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By The Princess Zelda


Months had passed since Link had placed the Master Sword back into the Pedestal of Time. Ganondorf was securely sealed behind the door of the Evil Realm, with no way of escaping.
Princess Zelda was sitting in her courtyard, daydreaming. She was quite lonely now, since there was no one around to come and visit her.
Zelda often had dreams that she and Link were standing high above the clouds, playing beautiful melodies on the ocarina.
Suddenly, the princess knew she'd have to visit her beloved Link. She needed to, in order to live. The burden of loneliness was too much for her to bear.
She knew she'd have to go in disguise, so not to be recognized by anyone, and not to have a crowd bustle around her. So, she threw a tattered cloak around her shoulders, and left the castle. She ran as fast as she could to the market. It was then that she decided to stop at the Temple of Time, just to make sure the Sacred Realm was at peace.
Suddenly, she bumped into an old man with a sack flung over his shoulder and a rod in his hand. The man toppled over on his back.
"Oh, forgive me, sir," Zelda said.
The man picked up his bag and his rod. "Be more careful, kid," he said.
A woman came rushing up to Zelda, carrying a switch. She hit Zelda hard on the hand. "That was a very rude thing to do, little girl!" she snapped.
Zelda rubbed the red sore on her hand. The blow had really hurt!
"You should be ashamed of yourself!" another woman scolded. "You are such a clumsy oaf! The king wouldn't like you at all!"
When the woman had said that, Zelda chuckled to herself. She knew that her father knew of her clumsiness. And he didn't scold her for it.
"Leave the little girl alone!" the man shouted. "Everyone does it from time to time!" And with that, the man walked away to the back alley, muttering to himself. Many people stared at Zelda crossly.
But the princess didn't care all that much. The only thing that bothered her was the sore on her hand, and her longing to see Link.
She walked up the steps to the gardens of the Temple of Time. When she got there, her eyes caught sight of an old crone sitting by the little pool, watching the tiny fish swimming about. The old woman looked up, and glanced at Zelda, wearing her tattered cloak
"Good day, child," the crone greeted her. "What is your name?"
"My name…" suddenly, Zelda stopped. She needed a peasant's name. "My name is Grizeld."
"Grizeld…" the crone said. "That doesn't sound like an ordinary name. Where do you come from?"
"I come from Kakariko Village," Zelda, 'Grizeld,' said quickly.
"That's quite an unusual name for the Kakariko folk," the woman shook her head. "I'm from Kakariko Village, too. I own a potion shop there. You can just call me Granny, that's what everyone in Kakariko calls me."
"Granny," Zelda began. "Have you ever seen a young boy, about the same size as I, who goes by the name of Link?"
"Link…" Granny was deep in thought. "I think I might have. He has a fairy, doesn't he?"
"Yes," Zelda replied. "Do you know where he might be?"
"Probably in the forest, if he owns a fairy."
"Thank you, Granny," Zelda smiled. "I'm off to visit him."
Zelda turned around, and began to walk away.
"Oh, and by the way," Granny said, "That's a pretty clever disguise, Princess Zelda."


When Zelda finally reached the Kokiri Forest, she stopped suddenly. She could hear a low, solemn voice, speaking in a sort of rhythm.
She could hear a crackle, and she could smell a bonfire. There must be a festival of some sort, Zelda thought to herself. But, anyway, she walked through the log, and crossed the bridge.
When she entered the forest, she realized this was no festival…the entire forest was engulfed in flame! The red arms of fire seemed to reach up to the sky, in an attemp to burn the heavy clouds from the air.
All the Kokiri sat in a circle, except for one, who was standing, chanting some kind of prayer.
"What is going on?" Zelda asked softly.
But the Kokiri didn't turn around to look at Zelda. They just sat with their heads bowed.
Zelda came a little closer. She spotted a mound of soil, and next to it, a deep hole. Strange.
"What is happening?" Zelda asked.
This time, all the Kokiri looked up. They had tears streaming down their cheeks.
"Who are you?" one of them asked.
"My name is Grizeld," Zelda replied.
"What are you doing here?" asked another.
"I've come to visit Link."
"GO AWAY!" the one who had been chanting shouted.
"I shall not leave until I've seen Link," Zelda said.
"Grizeld," a young girl said, sobbing. "You can't see Link."
"Why not?"
"WHAT?!" Zelda nearly fainted.
"He died in his house, and we're about to bury him!" the leader shouted. "Now, go away!"
Suddenly, there was a flash of green light. A star seemed to tumble from the cloudy sky. The light flashed faster and faster, until Saria, the Sage of the Forest appeared.
"No," she said. "Link is not dead…he slumbers…"
"What do you mean?" the leader asked.
"Ganondorf has escaped from the void of the evil realm," Saria said solemnly.
"NO!" Zelda shouted. "It can't be true!"
"It is," said Saria. "And he wants the Triforce parts so badly, that he had to attack Link in order to obtain the Triforce of Courage. He cast a spell upon Link, causing him to fall asleep. He then set the forest on fire, to kill Link. And Link may slumber forever…unless someone takes the Ocarina of Time, and plays the Song of Time…"
Saria nodded in Zelda's direction, and then vanished. It began to rain, and the fire was soon put out.
"Where is Link?" Zelda asked.
"Right here," the Kokiri children replied.
They pointed to the stiff statue in the middle of the circle they formed. Zelda reached out her hand, and caressed Link's striken face.
"All of you," she ordered. "Back away."
The Kokiri stood back, and watched as Zelda reached into her cloak and pulled out…a slip of paper.
Zelda read it.

