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Heroes of Fightin' Magic

Character Creation Limitations

First: There WILL be an auction, based on 120 points, held at the start of the first game slot.

Second: To add some mystery to the proceedings, however... One "wish list" advancement will be held IMMEDIATELY following character creation, PRIOR to the start of play.

Third: No Logrus. No Implants. No Constructs. No item powers beyond 4-point level. No EXALTED Powers. No Jewel of Judement Imprints.

Fourth: Pattern is permissible. BE WARNED NOW---Pattern will be SEVERELY LIMITED during this game... That's part of the problem, of course.

Fifth: Power Words Okay.(consult with GM about custom words)

Sixth: A Partial Power system WILL be in effect. Notes on Pattern, Shapeshift, and Trump given on the "Partial Powers" link from the main page. No more that 45 points may be placed into Shapeshift.

Seventh: Sorcery, Conjuration, and High Compelling---see the Magic System page.

Eighth: You will all be of Amber. No Chaosian Halfbreeds, No Shadowdwellers.

Ninth: You were all born AFTER the conclusion of "The Patternfall War". You are all GRANDCHILDREN of Oberon. You each have ONE Amber Parent. You WILL know (or THINK you know) their identity. It should be noted, however, that you have no close connection with your parent (see the history page).

Background History of the Campaign
Characters of the Campaign
Character Creation and Limitations
Partial Powers System for the Game
Magic System for the Game

This page last updated: 8 February, 2001

Mail the GM/webmaster