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Magical Secrets

There are several "surprises" built into the game. Whether or not they are true cheats depends on your point of view - purists will consider them "cheating" while others may simply consider them a natural part of the magical world of Jadame. Here are the ones I have so far verified (be careful, the ones which open into a chest are trapped):

Magic Palm Tree

On Dagger Wound Island, go to the supply wagons (where you start the game). Face away from the wagons towards the village. There is a palm tree in front of you which will cause the words "Palm Tree" to appear on the status line when the cursor passes over it (if you are using an old processor, this will be the only tree which is labeled on the status line. If using a newer processor, it is the only one which is capitalized). Position yourself so the bottom of the tree is in your field of view, then click on the tree (you may have to click a few times). A poppy pod (yellow reagent) will slip out from under the tree. (This is admittedly unspectacular. The remainder of the "magic" places are better.)
Note: This cheat is not reliable. I have not been able to repeat it every time.

Update - based on the results from the Magic Tree in Murmurwoods, it's possible something must be in the active character's inventory (for transformation?) for this to work.

Magic Buoys

On Dagger Wound Island, cast a spell or drink a potion which will allow you to travel over water without dying and head out to the buoys between the village of Blood Drop and the attacking ships. They will both read "Buoy" when the cursor is place over them (if you are using an old processor, they will be the only buoys which are labeled on the status line. If using a newer processor, they are the only ones which are capitalized). They will give skill points to the active character when touched (north buoy 2 skill points; south buoy - volcano side - 5 skill points). The skill points will just appear in the character's stats; there will be no outward indication that anything happened. Note: I have been informed that this requires a high Luck (around 25) or it will not work. Further, if tried before Luck is high enough, it will never work thereafter for that character.

Magic Willow Tree

In Ravenshore, follow the river north to past where the more northerly bridge crosses it. Staying on the west bank, follow it past the bridge until you come to a weeping willow tree. If it is the correct tree, the word "Tree" will appear on the status line when you put your cursor on it (may be the only tree which is labeled on the status line, or the only tree which is capitalized, depending on your system configuration). Click on the tree and a treasure chest will open. The chest will contain a random artifact and items appropriate to the Ravenshore level of the game.

Magic Walls

In Alvar, go out behind the Ogre Fortress. Using a spell (such as Fly or Jump) climb up on top of the curtain (outer) wall and get down between that wall and the back of the Fortress. Click on the back of the Fortress (you may have to feel around for the correct spot). A chest will open which contains the artifact Mace of the Sun and several other items.

In Shadowspire, go to the back wall of Wolves' Bane (the potion shop), and click on it. You will get a scroll of Lloyd's Beacon.

Magic Rocks

In Alvar, find the rock on the ground nearest to the entrance to the Elemental Guild (approximately due east of the door), and click on it. It should be the only rock which causes the word "Rock" to appear on the status line when the cursor passes over it (may be the only rock which is labeled on the status line, or the only rock which is capitalized, depending on your system configuration). A chest will open. The chest will contain items appropriate to the Alvar level of the game.

In the Ironsand Desert, find the rock on the ground on the shore of the lava lake, in the midst of the first group of Cyclopses that you come to. It should be the only rock which causes the word "Rock" to appear on the status line when the cursor passes over it (may be the only rock which is labeled on the status line, or the only rock which is capitalized, depending on your system configuration). Click on the rock and a treasure chest will open. The chest will contain an artifact and some items appropriate to the Ironsand Desert level of the game.

Magic Flower

In Garrote Gorge, find the teacher of Master Body Magic. Standing on the lake side of his house, walk up the hill toward the lake. Along the way you should see a flower on the ground, which will cause the word "Flower" to appear on the status line when the cursor passes over it (may be the only flower which is labeled on the status line, or the only flower which is capitalized, depending on your system configuration). Click on the flower and a treasure chest will open. The chest will contain items appropriate to the Garrote Gorge level of the game.

Magic Trees

In Murmurwoods, go out to the stone arrow. Stand facing the direction the arrow points. Past the end of the arrow will be a tree which will cause the word "Tree" to appear on the status line when the cursor is passed over it (may be the only tree which is labeled on the status line, or the only tree which is capitalized, depending on your system configuration). This tree will turn various gems in the active character's inventory into something else. Based on experimentation, here are some transformations:
Iolite - into +2 leather walking boots
Amber - into a white Swift potion
Diamond - into a horseshoe (+2 skill points)
Zircon - into a Citrine
Citrine - into an Amethyst
Amethyst - into an Emerald
Emerald - into an apple
Sapphire - into 2000gp
All items, except the gold, are handed to you from the tree, not just placed in your inventory. The traded item just disappears from inventory.

In Ravenshore, find the tree near the temporary might well which causes the word "Tree" to appear on the status line when the cursor is passed over it (may be the only tree which is labeled on the status line, or the only tree which is capitalized, depending on your system configuration). This tree will randomly empty potion bottles in your inventory, and hand you back the empty bottle.

I suspect there are similar "magical" items in each of the other regions of Jadame; however I haven't managed to find them yet. If you run across any item whose description suddenly appears on the status line in capital letters (when it normally would not, or just appears there when it normally would not), click on it; it will probably be another of these "surprises." But be careful; some of these special items simply steal from your inventory.

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