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Massage Therapy
by Ivan and Elizabeth

We are located in
Woodstock, Georgia

What To Expect
During Your
Massage Session

Types of
Massage Therapy

Hours, Pricing
and Contacts

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The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Physical Benefits

• Helps relieve stress and aids relaxation
• Reduces blood pressure
• Increases metabolism
• Reduces muscle spasms
• Improves posture
• Enhances athletic performance
• Strengthens the immune system
• Promotes deeper and easier breathing
• Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness
• Promotes faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments; reduces pain and swelling; reduces formation of excessive scar tissue
• Provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion
• Improves circulation of blood and movement of lymph fluids
• Helps relieve tension-related headaches and effects of eye-strain
• Enhances the health and nourishment of skin

Medical benefits

People find that therapeutic massage can help with a wide range of medical conditions, including:

• Allergies
• Anxiety and stress
• Arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)
• Asthma and bronchitis
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Chronic and temporary pain
• Circulatory problems
• Depression
• Headache, especially when due to muscle tension
• Insomnia
• Reduced range of motion
• Sinusitis
• Sports injuries, including pulled or strained muscles and sprained ligaments
• Digestive disorders, including spastic colon, constipation and diahhrea

Mental benefits

• Fosters peace of mind
• Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness
• Helps relieve mental stress
• Improves ability to monitor stress signals and respond appropriately
• Enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity
• Satisfies needs for caring - nurturing touch
• Fosters a feeling of well-being
• Reduces levels of anxiety
• Increases awareness of mind-body connection

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