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Sunday, 8 May 2005

Thinking of a Transgression Above Angelfire....
Now Playing: Franz Ferdinand - Auf Achse
And its name is Livejournal, or even possibly its second cousin twice removed, Xanga. Either way, I may have to pack up my bags of emotion and words, shut this thing down, and set off anew with a newer, more prominent, brother of the blogging scene.

Everyone, including myself, have hated angelfire for such a long time. It was a very good stepping stone, however, into my world of ideas being released unto the populous. Maybe the people of my new expanse of literary territory will be more accepting of my rants...

But, seeing this as one of my last entries in this old gr(e or a, your choice in fact)y mare which has carried me through many a day of my need for extensive ranting, I'll try and make it good. Currently, I've been lifting weights, so most of my rage has been released in a totally unnatural act, all in the attempt to make me 'feel better' about myself. Personally, I don't have a clue why I'm doing it. I don't have a really big problem with myself as somewhat overweight. Apparently, this is conveyed to me as a 'problem', feeling okay with myself that is. This is why we have things like "fat free ice cream" and "sugar free energy drinks", all so people can increase the stereotype that we, the slightly overweight, should feel bad about ourselves. Here's what I say to fat free food stuffs: if you don't want the fat content, don't friggen (making this a little bit nicer *one word at a time*) eat it. Oh, the chocolate ice cream is too fattening? Cry then. Cry the fatness away. And after you cry, drink some water because keeping hydrated will help you lose weight. I, one of this populous of the 'weight challenged', have been able to keep up eating fast food 5 days a week (and not cut down (double quarter pounder meal, foot long sub, ULTIMATE DOUBLE WHOPPER), and keep all my meals normal, and amazingly, I'm still slowly but surely losing weight sometimes, but at least staying at a constant (not going up, thats for sure)...

This is because I'm not just constantly throwing my hard earned cash at the 'health food' producers. I bit the bullet, grabbed my 23 lbs (roughly, it was originally metric), and decided to do things the better way. I, personally, don't care how people view me, and as long as i don't care, I'll feel good. So, to all who joined the health food craze, I'll send out a nice big whoopti-friggen-doo and an imaginary cake which you won't eat.

Bottom line: If you feel fat, but don't want to give up your favorite foods...Exercise. It's that simple. And for those who actually buy that fat-free, processed to be healthier, crap they plaster onto billboards to prolong the stereotype that the overweight populous is a bunch of damned lazy pansy's...I say to go blow a goat. Oh wait....a fat-free goat, otherwise you wouldn't do it. That's all.

And BTW, I gave blood on Friday, which gives me the right to be tired and annoyed. And slightly woozy, which I surprisingly wasn't. Overall, I did my public service for the year and got a free Pepsi, orange juice, and cookies out of it. Basically, I win, you may not have lost but you definitely didn't win as well as I did. OWNED!!

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 12:09 AM CDT
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Saturday, 23 April 2005

Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: "The Shins - Caring is Creepy" merging into "Yellowcard - Empty Apartment"
Topic: Randomization?
"I think I'll go home and mull this over, 'fore they cram it down my throat. At long last it's crashed, its colossal mass is broken up..."
-The Shins - Caring is Creepy

So, finally, I felt the joys of not only being a chauffer, but also the third wheel to a double date gone wrong. However, it wasn't so bad, seeing as the two I went with weren't totally illacceptant of talking to me. The movie we went to see was "The Interpreter" and it wasn't as bad as they seemed to make it out to be. It did start off slowly and most of the entertainment and action happened within the last 20-25 minutes, but the slow start was at least somewhat justified. Plus, I suppose it did serve the purpose of getting the viewer into line with the characters and thusly, a deeply driven love or hate for them (as deeply as a 90 minutes film can get you).

Personally, I hope that Laura wasn't lying when she said that she had to stay home because her cousin was having a birthday party. I would have to do something if that were a lie...and it would involve my workout gloves (padded for a little extra protection), 4 ibuprofen and a 45 minute waiting time, and the support beam in my basement. I don't really think I'd resort to that again...but I haven't released any rage for a long time. It's just building up and I can almost not stand it. I need to quit holding it inside to build and grow.

