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Welcome! the official website for the online gaming clan Fantomu Bushi.

Fantomu Bushi?

What is Fantomu Bushi? Fantomu Bushi is an online gaming clan built on the basis that we will not only take over the online gaming world, but also create a community like no other. This clan was started on May 1, 2000 with 9 founding members, and each of the 9 helped shape this clan into what it is today. To learn more about us, read our Bushido.


7-24-2002:The return of online console gaming is almost here! On August 27th the PS2 network adapter will be released along with a few launch games. Socom: Navy Seals, Madden 2003 and NFL2K3 being the current noteworthy ones. A bit later in the fall XBOX Live will open and the Gamecube will get its sole online game Phantasy Star Online: Episodes 1&2. To celebrate this next wave of console gaming the webmaster has decided to get off his ass and update!! hehe Some ideas were finally put to use and helpful input from outside sources was used culminating in what I hope is a better website. Comments and further suggestions are as always appreciated in the forum. In the near future our hope is to open up a special Phantasy Star Online achievements page and to start a downloads section now that more of us are into pc gaming.

Here at Fantomu Bushi we recently welcomed out newest member. Well ok, it didn't just happen. Machete joined us in late May but his member info is up now for all to see so check that out. His current specialty?....schooling you in quake 3 with a 300 ping from Peurto Rico. :D Welcome Machete!

9-9-2001:Today marks the two year anniversary of the dreamcast. It would be quite an understatement to say that little white box has made quite an impact on most of the members of FB. We are currently sharing some memories in the forum.:) The future looks bright though. Dreamcast online gaming is hitting its peak and the introduction of two consoles is right around the corner. On September 8th we welcomed a new member. Jonas is his name and he gives us another strong FB presence in Quake 3. Welcome Jonas! For this site, recently this main page was given a slight it ver 1.2 I guess.:)

8-19-2001: August 14th marked a major day for Fantomu Bushi. Our membership increased by 2 as both Claw and Axe joined FB. Both Axe and Claw can be found with most of the rest of FB on Alien Front Online. If you are looking for some great friendly competition then challenge us in the forum!



Site design by psycho mantis. Additional Site work by TopDogs411. VMU FB logo animation created and copyright of Sean. Fantomu Bushi slogan created by Bee. Site created May 1st, 2000. This site is in no way associated with Sega,, or SegaNet. Copyright 2000-2001. All Rights Reserved.