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This page will be constantly going through updates. Final Fantasy 2 will not be up untill I can get some more resources on it. There is a short walkthrough but nothing else right now. Not so much the content aspect of it but more so the visual appearance (there will content added of course just not as much as visual). Its just I am at work hand coding this site out of boredom and intrest and am limited to using paint as an imaging editor/maker. When I manage to find the time at home I will be making it more apealing to the eye. But all the information is valid and can very much help you. And if you do notice something missing on the site contact me by clicking the link and emailing me the material and I will gladly give you credit for it.
Thank You "The Damned"

- Home
- Contact Me
- Credits
- Final Fantasy Origins
- Final Fantasy Chronicles
- Final Fantasy Anthology
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Fan Art
- Rumors
- SqaureSoft