Final thought: I don't have a clue how I'm still awake...How can one person spray that much cologne and is the first day that I realized that a high can come from cologne spraying.

And with that, I smell like cologne....lots of cologne.

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 12:14 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 20 April 2005

Now Playing: The Exies - Splinter
"Im battered and bruised, Scratched on the inside;
Im losing myself, im so sick of the lies;
Dead ring in my ears, the hole underneath;
Youre deep in my skin,youre the splinter in me."

So, it's been a while and a few things have happened. These things consisting of life in general; (the usage of an elipsis would be appropriate, but I will restrain myself) namely mine.

So, seeing as I haven't yet 'gone for it', I suppose I should inform all my readers (feeling optimistic yet again in my search for escape from this social ineptitude, codenamed: my life) that my plan is to go for it within the next two weeks. Hypothetically, I may have seen a couple of signs that a mutual acceptance may be reached after this step has been taken by me, and no matter how awkward these snowshoes of courage that I'm currently wearing may be, I'll have to hobble my way into a stance that will allow me to do so and see if these signs were not just a figment of my somewhat deranged sense of self assurance that I am, in fact, not striving for the unattainable. In fact, in my current state, I don't even have the energy to reread that last sentence to make sure it makes sense, but either way, it contains my thoughts, and thusly, if you want them and they are, truly, encoded within a labyrinth of thought, you'll have to get out your machete of decyphering and forge onward.

Besides this, the girl and I (notice the proper grammar?) were the only ones in our english class to be pulled aside and asked to attend a presentation by Harvard. We'll be pulled out of 3rd hour, and this may be where I hobble on over and try not to trip over the tennis rackets on my feet which metaphysically embody my courage. In fact, I'm sure that I might even take the snowshoes off for a day, and when this day comes, I will finally release myself from my inner torments.

But, basically, the reason that people don't understand (or read in general) my rants, Max, is that I engulf them with a longing to grab a dictionary at times due to a thing which Ryan (a kid in my networking class) most lovingly dubbed as "the spreading of the gap of intelligence differences" that we, the human race, are slowly creating. (ex. Smart people want other smart people; Dumb people can't get smart people; smart+smart=smarter offspring and the inverse, etc.)

Surprisingly to me, though, is the fact that the dumbed down ones are the only ones who read rants. That and disturbed people like ourselves. It seems to be an unending torrent of things correlating against me and my need to be heard. A capping off of my thoughts, leaving them here in this tiny amount of blog space to slowly ferment in their own juices.

Sadly, this is the outcome. The ending of this rant. No discoveries. No revelations. Just a deep misunderstanding of all things in the world. Left to be solved or reminisced about later on.

But as for me, it is time for this one to come to a close.
**top of the case is lowered to the bottom of the case**
**latch snaps**
**combination lock spins in infamy, defying all who wish to trespass within**

and it is done
my world of writing has ended for today
and I am 17 again

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 8:06 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 23 March 2005

Minor Annoyances
Now Playing: Green Day - Homecoming
Topic: Annoyances?
Okay, okay, it has been about forever and a half in dog years since I last entered into this little endeavor of life codenamed 'my blog', but still, that should give you the impression that I have a lot to type about. However, if you were to have assumed that, you would have been horribly....correct. So what if I didn't reveal a full and utterly mindnumbing sense of irony seemingly dropping on you like a 40 gallon bag full of tennis balls from the other side of the gravity chamber....well....tossed, i guess.
Anywho, I enjoy these little tangents. Anyone who disagrees: you can't disagree with my opinion. It is mine, and thusly, not yours. An epiphany I say.
Over the course of this forever and a half, I got worked to the brink of sanity (I know, how did I survive almost not needing therapy?), almost failed two classes, put in my two weeks notice after the boss wouldn't meet my demands, a week into my two weeks, the boss walked out on the job, my demands were the district manager....and I now have 4 people gunning (with machine guns of monotony, the most threatening of all workforce weaponry) to get me my overly deserved raise. Now, instead of the 37 hours + school weeks I was working, I now have a flippin' awesome 16 and a half hours, which includes the benefits of 4 days off a week and a lower tax bracket, so I only make 50 bucks less per check.
And for anyone who wanted to know, the song is still not done. Almost, but not quite. Wait for it......................................................................Now. It is complete. A 9.4 minute compilation of a bunch of songs merging together into a soliloquy of musical mastery. And now, to finish the post with my new favorite DragonForce song, Starfire.
I have completely lost track of my train. It was quite the speedy train and I doubt that my speed and vigor after being up this long has the potency required to regain my spot on the caboose. That, personally, was a great metaphor. You know it!

