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Harmony Week 2005



Saturday, March 5, 2005

Saturday's event will coincide with CLU's Service Day. Students can volunteer to participate with the GSA to perform community service. The location of this event is to be decided. Sign-ups for service day will be held in the Student Union Building.

Please check back at a future date.


"If they don't want me to get 'married,' if that's bugging 'them' -- fine. But I do believe that as an American citizen, a law-abiding, taxpaying -- major taxpaying -- citizen, that I should be allowed the same rights, the same pursuit of happiness that every other citizen enjoys. ... Whatever they want to call it. As long as we have the same legal benefits and protections for me, and for my family. That's all."

--Lesbian rocker Melissa Etheridge to Newsweek.


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