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Mongol Scans

Since I don't have a digital camera yet, but I did have a scanner I scanned a lot of the first figures I painted. Instead of deleting them I've just piled them all on to this page. In case you just can get enough Mongols!

Old Glory Mongol from their Command pack (ME-01). This entire range is excellent, one of Old Glory's best. Scanned here is one of the first figures that I have painted.

Old Glory Mongol light cavalry with bow (ME-09). These were the first 3 models I did for my Mongol horde. I try to paint in batches of four at a time( the fourth model in this batch was the Mongol commander on the previous page). Identical color schemes are used on all the models in the batch, hence everybody wearing the red pants. In the long run, this technique saves time because you're not opening and closing a lmited number of paint jars in a painting session. What can I say, it works for me!

The rest of this page has the front and back views of the figures used in the above image