Personal Pages
     Random Thoughts
     Anime Stuff
     Martial Arts
     Lucky Charms
     My List of Mp3's
     The Forum
     The Conspiracy
     My Games Page
     Pretend You Care
     Links Page

    Check out the 'Pretend you care' link as well as the "consiracy link' and allow then to entertain and ammaze you.

So heres the bit where you are suposed to tell stuff about yourself for all the random people who stop by your site. So the picture there is actually me, and despite all accounts i don't always look that weird. I like all music but country and new rap, though i have a weakness for good techno and piano. I like thinking, much to most of my friends hatred, but hey it and sex make me happy and since i'm single i gotta go with my strengths. Speacking of strengths, spelling is not one of them. I do generally try to add a little weridness to everyones day, and in the end hope they are better people for it. And as a reminder to me i need to update the martial arts page for myself and the anime section. Yea so adendums to this thing, the picture still aint scanned cause i haven't moved yet, and i still don't have go on the games page cause javascript suckes ass, umm and on yea i don't have shit for an anime page cause i got nothing to put on it except for my list of anime i have on my computer, most of which is fansubbed.