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Neutrino Mass Evidence - Student Project
Phys4410 Intro. to Nuclear and Particle Physics

[Neutrinos]   [History about Neutrinos]   [Experimental vs Theoretical]   [Reference]


BNL - Brookhaven National Laboratory
CERN - The European Laboratory for Particle Physics
DONUT - Direct Observation of NU Tau
GALLEX - GALLium EXperiment, in Italy
IMB - Irvine Michigan Brookhaven Experiment
KamLAND - Kamioka Liquid Scintillator Anti-Neutrino Detector
LEP - Large Electron-Positron
NUSEX - The Nucleon Stability EXperiment
SAGE - The Russian-American Gallium Experiment, in Russia
SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
SLC - Stanford Linear Collider
SNO - The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Supernova 1987A

 ¤ Definition of Neutrino


has definition An electrically neutral, very weakly interacting particle, with a rest energy which is either zero or very small. The particle was predicted in 1931 as a means of reconciling the measurements of beta decays with the conservation of energy, but it was not directly detected until 1956.

has definition Chargeless species of particle, subject only to the weak force. An electrically neutral, massless particle of spin-1/2, which interacts only by the weak force and gravity. It was first postulated by Pauli in 1930 to ensure conservation of energy and angular momentum in nuclear â decay. Three different types of neutrinos are known to exist corresponding to the three massive leptons: νe, νμ and ντ.

has definition A fundamental elementary particle with no electric charge and very small if any rest mass. Believed to be exceedingly abundant in the universe. The neutrino has a very low cross-section for interaction with matter and is almost impossible to detect, hence the uncertainty over its rest mass. The Sun produces neutrinos from thermonuclear reactions in its core, and a large flux of neutrinos carries away most of the energy, of a supernova. Neutrinos are one candidate for Dark Matter. Experiments to detect cosmic neutrinos involve large masses of "stopping" material and indirect detection of the effects of neutrino absorption.

 ¤ Brief History about Neutrinos

Book Title: Neutrinos
Editor: H. V. Klapdor
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
GSU Pullen Library Book CODE: QC 793.5.N42N49 1988

Book Title: Physics of Massive Neutrinos
Editor: Felix Boehm & Petr Vogel
Publisher: Cambridge
GSU Pullen Library Book CODE: QC 793.5.N422B64 1992

Book Title: Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics
Editor: Chung Wook Kim & Aihud Pevsner
Publisher: harwood academic publishers
GSU Pullen Library Book CODE: QC 793.5.N42K55 1993

Online Reference:
A Neutrino Timeline
History of Neutrinos (Columbia)
What's a Neutrino?
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1988
The Nobel Prize in Physics

 ¤ Neutrino Mass Evidence:
Experimental vs Theoretical

  • Neutrino Properties - Theoretical

→ Neutrino and the Standard by B. R. Holstein
→ Mass Matrix for Atmospheric, Solar, and LSND Neutrinos by S. P. Rosen
→ What is Coherent in Neutrino Oscillations - the Analog with a Two-slit Experiment by H. J. Lipkin

  • Neutrino Properties - Experimental

→ Atmospheric Neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande by H. Sobel
→ A Review of Neutrino Oscillation Search at Accelerators by S. R. Mishra

Book Title: Proceedings of the Carolina Symposium on Neutrino Physics
(Its Impact on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology)
Editors: J. Bahcall, W. Haxton, K. Kubodera & C. Poole
Publisher: World Scientific
GSU Pullen Library Book CODE: QC793.5.N422C37 2000

[Neutrinos]   [History about Neutrinos]   [Experimental vs Theoretical]   [Reference]

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