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Spell Typos #4

Stump: Caster asks targeted monster the riddle of what has four legs, then two legs, then three legs?

Waste: Caster attempts to speed up targeted character by smearing solid human waste all over them. Usually results in caster getting beaten up by targeted character.

Remove Ear: Lets your party gain stealth as all enemies ears drop off and they can't hear you coming.

Shrink Ray: Causes Ray to get shorter. Ray will already be angered at this point as you've already poisoned and mooned him.

Singer of Death: Summons Barbara Streisand to attempt to sing obliterates all life on map, including you.

Dark Contaminant: Casts a spell in which a black great substance is sprayed on all monsters within a specific targeted zone, causing them to eventually become sick, and die of cancer within a span of less than 20 years.

Flying Feast: Hurls large quantities of food at the enemy, thereby slowing them down.

Cure Inanity: Causes people named Lethal Larry to stop posting silly things on internet bulletin boards. Has never been successfully cast.

Mass Rear: Something that was cast on the Queen Alien in the hive long before you got to her.

Char: Cast a spell on one selected monster causing them to be burned to a crisp, which then makes them like you more.

Day of the Goods: Conjures a vast array of consumer goods for the mansters in the area to browse, distracting them long enough for party to escape.

Toon Portal: Causes a dimensional rift to appear, which lets popular animated charachters to join in the battle. Try to get Taz on you side.

Reserrection: Causes all male party members to... well... you don't want to know.

Guardian Angle: Causes all polygons in the terrain map to block damage to your characters.

Lame Arrow: Fires an arrow at one monster which instead of bursting into flames, causes the monster to walk with a limp.

Psychotic Shock: casts Summon Jack Nicholson to do a reprisal of his role in The Shining.

Olden Touch: Casts an aging spell at all monsters. Take note that they may still strike you with their walkers and inflict minor damage.

Healing Torch: Casts a flame spell at one of your characters causing 20 points of damage which then heals character 5 points. Illumunates local area.

Ass Distortion: Causes all monsters posteriors to be polymorphed into very amusing shapes.

Death To Blossom: Casts Death on the entire cast of a very lame sitcom starring a funny looking girl with an enormous honker.