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05-27-04 - Alright, all kidding aside, no BS or anything, the CD is finally going to be released. We will be selling the newly finished hindsight album "Sink Like The Sun" at our show on the 12th. Check the shows page for details and directions. The CD's will be on sale for $5.00, and includes three new Hindsight songs that we have never performed (but will be at the show). We would like to thank everybody that has stuck by us and waited very, very patiently over the last 4 or 5 months for this album to be completed, and we promise that you will not be disappointed with the results. Thanks to everyone for their continued support, and we hope that you will come out to Suwannee to see us play and pick up a copy of our CD. We hope to see everybody there. Until then keep rawking!!!

04-15-04 - You may have noticed that all of the links to our music have disappeared. This is due to the lack of server space that we are allowed to use, but never fear!!! I have found a new site to host our music on called I will post finished songs on it so you guys can hear what everything on the album will sound like before you decide to buy it, and I will still continue to put clips of other songs on this site as they get finished. The link to pure volume is right above this update (conveniently labeled and there will also be a link to it under the music section of the page. That's it for now, we are trying to get some shows together, and we will let everyone know details as we figure them out ourselves. As always, thanks for visiting, and please continue to leave us feedback about the music on our message board. Just keep Rawking!!!!

03-05-04 - Ladies and gents the album is nearly finished. We still have to record the drum tracks for 5 of the 6 songs to appear on our demo, but besides that all of the songs are arranged and ready to go. We have already finished up work on the CD booklet, we have a title for the album, and plans for its distribution once we get it complete. If things go according to plan, we should have recording and mixing done by the end of March, and we may even have the album finished and ready to go by late march or very early April. Until then I will continue to post clips and full versions of the songs as they will appear on the album, so keep checking back for new music. We don't have any shows planned at the moment, but we may have something much bigger than all three of us ever expected in the works. I will elaborate on that vague comment once more details are available. Until then, enjoy the new stuff, and keep on Rawking!!!!

02-08-04 - Thanks to everyone that came to see us at KSU on the 21st. For those who weren't there, we had to play an acoustic set because Brandon couldn't make it. It was a little nerve wracking for Sam and I, but we really enjoyed playing acoustic. It was really weird for me having to play second guitar for everything, but it still came out really well. Sam proved that he can solo like a mad man on acoustic or electric, he got a lot of cheers after every solo. To everyone that was there, we really appreciate you bearing with us and helping us make the acoustic environment work. It really meant a lot to us that everyone was so receptive to the songs in that format, and Sam and I both had a great time. We will be playing some more shows as soon as we can get them booked, and the CD will be complete as soon as humanly possible. Keep checking for updates, and we hope to here more feedback on the recordings. Till then, keep on Rawking!!!!!!!

01-18-04 - The show on the 21st has been confirmed. It will take place at seven p.m. at town hall in University Place at Kennesaw State University. We will be playing with three other bands including Any Given Moment, and Colombia recording Artists Start Trouble. We Will be playing second and we expect to go on around 7:30 or 8:00, so make sure to get there when it starts at seven. If you need directions to KSU and University place, check the shows page and they will be listed for you. We hope to see some familiar faces as well as some new ones at this show. So come out and show your support this Wednesday, and we promise to make it worth the trip. And yes this show is going to be inside, so no more freezing asses or bleeding fingers. Till then, Rawk on!!!!!

01-12-04 - A huge thanks to everybody that came out to see us at Pie works over the Christmas break. I know it was freezing cold (my fingers were bleeding after the first song, so trust me I understand), and I want all of you loyal friends and fans to know that it means the world to us that you braved the weather to see us play. Sam and I have finished up our recording sessions and the mixes are sounding incredible We still have to record the drums for everything, as well as mixing and so forth, but we hope our album will be ready by the end of January. I will be posting some clips from our recordings in just a few days, so be sure to check them out and let us know what you think. We are currently trying to plan shows, and we may be playing on the 21st at Kennesaw State, so check back for conformation and more information. I guess that is about it for now, so we hope you guys enjoyed the show and we would love to see you at the next one. I have also posted Sam's bio and some more pictures for you guys to look at. I hope you enjoy all the new stuff, and as always, Keep on Rawking!!!!

12-08-03 - Thanks to all that have listened to the Passerby clip and given their feedback. We have gotten a great response to the song, and we hope to perform it at our next show. We will be playing at Pie Works again on December 19th, so make sure to check out the show page for more details. Pictures of the last Pie Works show are now posted in the media section of the site. We had a great show last time and we hope that everyone will come out and help make this one even better.  We are still working on recording the songs for our first album, and hopefully it will be finished and available by early January. We have posted two more sound clips from these recordings, and we would love to hear what you guys think about them. Leave your comments about the songs on the message board, or just email Adam at Thanks for visiting and we hope to see you at Pie Works on the 19th. Keep Rawking!!!!!!!!!!

9-29-03 - Many thanks to everyone that came out to see us play at pie works in September. We will be playing the Pie works restaurant again very soon so please check the show listings frequently. I am proud to announce that Hindsight is back in full force with its original lineup intact, and we don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. We are currently trying to setup shows on or around the Kennesaw State University campus, as well as the North Georgia College campus. Listings for any future shows will be posted at least two weeks before each performance. We have also uploaded two of our songs on You can use the link provided under the media section of this site to download them. They are two recordings from our live demo that we plan on distributing at future shows. We also plan on starting work on our first fully produced release starting next month. We will keep you updated as work progresses. Thanks to everybody for being patient, and we hope to see you at the next show. Any questions, comments, etc. can either be sent to Adam at, or left on the message board. Thanks all and Rawk on!!!!

7-22-03 - Due to preparations for college and other assorted activities, Hindsight is on a temporary Hiatus until
                  we can work out a consistent practice schedule. Sam and I (Adam) have been practicing and writing new
                  songs, so it wont be long until we are up and running again. Thank you all for visiting, and thanks to
                  everybody that came out to see us play on May 31st.Some tracks from that performance should be available for 
                  download in the media section very soon, and the cd from it will be available for sale at the beginning of August. 
                  Thanks for sticking with us and keep rawking!!!!

4.19.03 - Welcome to the Home of Hindsight, The only rock band from Suwannee Georgia!!! Our website is still under
                construction so please bear with us, I promise it will look much better soon. As for news, We are planning
                on cutting the majority of the tracks for our first demo this Sunday and we hope to have it to all of you guys
                in about two weeks. Thanks for visiting and be sure to sign the guest book or leave any thoughts or suggestions
                on the message board. Thanks and Rawk on!!