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Planet Orion: the new phase


Homeworld of the Masters...Capital of the Galaxy...Treasure of the Universe...PLANET ORION!



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The MOO2 races are here!

The Alkari

the Bulrathi

the darloks

the elerians

the gnolams

the humans

the klackons



the meklars

the mrrshan

the Psilons

The Sakkra

The Silicoids

The Trilarians




  The Alkari 

The Alkari slowly changed over the centuries into a reptilian race, probably due to Orion interference in their development.  These same Orions claimed the Alkari homeworld as a colony for awhile, and they left behind ancient artifacts which aided the Alkari in their research.  The Alkari were ruled by a dictatorship, and still possessed the best flying and piloting skills in the galaxy.  They were relatively peaceful, but they were also highly honorable soldiers that did not back down from a fight.  The enemies of the Alkari were the Darloks and Mrrshan, and to a lesser extent the Klackons.  They likes the reptilian Sakkra, and were quite friendly to the Elerians and Trilarians. 

Home System: Altair

Emperors: Ariel, Tavua Preet, Voreet Zry, Heggira, Saguaro Ty, Tak Tochno, Peerik Kree, Karaaw Hrik

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   The Bulrathi

The Bulrathi experienced little change after all this time, except that their ecological focus began to disappear.  A Bulrathi could survive twice the damage that the other peoples could survive.  Their soldiers were still extremely gifted at ground combat, and they also became more adept at space attacks as well.  The Bulrathi were thought of as being aggressive and bold, willing to attack if their opponents were weak or unready.  Their government was a dictatorship.  Bulrathi were friendly towards the Elerians, but they did not trust Darloks or Meklars.

Home System: Ursa

Emperors:  Grorvog, Mazurek, Monch, Krorvog, Uzor, Balrokzor, Trebakka, Smurch.

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   The Darloks 

The reputation of the Darlok race grew somewhat better over time; no longer were they considered everyone's ultimate enemy.  They seem to have changed in appearance as well, although with shapeshifters you never really know.  Not only were they still the best spies, but they also found a way to hide all of their space vessels from any scanners.  Only the Elerian galaxy-watchers could detect them.  As always, the leader of these secretive people was a dictator.  Darlok emperors were often hostile to others, and easily angered.  The Darloks respected the more "evil" races: Gnolams, Meklars, and Silicoids.  They did not like the Bulrathi, and they despised the Alkari. 

Home System: Nazin

Emperors:  Darquan, Ember, Graymoran, Morfane, Mysvaleer, Narzina, Shador, Vale

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    The Elerians 

A newer race, this humanoid group was elf- or fairy-like.  They were a feudal matriarchy, in which only females (the warrior caste) could join the military.  Elerian mental powers were beyond compare; their males in the philosopher caste could detect everything in the galaxy, from the biggest fleet to the most distant tiny planet.  The females also had some strong telepathic powers.  Every ship that was at least a cruiser in size had a powerful telepath who could mind-control an entire planet, eliminating the need for ground troops.  The ship leaders could also see slightly into the future, giving noticeable attack and defense advantages.  They could even take mental control of a captured ship and use it in the same battle against its former fleet.  Their only seeming weakness was their weak government, in which the local rulers had considerable influence over their planets.  Their forces made ship construction quick, but technology was only about half of what might be expected.  Usually, the Elerians were aggressive militarily, and would only aid the races that they were already favorable toward.  These races were the Alkari, Bulrathi, and Mrrshan (the Elerians apparently respected strength).  The Psilons and Silicoids were disliked by the Elerians, and the Gnolams were their mortal enemies.  

Home System:  Draconis

Empresses:  Berylia, Ellowyn, Erethia, Greywind, Yarasi, Fireblade, Laurel, Myranmar. 

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  The Gnolams 

The Gnolam people appeared around the time of the Elerians and Trilarians.  This small race from a low-gravity planet was often described as dwarf- or gnome-like.  They possessed an amazing ability to create and horde treasure, and their dictators almost never lacked money.  Gnolams also had strong knowledge of business, resulting in large profits from trade routs and extra food sales.  In addition to all this, Gnolams had amazing luck.  Perhaps this power was their attempt to counter the Elerians mental powers; in any case, space monsters and Antaran fleets almost always ignored Gnolam planets.  Disasters never befell them, and unexpected fortune was frequent for them.  Their biggest enemy was the Elerian race, followed by the Mrrshan.  They did respect the Darloks and Meklars.  Gnolam leaders were usually peaceful, but could fund a large fleet very quickly when at war.  

Home System:  Gnol

Emperors:  Bortis, Dolgran, Gnorm, Vex, Trorn, Trant, Volm, Navolok

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  The Humans 

Humanity was much the same as it had been in 2300.  Sol was ruled by a democracy, but the leader was still an Emperor.  Nevertheless, the Humans had the greatest personal freedom of all the races, and this resulted in fast research and high incomes.  Human diplomats were skilled and well-liked; deals were reached easily and mercenary leaders were common and low-cost.   The Humans were neutral toward all the other races upon first contact.   Human emperors were often very honorable, and would not forget past wrongs.  They were not to be trifled with. 

Home System:  Sol

Emperors:  Alexander, Strader, Durash IV, Caesar, Bladrov II, Lasitus, Reed, Sargon

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  The Klackons 

Life on Kholdan was the same for centuries.  The inhabitants were all born to fulfill a certain role or to perform a specific task.  There was no dissension among the Klackons, so rebellion and strife were nonexistent.  This resulted in huge bonuses to their food and industrial production; these bonuses were further enhanced by their Unification government.  Since there were no traitors, there was high security in their empire.  Although Klackon society seemed flawless, there was one significant weakness: they had trouble conceiving new  technological ideas.  The Klackons could only research a single tech in every area, rather than choosing from a list of several applications.   Klackon leaders looked out for their people only; the were usually very xenophobic, and did not like dealing with alien races. Klackons were quick to support the Trilarians, and also liked the Silicoids.  They did not like the Alkari, Mrrshan, and Sakkra races.