"Ignorant Princess,
I shall not let you have the Ocarina of Time!"

Surely, Ganondorf had written that note. But how could he have gotten his hands on the Ocarina of Time without Zelda noticing him?
Zelda ran back to the Temple of Time to consult Granny. She would know. After all, she was the only one who could recognize Zelda in her disguise.


"Granny," began Zelda. "Link has been put under a curse, and he will sleep forever if somebody plays the Song of Time to him on the Ocarina of Time."
"So," said Granny. "Play it for him."
"But, Granny, Ganondorf has stolen the Ocarina of Time, right out of my pocket! He left this note!"
Zelda handed the note to Granny, who read it, nodding.
"Zelda, why don't you head out to the Gerudo Fortress," Granny instructed. "I think Ganondorf must be there."
"Thank you, Granny," Zelda smiled. She pulled the hood of her cloak halfway over her eyes, and walked out into the marketplace.
"Oh, look!" a woman exclaimed, pointing her finger at Zelda. "There's the rude little girl that came by the other day!"
"Well, well, well!" a man laughed. "Why don't we tell the king she's a disgrace to the country!"
The entire market arose with a rumble of laughter.
Zelda hurried away. She had to get to the Gerudo Fortress as fast as possible.
"Traitor! Traitor!" two children mocked.
"All I did was kncok a man over!" Zelda protested.
"Actually, I was spying on you last night," the woman who'd whipped Zelda said. "You went into the castle and stole a bag of gold! I'm going to tell the king!"
"I wasn't even here last night," Zelda grumbled. And father doesn't put his gold in bags.

When she finally reached Gerudo Valley, Zelda was stopped by a guard. "You can't come in!" she grunted.
"That isn't a problem!" Zelda laughed. She picked a reed from the ground, and poked holes into it. She then played the Requiem of Spirit, and was instantly warped to the Desert Colossus.
She then walked across the haunted wasteland, carefully following the footsteps of Gerudo Guards. Suddenly, she saw something strange…a desert pyramid off in the distance! She could try to get there…
She slowly walked along, making sure the pyramid was directly in the center of her range of vision. It took much longer than Zelda had expected…nearly half a day! But she finally reached it.
She looked up at the giant pyramid. Eagles circled around the summit, ready to swoop on any intruders.
Zelda couldn't get near the pyramid, so, she'd have to find some other way to get in. Suddenly, she spotted a giant boulder. She used all her strength to lift it up…there was a staircase leading down…into a mysterious hole.
Zelda took a deep breath, and carefully walked down the steps. There was a door. Zelda opened it carefully. It seemed as if it hadn't been opened for many centuries.
In the room behind the door, many Keese flapped about. But Zelda ignored them, and opened the door that led into the next room. In this room was a winding staircase, leading downward. Zelda climbed it, and entered the next room.
This room was a long hallway, with many restless souls wandering around. With her reed flute, Zelda played the Sun's Song, and the zombies froze.
She looked around. A door had formed at the end of the hallway. The princess opened the door, and went into still the next room. In this room, there was a tall, winding starcase with a red carpet strewn up the stairs. Zelda followed the steps until the reached the top. She could hear the sound of eagles crying. She must have been near the pyramid. She opened the tall door, and found herself…inside the pyramid!
There was a giant organ at one end of the large room. A carpet was laid on the floor. There were strips of velvet hanging on the walls, like curtains. Empty suits of armor stood like guards along every wall. And in the center of the room was a throne…and seated on the throne was…Ganondorf himself!
Zelda watched her hand as the Triforce of Wisdom formed.
"I sense another part of the Triforce," Ganondorf muttered.
He swished his blood-red cape, and turned around to face Zelda.
"Ah!" he boomed. "I see someone has come to visit me! But who is it?"
"Ganondorf!" Zelda shouted. "Return the Ocarina of Time at once!"
"Oh," Ganondorf laughed. "Why should I?"
"Forget it, Ganondorf," Zelda sighed. "My father is a lot stronger than you are. You cannot knock him off the throne."
"Well, we'll see about that! If your father is strong, you should have inherited the strength! This will prove how weak your family is!"
Ganondorf jumped off his throne, and when he hit the ground, Princess Zelda was thrown off her feet!
"Let the battle begin!" Ganondorf shouted.


