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             Wow! This game is incredible. The game really makes you think  after you've played it. The game almost wasn't released in the U.S. because because of its secular ideas, and religious overtones that are incorporated into Xenogears' plot. It discusses the pros and cons of creationism versus evolution, and other such ideas. The plot is stunning with VERY nice anime cutscenes. I've seen alot of RPG plots. but none like this. I really didn't believe a video-game could have such a depth-filled plot with such theological ideas. The music is EXCELLENT. Some of the best music I've heard anywhere, video-game, movie, CD, cassette..... anywhere! You play Fei, an 18 year-old man who gets involved in a war with an evil nation, who's ultimate plan is to "create God". Along the way you meet up with Elly, a mysterious woman who is something much more. The plot doesn't seem to unique, eh? Well guess what? IT IS. Play the game and you'll know what I mean. The plot is very complicated with LOTS and LOTS of twists and turns. Many references to religion, Christianaty (i. e. crosses, convents, nuns, priests, etc.), secular ideas and debatable issues that seem to have spawned from the issues and current events in our real world today. The graphics are excellent, no matter what anybody says. If you didn't like the graphics in Lunar or Xenogears, its because you've been playing shooters all your life and you can't appreciate a good RPG. The battle system is pretty unique, and one of the best I've seen. You can feet in or outside of "gears", gigantic robot-like mechanisms. In my Lunar page, I say that Lunar is the best game I've ever played. Well, Xenogears is a tie, if not even just .00003 percent better. If you're an Rpg fan, and you don't have this games, get it NOW!

          "You Shall Be As Gods"- What the screens say in the beginning cinema

                        Krelian, who wants to 'create' a new God...                             Fei's 'ID'

Fei, his face bloody from his mother's death.         'Eve', or Miang as the game calls her, the first human on earth.                                                                                         
The captain's locket of his wife and daughter in the beginning cinema.                     Maria, harmless girl, big, deadly gear.                                               
                     Id's Gear.                                                        Citan, the intelligent doctor.
                                                        Fei, the reluctant hero.          Elly, the *cough* sexy heroine.

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