Cool Links

(A Funroom section)

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This page shows cool links that I like.



D e s c r  i p t i o n


Terraserver-Look at satellite and aerial photos of your house or neighborhood online


Smack Down- Hey you Smack Down (WWF) Fans here a link where on Wednesday  you can learn what will happen in Smack Down before they air it on Thursday (the next day). Since Smack Down is Taped on Tuesday this is possible just click on the link on Wednesday and you will see that it is true, yes it's true.


e-How- Step-by-step instructions on how to do just about anything, and buy the stuff you need to do it.



Other Cool Links

StreamSearch- Find music, videos, movies, news, sports, live events, and many other stuff.

Lawyers- Hey you people who wants a laugh.  Here is a site where people like lawyers make dumb true questions/answers.. Example: THIS IS A REAL QUESTION ASKED BY A LAWYER....The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?







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