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Every week day, Monday through Friday, we here in the Office of Personnel Services and Staff Development respond to the requests of Public Service Commission employees who visit, call, write or fax us for assistance.  We dip into our toolbox of forms, facts, tips and tricks to give PSC employees the latest information.  We also facilitate and deliver learning opportunities designed to add value to the employee and to the Commission.  (Check out our newest offering--web-based learning--by clicking on the How to... button.)

With this web site we are pleased to announce that the Office of Personnel Services and Staff Development is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Come on in, browse around, and let us know what you think.  If you don't find what you need, let us know.  We will be adding new information on a regular basis and we appreciate any suggestions toward making this site more useful to you.

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