explains how trade works), the other is how to dominate the seas - for those who are not sure on how to defeat enemy fleets who keep running away.

Once again, sorry its been so long without any update, but it looks like my updates are going to have to be weekly events now.

15/9/2002: 3:20 PM
It has been ages since my last update, i have been extremely busy - work, playing the game etc. However i have now begun work on a couple of new articles for the Hints and Tips section, and the News Archive section has now been uploaded... I have also got some progress done on the Factions, and have got France up, and i have begun now on doing the Almohads.

On a minor note i have updated the Minor factions on the factions page so that the information is correct, and i have changed the Spanish flag, so that it is correct and not the aragonese one previously on.

I have also uploaded 2 New articles in the hints and tips section - one deals with how to get your trade empire booming (and explains how trade works), the other is how to dominate the seas - for those who are not sure on how to defeat enemy fleets who keep running away.

Once again, sorry its been so long without any update, but it looks like my updates are going to have to be weekly events now.

3/9/2002: 8:28 PM
I have got a comprehensive table up with nearly all the neccesry infortmation on units - what provinces and upgrades are needed to build them, what religions can build them etc. In short, it is nearly everything you need on ALL the games units in one (rather big) table.

HOWEVER! this being said, it does not offer the battlefield statistics of the units - you need to use the picture references to get those.

2/9/2002: 9:15 PM
I STILL have not got a hold of the game, i feel like crying. Anyway, based on some information i learned from Darkmoor Dragon, i have updated the "keeping the peasants happy" section in hints & tips, to include some descriptions of why some rebelions happen (many wonder why their provinces are rebelling when it says they are 100% loyal).

1/9/2002: 12:12 AM
Bad News.
I dont have the game yet, however i have uploaded the units spreadsheet, with the non-seige and non-ship units organised by their type (infantry, cavalry, ranged). Unfortunatly i do not plan to do much else until i get the game... i SHOULD be picking it up tommorow, but we are working on bringing a wreck up and i may have to work tommorow.

30/8/2002: 10:12 AM
The Shop im getting the game from is getting copies delivered tommrow - im going to pick it up then! there will be a few days without much going on because ill be tearing into the game, but i promise you some HUGE updates in the next few weeks.

28/8/2002: 9:43 PM
Update - Units.
I have begun adding Stats to the unit descriptions, as well as organizing them a bit better, and shoving them into pretty jpg images, spent a couple of hours getting Infantry done today.

Please E-mail me with your opinions on putting them into jpgs, if the idea is liked i will put the effort in for the rest, if not then i will just shove it them up into some organised table.

28/8/2002: 4:46 PM
New Section.
Hints And Tips - it only has 3 articles at the moment, however i am sorting some more out, i felt like getting it up quickly, and adding articles afterwards.

I am working on a News Archive, as i only put 2 sets of news up at any 1 times the old stuff gets deleted, i plan on putting an archive up when i get my hands on the game.

28/8/2002: 1:39 AM
It Begins.
I have drawn up plans for a few more pages, for when i get my hands on the game (5-6 more days taking into account that the shops round here are always slow.).
Right, anyway here is a quick run down -
  • strategy page, where people can upload articles and recorded games with their killer strategies.
  • Campaign Reports - a turn by turn blow of my campaigns
  • Province reports - much like the units section, this will go through the various provinces in the game

Now, as far as i go these are ambitious (im ridiculously lazy), and naturally will take time to complete.

26/8/2002: 8:48 PM
DONE! I have sorted the Vices and Virtues into 6 rough sections, this makes it slightly easier to find each one and what it affects on a general.

I have been thinking, and it seems silly not to put Happiness and Dread together, as they seem to go hand in hand, however i will stick with this for now, possibly reorganising later. Medieval Total War