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Keep your torches lit and be wary of dark, seemingly undisturbed caverns and grottoes. These voracious little predators will swarm over a hero in a maelstrom of vicious fangs and leathery wings. Plus they have a tendency to get stuck in a hero's hair.

These aren't your cute and funny "Casper" type ghosts. These are spirits of undead hate torn from the netherworld who can freeze a hero with their paralyzing touch.

These creatures prove that greed really is one of the seven deadly sins. Mimics can change shape to resemble chests of gold or other items that an adventurer might want to collect. Unfortunately, that person is in for a big shock when their treasure tries to "collect" them!

How do you kill something that doesn't live? Skeletons have no organs to pierce, no brains to smash, but they must be stopped. These mainstays of Hecubah's army will keep coming until they're smashed to pieces. Try using blunt weapons or crushing spells.

Sages near Ix have said of trolls, "They are vile, despicable, gluttonous, murderous, remarkably stupid and none too clean and those are their good qualities." Take the sages at their word and kill these disgusting blobs of flesh on sight. Then get out of there, as their noxious vapors tend to linger in the area.