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Posted by Sharky on 10/29/02.

I think I may make a comeback. I've forgotten some HTML and I need to get back into it. I currently need a co-webmaster or two and someone who can put up a forum.

Posted by Rctman on 9/23/02.

Ok people, we still have not got submissions for the April competition so I am calling it our September compo. Get your submissions in by October 5th. We only had four last time. Send it to us

Posted by Rctman on 9/21/02.

Ok I lied, here is an update. If I can teach myself how I will put a few parks on here when they get done. (only 24 days until RCT2!!)

Posted by Rctman on 9/20/02.

Testing one, two, three, WOW! I can do this. Sorry about the update problem but, no more updates from me until Rct2 comes out anyway. (can't wait!)

New Park
Posted by Sharky on 5/12/02.

This time I am truly sorry for the non-existence of updates. Currently, we are in the process of switching servers sense are beloved angelfire downsized. Aside from that, you can directly download RCT Man's Holiday World Recreation now. It's a great recreation and is worth a look. Check it out.

New Competition
Posted by Sharky on 4/4/02.

Sorry for the delay, but I finally got the results of the March Competition up, so check those out. We've also got the new competition up under competition, so go check that out and get started.

Updates & Park
Posted by Sharky on 3/26/02.

...There have been very many minor updates as of late. You might have noticed some color changes throughout the site.

...Our biggest update, however, is a new park located under the newly redesigned LL Parks Section. Go check it out at that link. Expect more before the weekend. Also please note that our competition is nearly over and with only two submissions, you're sure to place high. Get your submissions in pronto.

Posted by Sharky on 3/19/02.

.... Well, not much upfront work is going on right now, but we continue to do major behind the scenes work. You can probably see that in about a week or two. As much as I hate to say it, JPR has been urging me to put our pics on so they're there under our personal files. Go check em' out {uhg}. We've got a couple of parks that still need uploaded so hang tight. The competition is going well. We've had the most turnouts so far on the compo. (A whopping two). So, get your submissions in. Please e-mail me and tell me your opinion on whether I should restart our community news.

Posted by JPR on 3/13/02.

.... I would like to say hi to all you RCT fans. I've been playing RCT for about 2 1/2 years, and cant stop. I am currently working on a coaster park. Problem is, I dont have a theme yet. So, email me and tell me what you think should be in this park!

Posted by Sharky on 3/7/02.

...If you have an RCT site and you'd like it posted on our links page, please post the site name and url on this thread of our forums. Thank you.

New Staff Member
Posted by Sharky on 3/4/02.

I would personally like to welcome our newest staff member JPR. Check him out at JPR's Personal Page.

News and Competition
Posted by Sharky on 2/27/02.

In the past month, we have been doing a lot of behind the scenes work. That is the main reason for the lack of updates. First off, the news...

...Community News has been discontinued until I can devote more time to it (probably around the first of June) so sorry for that. Secondly, We encourage your park submissions. Without them, this site is nothing, so send them in!

...Our February competition is over and you can check out the results at February Competition Results. Our next competition is up, so go check it out at March Competition.

...On a side note, we recently downloaded Mike Robbin's (from RCT Station) Seven Wonders of the World - 2002 and we must say, it is awesome! Way to go Mike!

Posted by Sharky on 2/05/02.

WOW! That was a great sleep! As RCT Haven slowly comes out of hibernation, we will be updating quite a bit. To start off, we're going to start off with a competition. Go check it out...{yawn}... It may look familiar. To JJ Strain; if you want your previous entry still entered into this competition please e-mail Sharky to let us know.

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