Zelda hadn't fought before, so she didn't know how to start!
Ganondorf shot a fireball at Zelda. She jumped aside, so it just barely missed her!
But she couldn't just dodge the attacks, she'd have to defeat Ganondorf! Her reed flute was all she had…maybe it would help her in some way…
Ganondorf fired another ball at her. But this time, Zelda waved her flute in the air, and fired the ball back!
Ganondorf sweeped his cape, and deflected the fireball. It flew back at Zelda, who waved her flute again, tossing the fireball back at him! This time, it hit Ganondorf. He stood there, completely stunned.
Zelda grabbed an end of the rug that Ganondorf stood upon, and quickly pulled it away. Ganondorf screamed as he flew high into the air, and landed on the pipes op his organ. Zelda sat at the organ, and played a wild melody, throwing Ganondorf up to the ceiling! He hit the top so hard that the entire pyramid shook. When Ganondorf landed on the ground, the whole pyramid shook violently! Every brick of it slipped out of place…and fell right on top of him!
But Zelda, since she was quite lightweight, was thrown into the sky when Ganondorf crashed to the ground. By the timeshe finally landed, the Evil King was dead.
Zelda carefully climbed over all the bricks, until she came to Ganondorf's body. She slipped her hand across his cape, until she found a small pouch. She pulled the pouch out, and opened it. And, sure enough, the Ocarina of Time was there!
She heard the sound of a beam of light, and she knew a warp portakwas there to carry her to the Chamber of the Sages.

In the Sacred Realm, Zelda found Link lying stiffly on the Triforce symbol. All the Sages were gathered around, watching as the princess raised the Ocarina to her lips and played the Song of Time.
A shower of light rained down upon the two. Link's eyes fluttered, until they opened fully. They darted about, fixing upon the young girl wearing a tattered cloak.
"It's me, Zelda," Zelda said.
Link sat up, and looked around. Zelda took him by the hand.
"Let us go to the castle now, to meet my father," Zelda said. "I've been gone for many days now, and he is probably quite worried."
Zelda played the Prelude of Light, and they were both instantly warped to the Temple of Time.
Granny was the first to greet them.
"Zelda," she said. "You are a hero. You've defeated the King of Evil, and you've rescued my son…"
Zelda was shocked. She could tell Link was, too.
"M-mother?" Link stammered.
There was a flash of light as Granny suddenly turned into a dazzling young woman, all bedecked in gold.
"Ganondorf had threatened to kill our family, Link," the beautiful woman explained. "I thought we'd all perish, but I had to save you. So, I left you with the Great Deku Tree. You were raised as a Kokiri!"
"But, Granny," Zelda sighed. "Why didn't you tell me this before?"
"I wanted to wait until the time was right," Granny said. "Now, there is a ball at the castle. Everyone is attending it. Come, Link, we must go. Zelda, your father hasn't slept for nights! He's been so worried about you! I advise you to reveal yourself as the Princess of Hyrule…at the ball!"

