Violence In Video Games
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Welcome, my friend.  Sit yourself down, grab the beverage of your preference, and listen to what I have to tell you.  There is a world out there, known to many, but mysterious to the rest.  This world is filled with games galore, and is under constant pressure.  This pressure derives from what are known as "cri-tics."  They are believed to be small arachnids that like to criticize all media that they come across.  Lately, these "cri-tics" seem to have found the world, and have told this magical  place that it is too violent, and should not be visited by the young of planet Earth.  But should this wonderful world really be censored from its target audience, or is it being unfairly blamed for society's troubles?  Stay a while, browse my site, and decide for yourself the answer to this question.

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