Home System:  Kholdan

Emperors:  Ezixl, Virzixl, Ixitixl, K'kalak, Kaviq, Kikitik, Kaxal, Qurtirqul

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  The Meklars 

The Meklars were still cyborgs, but they had gone through some major change by 3500.  They previously had enclosed themselves in various exoskeletons; now, parts of the actual creatures were visible.  Meklar life still focused on production; assisted by their powerful suits, they could build things rapidly.  Meklars ate half as much food as the other races, but they also consumed a part of the industry that they created.  Their leader was a dictator, and Meklar leaders were still thought of as unpredictable and dangerous.  Their friends included the Darloks, Gnolams, and Mrrshan.  They didn't like the Trilarians or the Silicoids.

Home System:  Meklon

Emperors:  CZK-21, INT-986, M3-850T, Cog Primus, 911-C4S, THX-1137, QX-537, RSW-242

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The Mrrshan 

For hundreds of years, the Mrrshan were feared throughout the Milky Way for their skilled gunners.  By this point, they had actually improved on that legacy.  In addition to their attack bonuses, their ship crews were better trained then all others, and could reach the level of Ultra-Elite.  Their leaders were also capable of reaching awesome skills.  Each Mrrshan planet was a military base, housing twice as many soldiers as normal.  They also contained military commanders who coordinated the local fleet activity; this allowed for much larger fleets to be supported.  The Mrrshan were a military dictatorship.  Interestingly, the Mrrshan homeworld changed its name from Fierias to Fieras sometime prior to 3500.  Two other big changes also occured since the 23rd century- a large source of neutronium was found, makin their homeworld rich, and the traditional matriarchy was replaced by a new line of emperors.  This hostile warrior race still had problems with their ancient rivals, the Alkari.  They also didn't like the Gnolams or the Klackons.  The Meklars and Trilarians were respected on Fieras, and the Elerians were held in high regard.

Home System:  Fieras

Emperors: Darquan (this was also a Darlok name), Fargul, Marupa, Harrava Ril, Miamar, Parasha Vrrn, Yarrala Hrrsh, Torfang

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  The Psilons 

Over time, the Psilonic homeworld became low-gravity, resulting in a general weakening of the Psilons' bodies.  They never lost their intellects, though; when researching, they could choose all possible applications of a technology, and their scientists produced vast amounts of research.  The Psilons research was extremely high, yet their focus remained rather petty- their government never developed beyond dictatorship because of the quarrelling of certain high-ranking scholars.  The Psilons were a peace-loving people.  Their liked the Trilarians but did not appreciate the Elerians.

Home System:  Mentar

Emperors:  Amios, Dynalon, Erga Uticus, Psiros, Tssha, Menz Agitat, Ekar Orgit, Kelvan

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  The Sakkra 

After thousands of years of extraordinary population growth, the large homeworld of the Sakkra ran out of room.  The reptilian Sakkra hatched from eggs, and their populations grew amazingly fast.  They were forced to live both above and below ground; this technique made their planets have huge populations and also contributed to the defense of their cities.  The Sakkra had a feudal system, in which each planet was ruled by a noble family.  The oaths of loyalty to the emperor forced the militaries to work together, allowing fast ship building.  However, the local lords tended to hinder research, resulting in half the normal amount of scientific work.  The Sakkra farmers were skilled at growing food, which was needed to feed the huge numbers of people.  Sakkra spies were poor quality however, and this was a change from the past.  No one knows why they lost their skills.  Sakkra emperors were more aggressive around this time than they had been in the past, and liked to expand at other peoples' expense.  They had a liking for the Alkari, who had become reptilian not long before.

Home System:  Sssla

Emperors:  Dactylus, Tyran, Ragazor, Sauron, Seurak, Guanar, Hissa, Sarezaear

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  The Silicoids 

Cryslon had long been the home of perhaps the strangest race in the Milky Way.  The SIlicoids were silicon-based life-forms, and these rock creatures were immune to pollution and did not require food to survive.  They could support high populations on all types of planets.  Their populations did grow slowly, though.  In diplomacy, the Silicoids were at a severe disadvantage; they could not make deals beyond war, peace, and surrender.  The Silicoids of the 24th century did not have this communication problem, and it is not known where it came from.  Silicoid leaders were dictators, and were reputed to be highly xenophobic and expansionistic.  The Silicoid race had respect for the Darloks and Klackons (two aggressive races); they did not trust the Elerians or the Meklars.

Home System:  Cryslon

Emperors:  Igneus Maximus, Crystous, Geode, Sedimin, Krakatoa, Quorzom, Vorkronoa, Sandebar 

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   The Trilarians 

The last of the younger races was the Trilarians.  This strange group came from an Ocean world and lived in water.  Because of this, Ocean and Terran planets could support as many people as Gaia planets could, and Swamp and Tundra planets were as good for them as Terran was for other races.  The Trilarians were similar to the Alkari in their behavior; they had honorable tendancies, and were peaceful enough to coexist with others.  They were a danger when threatened, however, because their ships were faster than others.  This Trans-Dimensional ability supposedly came from the Antarans; the Trilarians claimed that they were the descendants of a lost Antaran colony.  Their leader ruled as a dictator.   Trilarian friends included the Alkari and Klackons, and to a lesser degree the Mrrshan and Psilons.  They did not like the Meklars very much.

Home System:  Trilar

Emperors:  Wavya, Klirr, Everial, Llorian, Cress, Calibar, Aquailis, Oraborus

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