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 The Philidor Position 


 (4) Rook Endgame Course - R + P Endings 
Position # 1[D.]; (Philidor) (1.4), 12.09.1999

 [A.J. Goldsby I] 


(Position check: White - King on d5, Rook on h2, Pawn on e5;
 Black - King on d7, Rook on g1.) 

 The "Philidor Position." 

 (Bear in mind Philidor demonstrated these endings were drawn 
  over 200 years ago!!).  

(Study this ending carefully,  MANY  players have gotten this position 
 against me in tournament games ... and BLOWN it!) 

Or: How to draw if you are a pawn down. 

Black to play and  DRAW!! 

The most accurate. 

The basic technique is (to place) the Rook on the third row out from 
the edge of the board and the King on the second row/rank (away) 
from the edge of the board. 
---> IF you are forced back, ALWAYS occupy the promotion square!! 

As soon as the side with the Pawn pushes his foot-soldier to the sixth row
(two squares away from the promotion square); the defender MUST move 
his Rook to the opposite side of the board - 8th row/rank - to be able to 
check ... continuously, if need be. The Rook either checks, or threatens 
the enemy Pawn. The opposing King can never move more than 2 squares 
away from his Pawn ... if he does he will risk either losing it or allowing an 
iron-clad blockade. 

Sound simple?  OK!  Let's see that technique in action!  

 [ Losing is: 1...Rg7?; Black guards the second rank.  2.Ra2! Rg1;  
3.Ra7+ Ke8; 4.Ke6 Kf8; This looks - more or less - forced. 
 (If 4...Rd1?; 5.Ra8+ Rd8; 6.Rxd8+ Kxd8; 7.Kf7, "+/-" and the 
 Pawn promotes.) 
  5.Ra8+ Kg7; 6.Ke7 Re1; 7.e6 Re2; 8.Ra1 Re3
Kh6; 10.Kd7 Rd3+; 11.Ke8 Re3; 12.e7 Kh7; 13.Rg4!, "+/-"  
and White has turned the original position into a Lucena Position. 
He is ready to build the bridge and win. 
Black must NOT allow this. (To have a successful defense, that is!) ]


2. Rh7+ Ke8!;  Best. 
The most accurate. By occupying the promotion square, Black makes 
any advance by White nearly impossible. 

[ 2...Kd8!?; (Maybe - '!?/?')  Not the most accurate. 
The King should ALWAYS occupy the promotion square, making it 
very difficult for White to make progress. 
(There are 1 or 2 special positions where the defender can lose by occupying 
anything but the promotion square. By ALWAYS occupying this square, the 
defender can be guaranteed the draw.) 
Yet Black may still be able to draw, though. But it will take careful play. 
3.e6,  White must push the pawn in order to make progress.  (Not: 3.Rh8+ Kd7
 4.Rh7+ Kd8; 5.Rh8+,  which just repeats the position.) 
  3...Rg1!;  The Rook 
zooms down to the last rank to perpetually harass the White King. 
 (Definitely not: 3...Rg5+??;  This one thoughtless check will lose the game 
 for Black! 
This lateral check is the one to AVOID!!  4.Kd6 Kc8[]5.Rh8+ Kb7
 6.e7 Rg6+; 7.Kd7 Rg7; 8.Kd8, "+/-"
  4.Kd6 Rd1+5.Ke5 Re1+6.Kf5 Rf1+
7.Kg4 Rg1+;  The simplest.  
 (Black should also be able to draw with: 7...Re1; 8.Kf5 Rf1+; etc.). 
Rf1+9.Ke5 Re1+10.Kf6 Rf1+11.Ke5 Re1+; (An evaluation of - "=") 
etc. It should be obvious by now White cannot make progress. ].  


3. e6
Again, the only way for White to make progress is to push the pawn. 

[ For example, as long as Black does NOT take his Rook off the 3rd rank, 
  the White King can never cross and he will never be able to make real progress. 

  The proof?  3.Ra7 Rh64.Ra8+ Ke75.Ra7+ Ke86.Ra8+ Ke7;  
It should be obvious that White is not making any progress.  
   7.e6!? Rh5+!;   (7...Rxe6; 8.Ra7+ Kf6; "=" also will draw the game. )  
8.Kd4 Kxe6, "=" ]


3...Rg1!,  The most accurate. 
The Rook will continually check the White King, until the first player 
accedes to the draw. 


[ Black must not play:  3...Rg5+??; 4.Kd6 Kf8; 5.Rh8+ Kg7; 6.Ra8 Rg1
Rd1; 8.Ra2 Rd3; 9.Rg2+! Kh7; 10.Ke8 Re3; 11.e7 Rd3; 12.Rg4!
 and  now we have the Lucena position,  which is a win for White. 
 Black must avoid this, if humanly possible. (!!) ].  


4. Kd6 Rd1+5. Kc5 Rc1+6. Kd5 Rd1+7. Kc4 Rc1+
The simplest. 

[ Black can also draw with: 7...Re1; 8.Kd5 Rd1+;  Etc. ("=") ]

8. Kd5
, Forced.  
(Any other move will probably lose the Pawn.) 

[ 8.Kb5? Re1; 9.Rh6 Ke7; 10.Kc5 Rxe6; "="  and its an easy draw. ] .

9. Ke5 Re1+10. Kd6 Rd1+11. Kc6 Rc1+;  


Black can check indefinitely. 

White cannot march his King toward the Black Rook, as White would then 
lose his pawn. 


Perhaps I have dwelt overly long on this ending. To those who feel offended 
or slightly belabored, let me say that I have seen MASTERS and EXPERTS 
blow this ending in TOURNAMENT games! (Especially when short of time.) 

Of you have this technique down, "Stone Cold," ... you should never have 
any problems with this ending. 

Another reason that I have dwelt so long on this end-game position is I am 
absolutely convinced that - a few (relatively) simple positions ... 
 ... like the, "Lucena Position," and, "The Philidor Drawing Position" ... 

(I.e., if you are playing a game of chess, and you are in a complicated King, 
rook, and multiple pawn ending ... you should NOT have to spend extra time 
trying to figure out --- "Is this position a win?" {In a tournament!!} 

For example, you manage to get you one Pawn to the 5th rank, and get your 
King directly in front of the pawn; and the enemy King is cut off one file away. 
You should not have to spend lots of valuable clock time trying to figure out 
whether or not you can now win this position. You should simply know, 
<< Hey that will turn into a "Lucena Position," which is a win for me. >> 

Or the time I saw an IM fuddle around with TWO passed pawns against a GM
By the time the IM got around to - correctly - deciding that he should sacrifice 
the Pawn to set up the Lucena, it was already too late. Short of time, he made 
several inaccuracies and allowed the position to be DRAWN ... AND LOST 
THE GAME ON TIME!!  {This was in the days before time delay clocks!} 


So heed this warning {above} and Master these endings ... 
get to the point you can do them in your sleep or with your eyes closed. 
 The rewards will be many tournament games won ..... or the draw saved!! 

Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I;   (c) 1999, (c) 2000, (c) 2001, & (c) 2002.

This is the complete version of this game as it exists on my hard drive in my endgame database,
I have NOT shortened it for publication! If you would like a copy of this endgame
 - in the ChessBase format -
to study on your own computer, please drop me a line.

If you enjoyed this position, and would like to study  ANOTHER 
Rook-and-Pawn endgame,  ("The LUCENA Position");  click HERE

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 (Or  ...  You could also press the back button on your web browser.) 

 Copyright, (c) A.J. Goldsby I 

 Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 1994 - 2004.  © A.J. Goldsby, 2005.

  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2005.  All rights reserved. 