Well, seeing as I've overstayed my welcome in this pixel based thatched roof college of a blog, I shall end this out as normal.

Here is your thought:
"Oh, a pacifist...isn't that what babies suck on?"
"No, you're thinking of a pedifile."
"That's not right at's a pacifier"
"Oh, I don't know what I was thinking then..."

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 2:04 AM CST
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Thursday, 30 December 2004

Random Update!
Now Playing: Hoobastank - Same Direction
Okay, as you might be able to tell, I've got the counter back up, but it's all screwed up right now. I will try to fix it, but that may take longer than I previously expected. Probably about a minute, but still. Also, I may or may not have added the picture again, but for now, it won't be a link to the profile because angelfire is being gay. Peace out until the next entry.

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 8:27 PM CST
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Sunday, 26 December 2004

Best Categories....
Now Playing: Quarashi - Mr. Jinx
Topic: Language?
By Which to Categorize The Greatest (English) Words.

Okay, here is a list (with examples of each) of categories into which the best words of all time fall into. It may take a while for me to do, what with all the revisions and such, but you won't notice because I shall post this when it is finished.

The first category would have to be 'descriptive feelings of anger' words. I believe the title covers it.
Examples of this would be 'loathe', 'disdain', 'hatred', and even sometimes the phrase "like Jesus hates an anti-Christ" (as long as it is the main thought of the statement, otherwise, it is not as useful or straight forward). Usually, these words can be accompanied quite nicely by 'perpetuated', 'unending', or even a combination of the two such as "A perpetual torrent of unending loathing is plaguing my mind by the sight of you now".

Next on the list would be the 'horribly long-ish descriptive' words. These are the words that, unless they apply well or you're trying to hit on a girl with a poem or something, aren't used very often in normal conversation.
Examples being 'iridescence', 'quintessential', 'irrepressible', 'nonsensical', 'perpetuating', 'inconsequential', 'inconceivable', and even the occasional 'unconditional' (as long as it is used correctly and not often). All of the words under this list will make you sound a bit more intelligent and sometimes hated by the world, and if they too share your intelligence, you may hear words that fit into the first category. If so, be sure to e-mail them to me so that I can enhance this list.

On to the next. 'The somewhat undefinable' words. These are the open ended words. Those words that you only say when you don't really have a definite answer. Or also when you don't want someone to know whether you have a definite answer.
Examples: 'possible', 'somewhat', 'maybe', 'should', 'could', and 'may'. All are excellent examples and are used so much in daily language that the extra description of them would be redundant.

And, the last category, 'alternate space filler' words. These are words that make almost anything said sound more eloquent and well stated and just basically make it so you can talk longer without actually saying anything.
Betting you want examples. Well, here they art: 'well', 'indeed', 'quite', 'grand', 'basically', and also, repeating a word twice is also a good example (ie. 'yes, yes, it is quite the grand idea', one rule on this is to not do it repeatedly within the same day. This leads to redundancy and people will begin to lose confidence in your ability to sustain your utmost eloquence.)

Overall, I believe I have set forth an awesome list full of grandeur and other words of the sort. Beyond that, I'm finished.

Thought: "Why is Catch-22 just about the greatest book of all time? It still hasn't lost me in the undeterred resourcefulness of my trying to finish it and I've been trying for a good 3 months."

