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Last Updated: Friday, November 28th 03
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Welcome to my Sims site. This site contains 27 Resident Evil skins, and other skins like Final Fantasy, CSI, Myths and Legends, Evil Dead, Relic Hunter, JAG, SNL,and many more miscellaneous skins. These are all my original skins and I spent alot of time on them so enjoy but please do not distribute! And of course I would like to thank and give credit to Amanda, Quistis, DJ_Kid_Nicki, Jennifer Riggle, Ina Fullbright, PEO, and Zero for personally contributing to the site (You guys are the coolest!). I'd also like to thank Fionn, Kyoen, LURKEN, Claw, Jerome, and HampsterGangsta for the awesome meshes used for my skins. Also I would like to thank my friend Jeff for helping me out a bit with the site. And my brother for making me some background. Thanks!

Okay I'm just really really bored now with too much time on my hands once again. So I bring you yet another skin and 1 updated skin. My crush, George Eads.
I'm also in the process of reskinning all my CSI's. Yep, I'm really bored.

New SkinNew Skin
George Eads
Formal Sim
Warrick Brown

Stargate SG-1
New Skin
The SG-1 Team

My Clothes
New Skin

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Page by Carol Anne 2002