Zelda stood at the gates to the castle, and waited for Link and Granny to go into the castle. She then stood there for about five minutes, just to keep the level of suspicion as low as possible. She then walked through the open gate, and slowly shuffled up the path.
"Are you coming to the ball, girl?" ased one of the guards.
Zelda nodded her head.
The guard struck his spear on the ground, and the drawbridge lowered. Zelda entered the castle, her rightful home.
She pushed open the marble doors, into her father's throneroom. All the bustle stopped as she entered the great room.
"Oh, I didn't expect the rude little girl from the market to come!" one of the guests laughed.
"Go away!" another shouted. "We don't want you here!"
Zelda slowly walked down the carpet, towards her father's throne. The king looked at the little ragged peasant awkwardly.
When she passed the lady who'd whipped her, Zelda showed her she sore on her hand. When she passed Granny and Link, she grinned. Granny nodded her head, smiling.
When she reached her father's throne, she kneeled down, and bowed her head.
"I can believe the stupid kid is talking to the king!" a young woman chuckled. Everyone else began to quietly laugh.
"Hush!" shouted one of the guards.
Zelda took in a deep breath.
"My good king," she began. "I've travelled all around Hyrule. I've been to the desert, and I found a mysterious pyramid. I went inside, and found the King of Evil himself seated upon a throne. I used the power of the gods to defeat him, good king. Good has triumphed over evil once again!"
"She's talking nonsense!" a man commented.
"And then, I rescued the Hero of Time from the curse that had been laid upon him!"
"No, you didn't!" screamed a young child.
"It is true, good king. Now that all is peaceful, the time has come…" Zelda paused. She looked around the room. Everyone was silent.
Zelda slowly lifted her hands to her hood, and nudged the fabric. She let it slip off her head, as the tattered cloak fell off her body, revealing the jewels and riches of royalty!
"Father, I've returned!" she shouted.
There was a brief period of silence, while all gasped, and fell to their knees.
The king looked into his daughter's eyes, and rested his hands upon her shoulders. He felt her face…as if to make sure she was real, and not just a hallucination…
"I'm here, father," she said. "You are not dreaming."
At that instant, the king flung his arms around the princess, holding her tightly and warmly.
The nder. The whole hall trembled. people rose to their feet and began to cheer.
"Long lived the king!" they chanted. "Long lived Harkinian and Zelda!"
There was a loud rumble of thu
Zelda looked up at the ceiling. It began to crack…
"Father!" she called. "I must go!"
"I will go with you!" said Link.
Link and Zelda raced outside to see what was happening. Everyone else followed.
Zelda look up…and nearly fainted. A giant serpant slithered around the spires of the castle. It looked at Zelda with its red eyes…she spotted the glow of the Triforce of Power…
"Everyone stand back!" Zelda shouted.
Link took out his bow and Light Arrows, and handed them to Zelda.
"Shoot him in the eyes!" he instructed.
"Yes," Zelda nodded.
"I will use my sword," Link continued. "Now we must bring the evil king to rest for good!"
The snake crashed to the ground, and breathed fire at the two. But Link blocked with his shield. Zelda waited for the serpant to raise its head before she took aim and fired a Light Arrow. She hit him straight between the eyes, which blinded him, giving Link a chance to slice him with the sword.
After five hits with Link's sword, the serpant regained its conciousness. Its red eyes flashed with fury as Zelda aimed with her bow to shoot. Suddenly, the serpant breathed a deep breath of fire, and knocked the bow and the arrows out of Zelda's hand. Link lost his sword, too!
"Zelda!" Link cried, "We're completely weaponless!"
"Not quite!" smiled Zelda. She raised her fist, the the Triforce of Wisdom appeared. Link held up his hand, and there was the Triforce of Courage! A giant beam of light shot from th eir hands, blinding the creature, and pinning him down. The creature fell to the ground, with its head held low…low enough for Princess Zelda to make a fist, and charge up to the serpant. She punched it right between the eyes.
Just then, six lights shot from the sky, and circled the serpant's head, making it so dizzy that it fainted. The Six Sages banished Ganondorf into the Evil Realm, and sealed the door securely. A cheer arose from all of Hyrule!


Link and Zelda sat outside the castle, gazing at the maze of stars in the sky.
"We did it, Link!" Zelda said.
"Together, we saved Hyrule!" Link smiled. "And, by the way, I'd like to thank you for breaking the curse."
"You're welcome, Link," Zelda said. "And I'd like to thank you for helping me fight Ganondorf's serpant form!"
"Oh, it was nothing!" laughed Link.
The two of them gazed into eachother's eyes, and then back at the starry sky.
"Link, look!" Zelda exclaimed. "The sun is rising! The dawn has arrived!"
They looked at eachother, and then laughed merrily.


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