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 11:04 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 29 December 2004 10:03 PM CST
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Thursday, 23 December 2004

My Oncoming Insanity
Now Playing: Cake - Tougher Than It Is
Topic: Annoyances?
First of all, before I begin to rant about the title, I would like to reflect upon the newest Cake cd. It is the first cd I have bought in a good 6 months, and I find it to be a decent cd. However, to my (and i use this word loosely) dismay, Rolling Stone magazine has given it a 2 out of 5.
I now, and officially forever will from now on, hate Rolling Stone magazine. Any money that has been directly or indirectly given to them by me will now be cut off. I will discover all, if any, amounts of money given to them and stop giving it. Also, I will no longer refer to them as Rolling Stone magazine, but as a slightly reminiscent, yet agreeably different name. This name shall be "Meandering Rock Press and Bindery Assortments ltd.". So, from now on, the MRPBA shall forever and a half be hated by me and, by means of last will intestament and a threat of losing all of their inheritances, hated by my children as well.
Now, with that over and done with, on to my revelation upon which I stumbled about 10 minutes ago. I realized as I drank my strangely milk flavoured (notice the old world awesomeness) water, that it is quite possible that in my search for total sanity, I have become insane. It is a paradox that I never realized could happen. Yet, it is very logical. Overdoing something usually results in an adverse and opposite, even unwanted, outcome. This can be shown well with this equation that you of the math world will understand. The function 'f' of 'u' is equal to the speed of light divided by the constant 'k' [ f(u)=c/k ]. As you can see, this explains the insanity quite well.
Anywho, I am pretty ranted out. Peace for now, and if you see me on the street with anything but a roll of duct tape, know that I am crazy and should be handled with being a straight jacket.

Here's your thought: "Why do I hate Meandering Rock Press and Bindery Assortments ltd. so much? Is it because the writers are horrible at reviewing things and still get paid 4 times as much as me?"

Yes....yes it is.

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 12:26 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 30 December 2004 8:10 PM CST
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Sunday, 5 December 2004

Things Good and Things Not So Good
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Holy Sh*t It's Christmas - Humorous Christmas song
Topic: Randomization?
Okay, this entry will consist of me telling you correlating things that are cool/good or uncool/ungood. So, that's what I'll do.

The Good: Getting to bowl and driving there
The Bad: Getting in a wreck and having some annoyingly happy to have wrecked lady T-Bone you

The Good: Insurance covers the crash for both cars, no real problems except for...
The Bad: Insurance rates will most likely have a somewhat noticeable $50+ price hike

The Good: Playing a nice game of "Let's see how fast Josh can get his car totaled"...oh, wait....

Anyway, if you didn't notice, I totaled my car. I'll be sure to get some pics of the twisted burning* wreckage onto my site. Pretty much, I'm lucky that nothing serious happened, aside from my leg hurting somewhat, my mp3 player gettin it's lcd screen screwed, oh yea...also, the whole CAR BEING TOTALED THING. *(there was no burning)

That'd be about it, and soon, I may have myself, not a dodge shadow, not a plymouth sundance, but a plymouth shadow. It shall kick major ass.

Thought: Next time you're driving and don't think someone's gonna come barreling out of a parking lot and hit you while you try and turn past a turning truck with the right of way, think again. You'll get screwed.

Oh yes....
The Good: I'm getting a new car with the insurance money, I can salvage my stereo and speakers (hopefully), and I wasn't hurt horribly
The Bad: Insurance hikes....damned football terms in law annoying me beyond all belief.

