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Every month or so RCT Haven will put on a new competition. Competitions may vary from things like best park, best theming, etc. to best overall coaster, best specific coaster, best excitement rating on a coaster, and etc. Like I say it just varies. Also the judge of each competition may vary.
Enough said!..... on to the cometition!

RCT Haven Competition 5
In this competition you will be challenged with building the BEST PARK W/ THEMING, SURPRISES, AND HACKS using the workbench provided. Entries will be judged on the aforementioned areas. If you do not use hacks feel free to send your park in, however. E-mail all competition submissions to us. (Note: You must have the Drexler Patch installed to save your progress. Also, the workbench can be downloaded using any and all versions.)

Deadline: Tuesday April 30, 2002 at midnight. (Winners will be announced Friday May 3, 2002, so stay tuned.)

(If you need the Drexler Patch, Click Here)

April Workbench

Previous Winners
February 2002
March 2002