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Heroes of Fightin' Magic


Jonathan, age 17, son of Bleys. (Brad Foreman)
5'2, slim and pale. Short black hair and Green eyes.
A Sorceror/Conjuror. Quick-witted, he often comes up with unconventional solutions to problems.

Nikkie, age 20, daughter of Corwin. (Krishna Stolpin)
Tall and lean, with Long Brown hair and dark eyes.
Nikkie is perhaps the most well-rounded of your generation. Believed to be the only child of Amber to have actually WALKED a pattern. Favorite weapon/toy: Whip.

Jade, age 24, daughter of Caine. (Jeanie Saville)
6 feet tall, with Black hair and green eyes. Often found in colors not quite reminiscent of her father: Green, Crimson, and White.
Jade is (to misquote E.R.Burroughs) 'A clean-limbed fighting woman'. She cuts a fierce swath through her foes with Rapier and Main-Gauche, both gifts from Benedict himself.

Aleister, age 24, son of Florimel. (David Blackwell)
5'8 and wiry of build, this son of Florimel takes more after his father (presumably) in appearance, with a dark tan, sandy blond hair, and light brown eyes. With his mother's fashion sense, however, he wears Brown and Gold, in an effort to remain coordinated.
Aleister is no slouch on the field of battle, yet also manages to be a more than merely competent Sorceror/Conjuror. It leads one to wonder what the others are hiding, that he can display such skill in a variety of fields.

Cecil, age 25, son of Llewella. (Patrick Franklin)
5'10, with reddish blonde hair, Cecil's only notable feature from his mother is his eyes, a penetrating aquamarine that seem to cut though whatever he looks at. His appearance and demeanor, in all other things, reminds one far more of Benedict himself, than his mother.
Cecil, perhaps, takes the mission you were raised for more seriously than any other. He has given his utmost efforts, over time, seeking to 'out-Benedict Benedict'. He never laughs, and rarely smiles. He also happens to be the deadliest thing on two legs in combat any of you have ever seen, save only Benedict himself.

Roland, age 26, son of Dierdre. (James Stolpin)
Black hair and brown eyes adorn this, the shortest (save Jonathan) of the family. At 5'7", his lack of height serves only to accentuate the breadth of his shoulders and chest.
A Sorceror/Conjuror, Roland is most noted for his choice of weapon: not a sword, but a warhammer, which he wields with a speed and grace possible only to one of his great strength.

Azraphel, age 32, son of Fiona. (Jeremy Stock)
6 feet in height, and asian of complexion, Azraphel is a study in contrasts, just like his mother. He has black hair and eyes, and almost universally wears a long black robe of 'asian' design.
Azraphel is generally acknowledged to be the most proficient Sorceror of your generation.

Atone, age unknown, son of Delwin. (Chris Salzer)
5'10", well-built, brown hair and eyes... Atone blends easily into the crowd. And seems to like it that way...
Atone was not raised with the rest of you, but encountered you on your journey. Providing bona-fides from Benedict himself, he joined you, revealing some ability with both Sorcery and Conjuration, but also a skill at Trump, a power that none of you were very familiar with prior to his advent.

Background History of the Campaign
Characters of the Campaign
Character Creation and Limitations
Partial Powers System for the Game
Magic System for the Game

This page last updated: 6 March, 2001
Last Update: Finished with full contact information for all players.

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