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 12:26 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 30 December 2004 8:10 PM CST
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Sunday, 28 November 2004

A new era of blogging...
Now Playing: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (begins merging into) Magical Trevor
Topic: Annoyances?
Via this tangent of thought, this utterly mind numbing expression of human innovation, which I have lovingly referred to as 'my blog', I have given you my opinions, my thoughts, and most importantly, my views of the world as it is and should be. Now, with a year worth of practice entries, I'm going to try and take an hour or so to refine my writing (or typing depending upon how literal I need to be) skills.
And, this is how I'm going to do it. First, I'll do as I normally do, just with some more refining (which would mean proofreading and changing things that don't flow together smoothly. It is by these means that I will become adept enough that my rantings could, quite possibly, attract a crowd of nerdy followers. Good plan, yes?
So, anyway, I need to, first of all, find something that I find annoying/changeable. Just as I typed that, I realized the one thing right now that annoys me to the fullest extent of my being. Its existence is meant purely to plague me with overly eager "Anything I can help you (and screw you over) with today?" guy who probably works on commission, and trying to get me to buy $7.50 in equipment for my surround sound for $50. It was enough for me to want to go slaughter the innocent with a machete made completely of human bones. Not bones of people I killed. Ones from those who died of natural causes. Causes like an Ebola virus blanket. In fact, all employees of the places that torment me should be slaughtered with Indian bone machetes. A suiting death for equally murderous places.
Well, anyway, so I don't get caught up in that tangent, I'll start this paragraph and reveal the annoyance which most refer to as Radio Shack. I think their trademark is "You had questions, so we killed your messiah." or something along those lines. Somewhere between walking in and the helper trying to have me buy 4 separate $17 cables, I started thinking "Hmmm...smashing my car into the front door of this place and running over this guy seems like a good idea." So, anyway, I told him I'd be back in a few minutes, and drove over to Best Buy, picked up what I needed for a TOTAL of $7.50 (compared to the $RAPE Radio HELL was trying to charge) and decided to keep up my promise and returned to Radio HELL and showed the guy who was trying to rape me what I bought for an 8th of what he was trying to charge me and he thusly put the stick, which he was going to try and shove up my ass at the counter after I paid him, away. As I drove away, I'm pretty sure I saw a 'Going out of Business' sign being put up as everyone left the store after seeing that Radio HELL got it's face beaten in by Best Buy. It was quite the effective day. That was definitely a refreshing use of my time.
I try to entertain, and hope the refining has helped. And, above all else, I have always tried to give you a good thought to tide you over until the next post.
So, here it is. Your thought: "How does Radio shack keep selling crap when all of the employees rape their customers during and after the sale. You'd think the pain alone would keep them away."

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 1:53 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 30 December 2004 8:12 PM CST
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Thursday, 4 November 2004

A long blog time ago...
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Trick Daddy f/ Lil John - Let's Go
Topic: Ideas?
Alright, it has been a long time, but now I'm back with all new stuff to tell you all about. Somehow, I'll cram it all in this post and also try a bit to entertain not only myself, but possibly even you, the reader (amazing, huh?).
Anyway, here goes. First things first: the election. My personal opinion is that Kerry should have won. And as that being my opinion, yours it will be for the time you read this, because as you read this, you are stating my opinion in your head, thusly making it your own. So, if I were to type "Kerry is the greatest presidential candidate since Nader first ran for office", you would be stuck with that as your opinion by default until, of course, you stated a different opinion (out loud or to yourself) and cancelled out my forced opinion. So, just because of this revelation I have come upon, I will now make the majority of this change your opinions.
Kerry is great, and should have beaten Bush. Why I think this (and now you too) is that he believed so much in separation of church and state as a hardcore christian that he, contrary to his beliefs, supported abortion as a choice. Also, it seems (since he dropped out of the election early as to not spend more of the taxpayers money) that he really did plan to help the economy. Don't you just love these opinions that I'm giving you? I do.
Basically, I'm runnign out of typing, to conclude, I now realize that a monitor connector can most definitely be used as a dangerous and sharp weapon. I never thought before that it could be used to stab someone with, but, according to the blood from my hand, it can.
Thought: "Why are we spending our economy's budget so fast, when that is the easiest way to take down a democracy? If the economy falls, so does the government (because it's, of course, based entirely on the economy). Just figured people might want to think about that."
And, after I get slapped in the face for using the phrase "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave", I will end this out. ::Slap::

Posted by games4/joshstigames at 10:24 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 30 December 2004 8:12 PM CST
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