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Heroes of Fightin' Magic

Custom Magic System

FINAL (for 2001) DRAFT
By: M. Phoenix Gibbs, ideas contributed by David Blackwell

The actual powers for Sorcery/Conjuration/Compelling have been moved to the Powers page. This page is now reserved for explanations of how magic works in this campaign.
Each of the three powers has been changed. Conjuration is most like that of the published DRPG. Sorcery and Compelling each have some SIGNIFICANT differences.
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DIRECT Spell: Refers to a spell that is powered by the caster's internal energy. It has no bearing on the FORM of the spell.
INDIRECT Spell: Refers to a spell that uses the caster's energy only to shape and control another power source, which provides the actual energy used. A spell which were to draw on the energy of an avalanche (kinetic) and re-direct that force into a physical blow at an opponent is one such example.
SPELL OPTION: The closest ADRPG reference is a Lynchpin. UNLIKE a Lynchpin, each spell option takes time at EITHER the hanging of the spell (in which case, the option selected is 'hardwired into the hung spell'), or at casting (in which case, the option takes the value defined at that time).

Effects of the various statistics on Sorcery:
PSYCHE determines the maximum amount of energy a caster may utilize in a single spell.
ENDURANCE determines the amount of internal power a sorcerer possesses.
WARFARE permits anticipation of your opponent's tactics, even in a sorcerous duel. It provides all the abilities to asses a foe's abilities and tactics associated with armed combat, and to some extent, it also permits a more efficient use of one's own abilities.
STRENGTH provides its customary resistance to direct damage effects, which is vital. It also drives the rate of power regeneration, not Endurance. Lastly, Strength is a simple way to create a source of indirect kinetic energy to be channeled.

Designing Spells:
Each spell requires several elements... A 'base effect', or what the spell is intended to do. Each spell also REQUIRES certain options. A TARGET, or where the energy is to be released/directed. A POWER SOURCE, be it the sorcerer himself, or some other source. MAGIC OF SHADOW is a common, but not required, option. If it is not specified at hanging OR casting, the spell will only function in a shadow realm magically identical to the one in which is was hung. Virtually all other options are merely enhancements of a basic spell, and serve to make a rack of spells more flexible and applicable in a wider array of situations.
The base time to hang a spell is 40 minutes for the 'base effect', plus ten minutes for each option defined at hanging. At this time, ALL options must be noted, regardless of if they are to be specified during the hanging or the casting.
Note that defining options at hanging, instead of at casting, 'simplifies' a spell, although it takes longer to hang. This simplification is noted in the reduced energy cost to cast the spell.
To operate, all of the elements of a spell must be present in the shadow of the caster, unless they have the ability (by already-operating spell, or other method) to reach into another shadow realm where they ARE present. He must also be able to perceive those elements. (no casting spells at a specific target you can’t see or otherwise target)

The typical maintenance on spells varies with MANY factors, including the local shadow and the Psyche of the Sorcerer. 15% of a spell's hanging time per day is fairly typical, making a full rack of spells with only power sources specified at hanging take an hour and a half of maintenance per day. Failure to maintain a spell will result in a high rate of spell failure or backfire.
Maintenance on most spells requires the sorcerer to have the item in which the spell is hung, or the enchanted person/item for an active spell, in his possession/at his location. It IS possible to remotely maintain a spell, such as a warding or alarm spell, but these can be traced to the caster and used as a psychic or magical channel (see the similar note under Compellings, below).
Hanging Spells vs. On-The-Fly casting:
On-The-Fly is only a reasonable option for the spell caster who has put several levels of advancement into accelerating casting times. Even then, it is almost exclusively reserved for DIRECT spells, due to the added complexity of channeling power from another source, as well as the much higher power flow usually associated with INDIRECT spells.

Casting Time:
Hanging a spell: 40 minutes, +10 minutes per option DEFINED AT TIME OF HANGING.
Hung spells: 5 seconds, +3/option DEFINED AT TIME OF CASTING.
"On The Fly" DIRECT spells: 4* CASTING time of a Pre-hung spell. ALL options defined at casting. (i.e. 20 seconds, +12/option... 44 seconds)
"On The Fly" INDIRECT spells: 1/4 hanging time, INCLUDING time to 'hang' all options. (40+10+10=60 min/4... 15 minutes)
... Keep in mind that OTF times include only the basic two options, since all other options can be coded into a spell (they don't need to be changed, after all, you're casting it as you need it). And don't forget the 'REDUCE CASTING' power.

Effects of the Sorcery Enhancement Powers, explained:
Reduce Maintenance: Each level reduces the average time to maintain spells by 3%. Maximum of 4 levels.
Reduce Preparation: levels 1-3: -10min/-2min to hanging time of spells and options. Level 4 (maximum) makes those times 5min/2min.
Reduce Casting: -25% casting time for all OTF spells. -1 sec for prehung spells. Options still take three seconds at all levels. Level 4 maximum.

Or... for a typical spell, will two options defined at time of hanging, no casting-time options:
Base Sorcerer: 60 min hang, 5 sec cast. OTF direct in 44 sec. OTF indirect in 15 min.
1 level each prep/cast: 46 min hang, 4 sec cast. OTF direct in 30 sec. OTF indirect in 8.125 min.
2 levels each prep/cast: 32 min hang, 3 sec cast. OTF direct in 18 sec. OTF indirect in 4 min.
3 levels each prep/cast: 18 min hang, 2 sec cast. OTF direct in 8 sec. OTF indirect in 1.125 min.
4 levels each prep/cast: 9 min hang, 1 sec cast. OTF direct in 4 sec. OTF indirect in 17 seconds.

Sample Spells:
...Here are some sample spells to think on. Options are listed at the end of each spell, in parenthesis. most of these options are intended to be casting-time, not defined at hanging.

Cloak of Stealth: DIRECT, continuing. invisibility and inaudibility: Electromagnetic spectrum from below heat up to an including UV, 2Hz-40k Hz atmostpheric vibration. (DIRECT POWER: TARGET(s): DISPEL CONDITIONS: -others as desired-)
Paralysis: Prevents Transmission of ALL voluntary nerve impulses in target. (DIRECT : DISPEL CONDITIONS/DURATION)

Here's one ADVANCED spell, requiring enough pattern to traverse shadow, and knowledge of a specific spot (a planet devastated by high-tech war... satellites and space stations turned into metallic debris, at orbital speeds)
Pandirectional Crossfire: 16 shadowgates, 1’ in diameter, rotating about a common center, pointing outwards. The debris (97k fps+ or about mach 100) pours outwards from the gates. Be in the middle, or behind something strong. This spell is hard-coded to last only 10 seconds, but that could be changed at hanging, or even made into another option. (INDIRECT (the pattern) or DIRECT : SIZE OF CENTER ZONE : CENTERPOINT OF SPELL)

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Time to Conjure Items:

Forty Minutes to Conjure each point of effect in an item that will remain stable (with it's caster) across shadow boundaries.
One-Half time to conjure an item usable permanently in the shadow it is created in.
One-Quarter time to create a (very) temporary item. Duration is specific to the shadow of its creation. 3 hours is the average duration, with a variation of ABOUT an order of magnitude. (18 minutes to 30 hours, depending on the shadow)
Double time to create an item that will remain stable across shadow, independent of the conjuror. These items are effectively permanent unless dispelled or damaged by a great power (Pattern, Logrus, perhaps others).

Spells of Conjuration:
Conjuration time plus Twenty minutes plus options to hang, maintenance as normal. All Normal Conjurations are DIRECT spells. An INDIRECT conjuration is theoretically possible, but you know of no one who has done one. If a Conjuration Target is not specified, the object may show up in an ...inconvenient place.
NOTE: You can NOT 'on the fly' cast a conjuration spell for speed. That would just be Conjuring the item.
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What is it:

Compelling is NOT an adjunct to Conjuration.
Compelling IS a specialization of Sorcery. Specifically, it is sorcery involving psychic energy. ANY Compelling (other than an attack) requires a continuing spell to affect its target.
A Compelling may be cast directly at a target, or placed on an item or area, to take effect under conditions as set by the caster (first person to put on the ring... third redhead to pass through this hallway intersection... etc.)
Compellings require twice the base time of sorcery to hang or cast. They are considered to be DIRECT spells, unless you manage to find some source of psychic energy to use in an indirect fashion.

The Four Types:
Attack: the ability to use Sorcery/Compelling to make a psychic link to a target, initiating a psychic conflict. The subject is aware of the Compelling.
Probe: A mind-ream, or search for information. The subject is aware of the Compelling.
Influence: This is the Compelling written of (more or less) in ShadowKnight. The passive or secretive ability to place some sort of Geas or control on the actions of another. The subject is NOT intuitively aware of the Compelling, but a high-psyche subject, or a suggestion too far removed from the normal views of a subject, may cause awareness of the situation.
Remote: The ability to place a compelling in an area, or on an item. This allows a WIDE variety of effects, from alarms to traps.

Differences from Standard Sorcery:
In the inactive state, a Compelling requires only 1/5th the maintenance suggested by its casting time. An ACTIVE Compelling's maintenance is determined largely by the relative Psyche of the caster and target. Given equal ratings, Maintenance of an active Compelling will require 5 times the maintenance a similar sorcery spell would. Other effects that adversely affect magic will weaken Compellings, requiring extra maintenance (crossing shadows, magic drains, walking a pattern). Maintaining a compelling does NOT require the presence of the target or trigger item, it can be done remotely.
WARNING: A compelling, active or otherwise, can be traced to its caster once detected.

Background History of the Campaign
Characters of the Campaign
Character Creation and Limitations
Partial Powers System for the Game
Magic System for the Game

This page last updated: 21 February, 2001
Last Changes: Explanations expanded and added for all powers.

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